Date men from United States / Alaska / Craig, 25 year old

Date a boy from Craig, United States. The name is Jordan and I've lived in Craig my whole life. I'm laid back and easy going as know how to make people laugh and lighten the mood. As far as hobbies go anything outdoors like camping, fishing, hunting, hiking, etc is my cup of tea. My shedule is kinda hectic since I work long hours in the oilfield so I like to make the best of my free time.About my ideal girl, she definitely needs to have a sense of humor and appreciate the simple things in life. Don't bring drama to me or baggage from a prior relationship as I believe a relationship should come easily and naturally so if forcing things to happen is your style then keep lookin.

Meet a soulmate from Craig, United States. wow they want you to say alot about yourself. I dont take things that serious latelly in my life, I am learning new ways to deal with stress. I Love Life! and i just want to meet diferent people then who i have been meeting in this little town im in.

Date single boy from Craig, United States. Well here it is I guess:
So I grew up in the very northwest corner of Nebraska and like going back for a while to see friends and family all over the state but have been moving around for a couple years trying to improve for my career and am hopeful that my moving slows down in the near future. Just accepted a job in northern CO and am stoked to be moving back to that area soon. My job is very intense for six months out of the year and then I pretty much have six months off so it works out well to spend good times with friends in the off season. Would say I am very dedicated and passionate toward the things I enjoy and therefore push myself to become better in those aspects. Enjoy hanging out with good people and amazing friends whether that be relaxing and having some drinks or doing something active and new. Most happy when I am in mountains fishing or hiking and biking where everything is quiet and peaceful so I can enjoy and soak it all in.
Looking for someone who is good natured and social and likes to do some traveling and maybe challenge me to try some new things. She must be a driven person and succeed in what life may throw out there as well as confident and be able to relax and let good times happen.