Date women from United States / Alaska / Anchorage, 45 year old - page 3

Date someone special from Anchorage, United States. I am separated and learning to explore new opportunities, like internet dating. I believe in having fun, both indoors and out, with my three children and dog. I am looking for someone with integrity, honesty, and humor.

Meet a soulmate from Anchorage, United States. I like to enjoy life. Having fun, laughing, and enjoying time with my friends and family are important to me.
At the same time I have a serious side, and believe in taking care of things, not letting things slide, and not having drama or craziness in my life.
I am at a point in my life where I know who I am, and the type of person want to have as a partner, and to enjoy every minute of it. To take the bad with the good, the joys with the pain, and to work towards happiness and fulfillment in all that I do.
I am a simple person, with simple pleasures. A walk in the woods, or a fish on my line; and good conversation with the person next to me is what makes me happy.
As you can see from my profile I am currently separated. I have been married 22 years, and things are amacable between us, so no drama is coming with me, be assured. I am here actually just out of curiousity. Our marriage as been over for many years now, and we basically just raise our son together. Now that he is 18, I feel I can move on without bringing a bunch of baggage with me. So just curious is the best description of me. I am someone who is just curious since i have been out of the dating scene for so long. Just looking for some company and some good conversation. Someone to have fun with, relax with, do things with and just enjoy eachothers company.

Date a woman from Anchorage, United States. I am a fun loving, nurturing, independent, funny, adventurous, compassionate and passionate woman who is looking to meet a special guy with whom to enjoy life. I have a great outlook and try to always live in the moment and approach each day from a perspective of love and appreciation. Enthusiasm is the key to success and happiness!
I am looking for a man who values respect, positive thinking, intellect, laughter and love for the little things in life. An appreciation of the beauty of nature, joy of learning, and art of conversation are important to me. Being grounded and sure of who he is and what he wants in life is desirable, although a work in progress is good too! Hopefully we all are working toward a better self each day as we evolve and enjoy this journey!
Being active, enjoying a variety of cultural experiences, traveling within Alaska and afar, and savoring great food and fine wine are all things I would like to enjoy with someone. Fly-fishing an early morning river with the sun glistening atop the water, camping with the daily catch on an open fire for dinner, hiking a new mountain trail in anticipation of the view that awaits on the other side, riding bikes, rain or shine, while taking in the scenery, smells, and wildlife, kayaking and being one with the water, hot tubbing with the snowflakes tickling our faces and shoulders and sitting by a winter fire enjoying reading in silent company or good music are all things I desire to share with a special guy. I love to try new things, expand my horizons physically and intellectually, and deeply enjoy every aspect of each experience.
I have been dating for about two years now, and believe I have come to realize that I am looking for a true friendship that developes into a romantic relationship if we are the right fit. One can never have enough friends, and you never know when that spark will ignite. I would love to find someone to enjoy the outdoors, laugh, travel, explore, fish, connect with on a deep level, enjoy the arts with, etc. and take the physical side slowly. I look very forward to the fireworks, but know that without the foundation built from the ground up, they fizzle as quickly as a sparkler on the Fourth of July. What I am trying to say is, I am looking to meet a man who wants to enjoy all aspects of life, but that is willing to invest the time into developing intimacy on an emotional level before juumping in with both feet, otherwise just being activity buddies works too!
Are you ready to start enjoying life to the fullest on a whole new level? Join me!

Meet someone special from Alaska, United States. Not expecting anything wonderful in a man...just something real. To be or not to be...Who asked...
Hard headed, fun loving, cool, calm and collected , even in the worst of times. Love red meat, fruits and vegetables !

Date a soulmate from Alaska, United States. Looking for a gentleman who can make me laugh. Must be sincere and affectionate. I am looking to settle down with a teddy bear of a guy. I am sweet and sassy all in one. Seeking someone who is easy going, honest and not into one night stands. My ideal guy is a Christian, attends church and a true gentleman.