Date women from United States / Alaska / Anchorage, 26 year old - page 5

Date single girl from United States. well where to start...
I would like to think of my self as a witty, fun, semi crazy(the good crazy lol) practical individual. I am pretty easy going, I'm more concerned about the company I have then what and where we will be. Im definitly a home body, I do enjoy the occasional going out but am not a crazy partier.
As a girl and like most I have my flaws, there is that lip gloss thing and emotion thing that lots of us have in for the most part I try to keep those issues under control. But as most guys know we have our moments. haha
I am more or less looking to find someone to date and get to know in hopes of finding companionship. What do I mean by companionship? I mean the kind of healthy friendships that grow into relationships of trust and love and giving and caring on both ends.
I wont list a certain criteria that Im looking for because its unrealistic and I believe its a give and take world you just cant have it all.

Meet a girl from United States. Im bubbly and sweet.. everyone tells me that. I'm just starting to like the outdoors. I'm always willing to try something once. I want someone that can take care of themself (independent), fun, kind, and a sense of humor is a must.

Date someone special from United States. I was born in Georgia and lived there until I was 6 years old. The military brought my family up to Alaska and that's where I have stayed. I try and keep a positive outlook on life and surround myself with positive people. I love playing and watching sports. I love getting outdoors and doing stuff. I love camping and things like that. l I can pretty much turn any situation into something fun. I'm some what of a tom boy but can be very girly too. I'm in the Army Reserves as a Heavy Equipment and I work an Administrative job for my full time work. My friends always say that I'm the one that can walk into a room and start any conversation. I guess I'm a social butterfly you could say. I am all about my family and love how close we all are. I would like to find that same quality in someone else. I eventually want to have a family and raise them to be as close as I am with mine when the right person comes along. Some things that attract me to someone is having a sense of humor. Manners and respect goes a long way with me. I would love to find somebody that likes to go out and have fun but can also have just as much fun staying home and making dinner with me and watching a movie.

Meet a soulmate from United States. Laid back, funny, girly girl, Godly, friendly, kind, loving..... Looking for a friend not a husband. I like movies and fun exciting thingz. I need outgoing interesting people in my life. No drama and no broke guys. I can take care of mine and I'm too busy to try and play games. I believe that Jesus died for my sins and love church. I just moved here from TX and I miss being warm. But AK is my home for now. I'm a little quiet when I first meet people but then I warm up to be my silly, funny and loud self. I'm taking classes on line and working full-time so I'm pretty busy. But I got on here to meet new people. I'm not into quick sparks. I like to take my time..But if ur interested send me a wink or a e-mail and if I'm interested I will reply. Be Blessed

Date single girl from Anchorage, United States. I am outgoing and dedicated to my profession, I am looking for someone who is the same way. I enjoy traveling but I also love having a quiet night at home. I want to meet someone who has similar interests, someone I can hold a meaningful conversation with. Money is not the most important thing to me, if it were I would have chosen a different carrier. I love having the summers off to travel and just relax. I would rather be somewhere cold than hot, but it is nice to go to the beach on a sunny day and watch the waves.
I enjoy driving. It is something that relaxes me after a stressful day. I love going to sporting events, it doesn't matter if it is peewee league or major league. I love rooting players on.
Family is very important to me. We eat around the table every night together. Holidays are a time for family, and most of mine comes to my house.
I will be moving back to Anchorage in February.

Meet a girl from Anchorage, United States. i am half eskimo, i am going thru a divorce, i have 2 kids who i love very much, i enjoy a lot of stuff(cooking,stay at home n watch movies n cuddle, going out to eat once n a while, have not been to a bar yet, i drink once in a while etc) love to learn things i never knew, my family means a lot to me

Date someone special from Anchorage, United States. I am very active and outdoorsy and want to be spending time with people that can either keep up or hopefully push me further. That being said I can be just as satisfied reading a book or working through the movies on my netflix queue.
Like 90% of the people here, I am looking for someone that is well balanced: smart, funny, has a personality, not crazy, likes going out, enjoys a relaxing night in. I guess the added traits that are a necessity are passion and the ability to tolerate dog hair and sarcasm.

Meet a soulmate from Anchorage, United States. Strong and Opinionated individual,Great Listener.
I can be mean if I want to be, but deep down Imma chill and laid back person.
I am looking for a nice yet have a bad side kind of guy. I want him to be strong both physically and mentally. A romantic would be a must...hey what girl wouldnt want that?!?!