Date women from United States / Arkansas / Searcy, 57 year old

Date a soulmate from Arkansas, United States. Want a friend who makes me laugh. Want someone to show me around the area, someone who enjoys a simple, humble lifestyle. I am a very friendly, social person with very good morals and would like to find the same in a friend.

Meet a woman from Arkansas, United States. My oldest granddaughter when she was in kintergarden kept getting into trouble for kissing the boys. Her teacher talked to her, her father talked to her, and her mother talked to her. After getting in trouble again for kissing a boy she blurted out, " If I can't kiss the boys then how am I ever going to find my prince?". I hope I don't have to kiss a bunch of frogs...I mean boys to find my prince...
Just wanted to add this statement. I am looking for a friend first someone I connect with to have fun with. I am not just looking for a husband. Let's take it slow and see what happens.
Marriage may not be in the picture.
Hi guys!!! I love to laugh and I have a good sense of humor. I'm looking for someone who can make me laugh. I enjoy doing things around the house decorating and being creative. I attend church every Sunday and Wed. Night, and I am very involved. I'm not religious, just in love with Jesus. I'm not looking for the man of my dreams, just the man God has dreamed for me. I'm easy going and take most things in stride. You can take me to a concert, horse back riding, mountain climbing, amusement park, or take me for a ride in the car and just see where the road takes us.I am not high maintenance and I don't do drama. Im old fashion in that I believe the man should persue the woman. If I'm interested you will know it! I'm very affectionate and love to touch and be touched. I am very loyal and instead of running when things get tough, I will hunker down and fight right along side you. I'm a romantic and I have a big heart. I want to make you feel loved, wanted, and cherished. I want to look at you from across the room and know what you are thinking, I want you to take my hand and have my hand feel like it was made for yours, I want to light up when you walk into the room, I want to feel sensual and wanted. This is not fairy tale stuff. I had this and I want it again. I want to fall in love!!! I'm comfortable in jeans and I love to look elegant....There is so much more I could say, but I'll save it for when we talk.

Date someone special from Arkansas, United States. Caring, kind and compassionate lover of life. Easy going, energetic, non-demanding. Will give attention, affection, and respect. Life changes dramatically when romance comes into our lives. The whole world was made for romance--the rivers and the glens, the meadows and beaches.. We have so many rich treasures to discover. Shall we try... together?

Meet a soulmate from United States. The people closest to me would describe me as a warm, compassionate, friendly, kind, and loyal. I am looking for someone who is interested in a close relationship with one woman. I need someone who has a great sense of humor because i find that will get you through just about anything, life is too short to be so serious all the time. I love to laugh and enjoy visiting with family and friends

Date a woman from United States. I am easy going,,have a big heart,,,great sense of the outdoors,campfires,,,experence new things,,,spur of the moments trip,a good movie,,,or sitting by the fire and cuddling,,,i want to meet someone that likes all of this and more,,,,that wants and needs a very best friend.....