Date women from United States / Arkansas / Pine Bluff, 34 year old

Date a soulmate from Arkansas, United States. i suppose it has come down to using this to find that "special" person. I am not even sure it really works, you know?! :)
I am a shy person at first but my friends tell me I am a kind hearted person with a great sense of hurmor. I am witty, I suppose that's the best thing to say.
I enjoy a good laugh and can be a good listener. What else can I say,I enjoy going out and having fun or even learning something new.
I am looking for a guy who can make me laugh and keep me smiling, he has to have good character, personality,and be family oriented.
I forgot be intelligent as well, that's a plus.

Meet someone special from Arkansas, United States. I am a shy but loving person. I love going out but also like staying in. I enjoy hanging around my child and family. I love laughing and going to different places. I love the movies and music. I love animals.

Date a woman from Arkansas, United States. My friends would describe me as fun, sweet, and hard-working. My family and children make me smile. I am proud of my accomplishment of raising my 2 boys. I am grateful for getting a house, rasing my boys, getting a job, and a car on my own. I am grateful for everything i has because of God. I want to attract a smart, handsome, funny, fun, and hard-working man who doesnt mind my having kids. My social life is like a 5 or 6 on a scale 1-10. In a relationship it is goood for this man to be in church, no kids preferred but its ok, and has a job and car or in the process. I am passionate about my life.

Meet a soulmate from Pine Bluff, United States. Ok, here goes: I love to be outside doing just about anything, I am very friendly and I can get along with anyone, as long as they want to get along with me. I love to laugh, work in the yard, travel, be in good company, and if I see an opportunity to crack a joke, I will. Also, I'm easy going and don't like to let little things bother me. Oh, I am an honest person and I'm not shy about telling a person how I feel, as long as it doesn't hurt another person.
I'm in my first semester of college and I also work so I haven't too many opportunities to meet many friends. So, I am interested in finding someone to do things with and be my friend, and if anything develops from that then I have no objections to letting nature take it's
I'm really looking for a guy who is easy-going also, and who loves laughing. If a person doesn't laugh much, they would probably be annoyed by me because I tend to always be in a good mood and I like to play ALOT! I have found out recently that there are some really serious people out there, and that's all I will say about that.