Date women from United States / Arkansas / El Dorado, 60 year old

Date a soulmate from Arkansas, United States. I am a great Mom and Grandmother. I love spending time with family. Big holiday gatherings are wonderful. I enjoy going to the beach and to visit kids and relatives, but I also enjoy quiet time at home reading, visiting with friends or just hanging out and letting the day take me wherever I want to go.

Meet a woman from Arkansas, United States. I have a good sense of humor, enjoy nature and animals. People say I am kind-hearted and unselfish. I am a strong Christian, but I don't push religion on everyone I meet.
I am going back to college to get a Master's Degree in Social Work.I am grateful for the chance to do this at the "tender" age of 59.
I love to sing and dance around the house to Funk
music and enjoy driving around in my PT Cruiser convertible playing "Brick House" at top volume.
At this point in time, I am looking for someone just to talk to and occasionally go out.Its very lonely getting divorced after 37 years of marriage.

Date someone special from Arkansas, United States. I love my children and grandchildren. I want a partner who will be my best friend and one who enjoys big, busy, noisy holidays and quietly recuperating when the loved ones all go home. My children live all over the country and one lives in the southern hemisphere. I like to go visit in the summer. I love my church and am involved in Sunday School activities as well as Bible study groups and Wednesday night devotionals.
I am a very good-natured, giving person who wants a good-natured, giving partner. I want to be free to share opinions and feelings with each other. I value honesty and openness.

Meet a soulmate from United States. I am looking for my soul mate. Someone who will see me as an equal and we can be there for each other he and I against the world if need to be. Someone who will be loyal. My friends say I am very loyal and trustworthy.

Date a woman from United States. someone that makes me laugh,loves me tenderly,protects me from danger,can forgive and forget when either of us may do something wrong to the other,my friends think i'm fun and a little nuts,i'm proudof my accomplishments of nursing 25 years,raising 6 children,mine and others,i am grateful for having a loving man in my present but separated man. going to church,doing things with kids,spending time with that special,my partner

Meet someone special from United States. So glad spring is almost here so I can work in my flower garden. I love to bream fish. I also love to dance but haven't done that in while.
I am looking for an honest man that has a terrific sense of humor.
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