Date men from United States / Arkansas / Oakland, 45 year old

Date a soulmate from Oakland, United States. Hard to describe myself but I will give it a try. I'm nice, intelligent, musical, curious, funny and easy going. I have a great life and looking to share it with someone likeminded. I am honest and love researching anything that interests my intellect. I play guitar but I won't force you to sing or even listen to me unless you want to participate. If you want to know anything about me, all you need do is ask and I will tell you. Currently I am working as a researcher in SF Superior Court but my passions are photography, cycling and golf. I am open to new experiences except for space travel and hot air balloon riding (I tried it once and after missing some electrical wires and landing disastrously into a grape field). I don't drink but I have been known to have a glass of wine once in a while. It's not my thing but I can still enjoy myself at a bar with the right person.
I am looking to get another dog soon so if you have any suggestions on good breed with children, I would gladly consider it. I have grown my hair long 3 times in the last 7 years and donated it to the breast cancer foundation and locks for love and will probably do it again despite the fact I get treated like a tree hugging hippy when my hair is long. I have a degree in photography, but since the invention of digital cameras, most of my skills are now obsolete. Somehow ended up as a legal researcher in SF Superior Court after a 7 year stint as a SF bike messenger, a great job but it didn't pay much so I got a related job in the court system. I really enjoy being a researcher because of the gratitude I receive when I find a needle in a haystack that changes their lives. It also taught me that I will always continue learning, even though I am no longer in a classroom. I have a 4 year old son who is intelligent and charming. He is the best thing that has happened to me gives me a new perspective on life. Caring for someone more than yourself was an epiphany for me. Now I am ready for that special someone to complete the picture so we can live happily ever after....It's a fairytail but dreams do come true. I'm lucky that way, many of mine have come true. Thanks for reading and good luck in your search. We all deserve that special someone in our lives. =)

Meet a man from Oakland, United States. Just the kind of a guy that would be your lifetime partner.
I just only want one person to like to have fun with me going anyplace , anywhere, anytime.
Do you want to be lonely forever and to not give up on love. I feel the same way too.
I am not looking forward of growing old. I had a good life.

Date someone special from Oakland, United States. Well,time to start taking this dating thing serious. I hate writing this thing. I am just not the type that can be described accurately on these name is Gary ..lived in Oakland most of my life...Raider season ticket holder...thats probably my only vice is the football ..stopped smoking. I don't know what I really want in a women right now.Cute and honest,how about that..I don't like a girl thats always at a club. I worked as a bouncer/security/DJ at a club downtown and you would think I could have had my choice of any right? wrong. Stayed quite celibate working there as I was in a long distance relationship.Club women are NOT the business. i know she is on here (Match) somewhere...getting tired of hearing of how nice a guy I am...I have a job (blue collar) and a car...hayyyy..ahahaha...i would love to start a date by going to a beach and listening to a downtempo/house/chill music games...maybe a drink or two..and i must stress that i can handle my alcohol and won't get all weird on you...I let my hair grow out (like the Dude on Big Lebowski almost) ..never done it before so its a bit different then what my profile pic is...thinking about cutting it off for some cancer charity, like donating it..I don't know...heres the bottom line, Im a good dude that has a daughter (12yrs) with absolutely no baby-mama-drama...drop me a line and lets get off Match and call each other...

Meet single man from Oakland, United States. I'm warm, good-hearted and grown up. I play jazz piano, I'm educated, I have some mechanical aptitude and I can cook too! Okay - truth: I can cook only a few things - but they're good... My most recent challenge: renovating a fixer in the Oakland Hills. Previous challenges: long stints in grad school and a move from LA to the Bay. Boston is my hometown and I have to fight cravings for lobster during the summer, but since living on the West Coast I've taken up yoga and chai lattes. My job embraces the best things about the corporate world and gives me the ability to make a real impact in people's lives - and I love it.
I appreciate a good sense of humor and am looking to meet someone who might share that trait. If you like art museums and music and having an intelligent conversation about issues that's a plus also. Maybe you have a good relationship with your parents. Perhaps you'd prefer to stay in with a bottle of wine and some take-out than go to the latest hip club. You might have kids or want to have kids someday.
A good relationship seems to be one where we can give each other space to have our own lives, but also love coming together when we do. There's a lot of listening to the other person and there's a bond that grows deeper the more we get to know each other. Trust and respect need to be part of the package as well. A spark of chemistry would be important. I guess I'm a both a romantic and a realist.

Date a soulmate from United States. I'm single, and looking for a match. When I find that special someone, it's farewell to all. I'm honest, loyal and trustworthy. I believe in having a personal relationship with the truth and I want to meet someone who can appreciate that. I like to finish the things I start. I'm a gentleman who still believes in and like to practice chivalry. I'm spontaneous, flexible, and open minded at times and I like to live in the moment. I'm ambitious and confident. I like live entertainment, The Performing Arts, Fine Art, and intimate romantic moments. I would like to meet someone who is positive, secure and has a sense of self. I'm very supportive and like to see that special someone reach their potential. So come on and make me shiver and make me tingle then set my soul on fire so we can really have some fun.

Meet a man from United States. I've been told more than once that, other than not having a gap between my teeth I look like David Letterman. Your can decide if a) it's true or not, and b) if that's a good thing or not.
So I ran with that idea and came up with a top ten list of who I'm looking for.
The list is in no particular order (in fact it's culled down from a list of 20 that I brainstormed) so don't read anything into that. If most of these sound like you, we may get on pretty well:
traditional, but not conventional (or necessarily conservative)
health and fitness are of importance;not a fitness nut, but not a sloth, either; you eat pretty healthily
have a spiritual dimension integrated into your life
independent (don?t need 24/7 attention; cool with doing your own thing at times)
contagious laugh combined with a good sense of humor
value family life (bonus- come from a great one)
prefers to read rather than watch TV
good manners, polite, classy
grateful and positive in outlook towards li
willing to challenge me, and put me in my place sometimes
open minded
very sensual
If you got 10 out of 10, then a) you should email me and b)do you want to try and go 20 for 20?
I'll send you the other characteristics I came up with.
like to wear baseball hats on occasion (kills me)
like to walk (and I mean long walks for exercise and fresh air)
play golf or tennis
like to take the occasional nap or sleep in when you can
drama queen
disrespectful of elders
take yourself too seriously
bad teeth and/or breath
tear people down or hold them back
funny- quick witted and sense of humor is always active
youthful in outlook
not afraid to be vulnerable
kind to strangers
respectful to elders
wide variety of interests
take care of myself and responsibilities
lead a healthy and active lifestyle
concerned about issues and events in the world
take pleasure in small things
I've been asked why have I never been married?
1) I haven't found the right relationship
2) I was in a (very) long term relationship that ended (I'll tell you about it after we get to know each other) that ended in the fall of 2010. I took a year to do some soul searching, understand what happened, figure out what I wanted, and get my head together. I started dating in late 2011. So here I am, ready for the next chapter.

Date someone special from United States. This is the first time I have done anything like this (online dating) so if I sound a little stiff in my decription please forgive me. I hope this helps since I am not really into spouting off about my attributes so here goes. I am an artist who originally studied commercial design but found that to constricting of my creativity so I turned to the fine arts. I've done stand up comedy so, I think I have a great sense of humor. Maybe I joke around too much but, whats the point if you can't laugh and smile. I was a sous chef while in school, I find cooking to be very relaxing.I am very passionate about the things I believe in. I am sarcastic, quick witted, compassionate, loyal, caring and would like to think quite intelligent. I am a bit of a hopeless romantic. A bit of a nerd with a smidge of hip. I am a bit of a pessimist but eternally optimistic, if that makes any sense. I believe that you cannot live life without having dreams. I am a bit shy at the onset but once I know you watch out. I
am as comfortable at a nightclub as well as being alone working on a project or reading a book. I have noticed that a lot of folks like
camping, not really my thing but I do enjoy hiking. I am more of an urban person as opposed to a nature person. When I travel I like to immerse myself into the culture instead of doing the typical tourist bit. I want to experience everything a country and/or culture has to offer. This does not mean that if I am in Paris I am not going to go to the Louvre or the Champs-Elysees, of course I'm going to those. If you would like to know more please feel free to ask.
What am I looking for? I realize this is a bit of a fantasy but here goes. I would like to meet someone who has great sense of humor (pretty important),loyal,caring,intelligent,compassionate,
happy and has at least a dream, if not dreams. Someone who has style and is not interested and following the pack. Confidence in themselves without arrogance and is not about the drama. The less drama the better. Someone who strives to be happy. Someone who isn't caught up in status and materialistic things. We do not need to be in the same field of work, I am equally turned on by the scientist or the professional woman, the teacher as well as the fellow artist. If your job makes you happy that's the main thing to me is that your job makes you happy. In the end you need to be happy as well it's not all about only my happiness. I would like someone who I can grow with and maybe become my best friend. I am not into the trophy anything, you need to be able to bring something to the relatioship, be my equal. We would be "partners" and all, right? Someone who wants to be equally happy together without sacrificing the others wants and desires purely for your own. Again, an equal partner, a dear friend and lover.
If this is you and what you find interesting or you find me to be someone you might like to get to know please feel free to contact me. If you would like a photo and/or photos, I am more than happy to send you a few. I look forward to hearing from you. Thanks for your time

Meet single man from United States. Thanks for stopping by on the Internet dating lottery that is Throw yourself out there with nothing more than a few hundred word description, a handful of pictures and an irrefutable hope that your ideal match is doing the same. My friends describe me as loyal, intelligent and funny. I know what you're thinking when you read that line. Here we go again with another generic Match profile. I'll try to do better. What is diffferent is as follows. I'm a good father of a wonderful 9 year old girl who lives with me half the time. I recently sold my interest in a restaurant that I helped create. I'm now working on my next business idea. I recently completed a 100 mile bike ride to raise funds for Leukemia which is a cause near and dear to my heart. I enjoy a wide variety of interests including but not exclusive to good food, film, music and sports. I'm an asset in the kitchen and enjoy hosting dinner/cocktail parties. Missing right now is a partner in crime to sample the amazing variety of restaurants, wonderful nightlife and scenic places that we enjoy in the Bay Area. I'm looking for someone who has a sense of humor, understands the complexities of parenthood and likes to discover new places. Simple pleasures like coffee and the paper in the morning, An ablility to laugh at yourself and especially my jokes would be a huge plus. I 'm generally sarcastic and irreverent. You appreciate such traits. If we share exercising activities such as cycling, hiking or yoga, that would be a bonus. When involved with someone, I will listen, cook for you, give you as much of my my time and self as I can. If any of the above interests or intrigues you, express some interest and I will do the same.

Date a soulmate from Arkansas, United States. Hello, lets have an adventurist date or even meet for lunch!
I was raised with family values and instilled with the importance of honesty. I am looking for a woman who knows how to appreciate me for my great qualities and is able to express it with her authenticity. I am looking for a woman who is passionate about herself which would show in her passion towards me. I am attracted to a woman who is strong and intelligent. We would share similar interests yet we would be open to exploring in other areas of difference, which would open up new possibilities for each other to learn and grow. Are you a woman who has a great smile and loves to laugh and be herself but can also be intelligent and serious? I would love to talk. Maybe we are compatible enough to have a first date. Would you like to get to know each other, maybe go to one of the bay areas fantastic parks or meet for coffee?
I want to plan weekend days with the right woman experiencing exciting adventures like ballooning, skydiving, scuba diving etc.. I want to have fun, passion, and romance! Compatibility is the key! I like walking in the parks or at our beautiful beaches in California. I also like going to our National Forests and going hiking or backpacking. I enjoy very much having a nice dinner out on the town and maybe dancing afterwards. If not, maybe after dinner coming home and streaming a romantic comedy from Netflix. There are many things that I would still like to experience in with the right woman, who would plan new and interesting ideas for us to share and explore in for dates or mini-vacations.
I would love to give a beautiful woman the opportunity get to know me and see into my life. I believe the right woman would stay and be loved!

Meet a man from Arkansas, United States. Some one who wants to enjoy life before its over, who want to hang with no strings attach. Live life for the moment, laid back and chill. and up for what ever with out a hole bunch of questions. Just enjoy life cause u only get one.

Date someone special from Arkansas, United States. No speech or particular order: I play a lot of soccer, I'm 1/2 Argentine and 1/2 "American", love my Austrailian Shepherds, am an Eagle Scout (proud of that), I make beer, need to see more movies, keep Bonsai/Cacti, play guitar (I love all music pretty much), don't know how to use my cell phone or text message, could eat eggs every meal, go to Tahoe quite a bit, flyfish, ski (not in awhile, want to start up again), am REALLY enthusiastic about meeting "THE PERSON", like holding hands, like to garden, eat hamburgers, love the Rolling Stones, am ferociously loyal to my friends/family, like to fix house stuff/hate calling someone but will, go through phases of cooking and going out, like to open doors/Chivalry stuff (that actually bugs some women, which kinda bugs me), am happy with life right now, but there's something MISSING. Good luck on the hunt- we all deserve it!

Meet single man from Arkansas, United States. fisrt and formost im a daddy and enjoy being one
im 45 mexican live and work in oakland
i live alone when the kids are not with me and they are with me more then not
im here to see whats out there for me