Date men from United States / Arkansas / Oakland, 23 year old

Date a guy from United States. if you like what you see or hear hitt me up single lookin for sexy beatiful woman im a black male with dreads with tattoos ladies if you in oakland hit me up i like all women black white asain it dont matter to me ladies get at me if you serious

Meet someone special from United States. Not to sound cliche, but I’m the type of guy who lives life to the fullest and completely believes in the phrase work hard, play harder. I love spending time outside and making the most of a sunny day. I like marching to the beat of my own drum and experiencing things most people wouldn’t dream of. My friends tell me I’m easy going and a little goofy. I prefer to call it sarcastic with a dry sense of humor—a practical joke is not lost on me. Simply, I’m always laughing and smiling. I recently have moved to the Bay Area from Texas and am excited to be in a new place.
I’m a family guy—they’re the most important people in my life. The perfect girl for me will fit right in and enjoy spending time with me and my family. She’s similar to me in the fact she loves to live life to the fullest and enjoys traveling. A girl who is comfortable in her own skin and can have a blast doing just about anything is a good match for me. She is independent, strong and able to handle my being away for work. I’m most attracted to a girl with an awesome sense of humor, intelligence and a beautiful smile. It’s downright sexy if she can change a tire and the oil in her car. If you think you want to share in the adventures and excitement of life with me send me an email, I’d love to hear from you.

Date single boy from United States. I was born and raised in Melbourne, Australia but moved to Los Angeles (626!) for High School and later to San Diego for college. Generally reserved with people I don't know but quite talkative and laid back when i'm with friends. Many say that I'm hilarious and funny but the spontaneous humor of mine stems from the many different cultures I've experienced growing-up.
I studied at UC San Diego majoring in Structural Engineering but moved up to NorCal for a job with Black and Veatch Construction/Engineering Firm in Dublin, CA. I was previously a design engineer but the lack of interaction with people made me switch over to construction management where socializing and team work is as challenging as the technical aspects of the job.
I've played and enjoyed many sports but basketball and swimming would be my favorites.
I've always been a people-person and developed that personality after being involved with the high school student body, talent shows, throwing parties in college, and working as a student manager/trainer for the dining halls at UCSD. Music's been a big thing for me since I was young, I like to sing, dance and do karaoke but wouldn't do it alone. My lifestyle now has slowed down for the most part, with my energy spent mainly on work. Wild parties and often late night outings have been overshadowed with trying new places to eat and catching up with old friends.
Never thought meeting new people would be quite the challenge after college...but looking for someone that's fun, considerate and carefree that would like to hang out, share some laughs and past stories/experiences and go from there.

Meet a soulmate from United States. I am an adventurous man who likes to travel and eat out with my woman , girlfriend, or even soon to be wife. I am also a man who puts out the time for my family and my love ones family. I like having parties and get togethers at my house and also loves to shop for clothes

Date a boy from United States. Friends describe me as funny, adventurous, spontaneous, and trustworthy.
I want someone who is not scared to be themselves around me.
I like women that are both stress free and energetic.
I love travelling and taking fun trips with friends and family. I've been lucky enough to travel all over Europe and Brazil with friends in the last year.
I recently moved to the bay area from Texas to pursue of a great career opportunity, leaving behind family and friends.

Meet a guy from Oakland, United States. A little about me...
I'm currently in college completing my business degree and work part-time. When I am not working, exercising or studying, I enjoy going to movies, spending time with friends and family, parks, theater, sporting events, comedy clubs or just relaxing at home.
I am a romantic at heart.
About the one I'm looking for...
My ideal mate is someone who is down to earth, caring, and has a good sense of humor. Someone who enjoys spending time together cooking, going to the movies, mulling over current events, spending time with family, and traveling and exploring new places.
I'd just like to add...
I am hoping to meet someone who is serious and ready to try to build a strong relationship. It is my belief that it is good to start as friends and grow from there. By the way, I'm dyslexic and have been my whole life but it hasn't stopped me from achieving my goals thus far. Please forgive any misspellings. :)
If you think we're a match I'd love to hear from you! :)

Date someone special from Oakland, United States. PERSONABLE, EASY-GOING, MOTIVATED, LAID-BACKED. I paid my way though school and I've come a long way. I've always been very confident yet humble, and this mix has awarded me many triumphs in my young life. I'm a relationship kind of guy, and I miss having a girl that I truly care about it my life. I want to get back to that.

Meet single boy from Oakland, United States. I'm a bit of a ying-yang type. In high school I was a jock/theater geek. On the outside I'm laid back, on the inside I'm very competitive. I like having deep conversations about astronomy, philosophy, and anything else that can stir an interesting convo, but at the same time im always down to have a not as classy drink-filled night on the town. I love acting and playwriting and want to make a career out of one or both of those. I think people should always follow their dreams. I never want to settle for anything in life. I think people can have the world if they want, they just need to be brave enough to reach out and grab it. Naturally in my free time I love watching movies and going to plays. I'm very active and play sports/go to the gym a lot. I also go out with friends at least once a weekend (SF, Berkeley, Walnut Creek, wherever really). I have a ton of other, totally unrelated hobbies. I like to think of myself as well rounded in that way. Some include stargazing (I have my own high powered telescope which is super fun to use), fishing (I have a fish tattoo), and playing poker in Vegas. I also enjoy camping, going to sporting events, and exploring new places. Chances are we have some hobbies that overlap. I studied Philosophy and Theater in college and loved every bit of it. Now I'm just trying to find my way in the real world. I'm excited for what lies ahead.

Date a soulmate from Oakland, United States. Funny, charming, selective, and passionate. I love my motivation which is family and close friends. I adore good people and I believe in equality. Being at peace, while walking in love builds my strength.
Oh and movies rule! Lol.

Meet a boy from Oakland, United States. I enjoy hanging out with friends, be it at a club or a house kickback or simply a nice BBQ at the park. I am looking to meet a real classy lady to spend some quality time with. We can take a nice walk together on the beach watching the beautiful ocean waves or exploring local hidden gems around the city. She must be able to hold a conversation well and understand my busy work schedule. I am very attracted to caring and loving women who are super sweet and cute in a very feminine way. Those are the ones that would normally find the key to my heart.

Date a guy from Arkansas, United States. Dont really know what to put on here. but im a very outgoing person shy at first but losen up the more you get to know me. Like anymore guy im way into sports even play during my free time my sport of
preference is soccer. I dont know what else to put if you want to know more just ask.

Meet someone special from Arkansas, United States. I am fun, easy going, and intellectually curious guy who is passionate about life and people. I am looking for someone who loves doing new and exciting things and a has a sense of wonder about the world we live in.