Date men from United States / Arkansas / Oakland, 34 year old

Date single man from Arkansas, United States. I have a few things that I'm deeply passionate about, and take very seriously. I've made music since I was a little kid. A few years ago I took up classical guitar and joined a community orchestra, but just between you me and the Internet I once toured the country as the drummer in a heavy metal band. I love to get myself good and lost in unfamiliar and/or familiar places and spend hours making photographs. I like running when my knee cooperates and like to stop to think about thinking every now and again.
Here's some other things in a bullet-list:
* Cats, in the general case, seem to like having me around and vice versa, although I am personally catless. I am good at dogs and enjoy high-fiving children. There's a famous quote about W.C. Fields which would imply that I'm a terrible guy. I'm not.
* I think that practice is important, in pretty much everything.
* I don't like tomatoes. I have a half-hearted plan to get over it.
* Coffee shops over bars (but bars with friends are good, too)
* Savory over sweet
* I don't trust anybody who has it all figured out.
Here are things I like in other people:
* Curiosity
* The sending and receiving of stupid text messages
* Honesty, honestly
* Nerds! Wield a soldering iron and I'm yours.
* Lack of a soldering iron is not a deal-breaker.

Meet a man from Arkansas, United States. I'm Attentive, respectful and thoughtful. Appreciate someone with a sense of humor and a bit self-deprecating. I would like to meet someone who wants to enjoy life to the fullest, whatever their passion might be.

Date a soulmate from Arkansas, United States. With so much to say it's hard to know where to begin. I spend a lot of time enjoying life doing what I love and raising my 4 year-old son. Not only do I love my son but I also love my job in the fire department. I like to spend time outdoors doing numerous hobbies and exercise religiously, it's what keeps me going and feeling good. If you snowboard that's a huge plus. I'm mellow, laid-back, and drama-free. I'm looking for a smart, beautiful, genuine woman that can relate to life experiences, has priorities, and her life in order. I hope that she is accomplished and has something to show for where she's at in life. Hopefully she can respect boundaries and my lifestyle.

Meet someone special from Arkansas, United States. Originally from South India (Bangalore) I spent my formative years in Boulder (CO), Portland (OR), Reno (NV), and now call the bay area my home. After pursuing ignorance in academia, I am on the same track in a more focused setting in the real world. To balance out my sedentary work, I try to be active; a few activities that I enjoy are walking, running, hiking, backpacking, and climbing. I like to explore cities but I’m definitely more home in a sleeping bag in some alpine setting. I like having some down-time. Good food, good company, meaningful interactions are shockingly welcome to me too.
Mashing together combinatorics, behavioral economics, demographic statistics along with a general skimming of profiles here suggests that it is easy to create a wish-list of partner requirements that can get quickly out of control. So, I have no specific description of what you �should’ be like to match (verb) me. Instead, I hope you’re in my age-range, have a stable outlook on your life, and that you’re kind and loving towards people you care about, and (hopefully) the same towards anonymous bipeds, in general. Sharing some of my interests is welcome but not necessary; I hope you at least like walks in beautiful places. If my fuzzy words resonated with you, let’s verify the connection in real life.

Date single man from Oakland, United States. I'm looking for a woman will hopefully share the same values as I do. I am definitely looking for someone to share my time and deepest thoughts. Nothing better than traveling with someone that you can bond with and appreciate. I hail from Virginia Beach, VA, but lived about 15 min from Washington D.C. for 3 yrs before moving to Northern California. I have been here for about 3 yrs now. I still carry a little southern drawl, as I'm told from time to time. Some people say they don't notice it though..I'll let you be the judge.
I am an only child, but learning how to share ;p j/j I am an only child though. I can be somewhat sarcastic, but in a good way. I know how to make people laugh..whew, wait until I start feeling comfortable around you. For the most part, I'm pretty laid back and chill. I like trying out new things, uhh, not all new things though. Traveling is good, different restaurants, concerts, sporting events (go Lakers!!), museums and shopping sparingly. I try not to shop for unnecessary things too much since I have a mortgage now. I am ambitious and awaiting my next challenge, WITHOUT STRUGGLE, NO PROGRESS. Ohhhh, I'm definitely not a push over, although I do know how to pick my battles. I have a Doctorate in Physical Therapy and work in home health, outpatient, and skilled nursing settings. I want to eventually get a job with the government/county for stability...not sure about ownership (not sure if I would want all the stress). I believe in cultural diversity...definitely all about Martin Luther King's dream. I grew up playing soccer and track (don't run too much anymore), I play a little tennis and love to bike any trail that is available. I finished the P90X in November, it was my marathon, but definitely had to take a break after 3 months. I plan on getting back into it.
Enough of me..I love women with: a good spirit, who are somewhat independent, and is or on their way to knowing what she wants to do in life. Not really necessary...but if you know how to cook...whew...definitely a plus with me. I like a woman who believes in taking care of herself, mentally and physically. I appreciate a woman who knows how to "step out" and dress down when necessary. Not looking for Americas Top Model; but if you are, I'm not mad at you ;p Hopefully you know a little bit about hip hop. I grew up with it and still listen to it currently; not too much cursing though. I appreciate all music genres; love jazz on my downtime or when sitting in traffic. I can't really dance with someone that is going to throw me off beat. I don't dance too much anymore (I do want to learn salsa), but when the time gotta know how to hang.

Meet a man from Oakland, United States. Me: fun loving down to earth and adventurous with a great sense of humor. Exercise regularly and enjoy great food. Appreciate the simple things in life. Ambitious and open minded
with many goals in life both professional and personal. Genuine affinity for new new ideas and information and understanding that we need each other to learn and grow and that our time here is precious
Her: similar but not identical. Ideally qualities that compliment each other

Date a soulmate from Oakland, United States. I'm Living life, loving life.
I love all parts of my life. I enjoy what i do, I do it well and thrive in the hectic, busy work environment. I love the interaction with different people, many different characters and the challenge of making it all work. I am a people person, i guess it comes easy to me.
My personal life its a little more laid back. I am blessed with a tight knit family, very little drama and a lot of love. I spend a lot of time with them, at home, dinner parties, drinks in the city, comedy clubs where ever it may be. My friends are a plenty, we hang out for dinners, drinks and go dancing.
My passions - Music - I love my 70's and 80's music and rock, Architecture - Art deco and Contemporary architecture fascinate me.
Tennis - love to play it and watch it as much as I can.
What I am looking for is to meet a great lady to share life with, somebody who enjoys their career but is looking for a partner to balance life. Somebody to share some good times with, drinks, dinner, movies, travel and to build a future with.

Meet someone special from Oakland, United States. i'm fit, i go disc golfing, ride my bicycle, i like to drink and write or play pool and smoke.
i'm nice and outgoing.
i love my kitty.
socially, i'm a natural.
i'm looking for a girl that wants to keep things simple yet, have a lot of fun with new experiences

Date single man from United States. I'm serios men don't play with my heart. I don't want to cry ja,,if you make me cry please send me some paper towells. ja, I Looking for a sensitive woman if you are any body like that it's good for me thanks. and I think is good for you to.

Meet a man from United States. My closest friends would say that I'm loyal, honest, smart, funny, and always up for an adventure.
I am looking for someone who wants friendship, companionship, and love -- the whole package. Let's hang out and see what develops.

Date a soulmate from United States. I'm new to this type of thing, to be honest it feels a little strange. I think I'm pretty normal (who doesn't i guess). I'm a little introverted maybe to the uninitiated, but quietly assertive. I'm selective to who I open up to, but I think I surprise some when I do. I'm big on being honest and up front. I believe in meeting things head on and that life's just too short to hide. I have a twisted sense of humor and I'm a bit of a motorhead, my job revolves around making motorcycles faster. I got into the motorcycle industry after getting a bike in my early 20's and becoming obsessed with riding motorcycles. Never imagined that it would lead me to Europe, the Middle East, all over the U.S and a career. I enjoy playing with my 2 dogs and driving/working on my car (it's not quite as fast as my bike but I'm working on it). Just enjoying life and interested in having fun, drinking good wine, maybe searching out a new restaurant or two and meeting someone outside of my social circle. I absolutely love my life and feel like I am in the best place I've ever been.
Fun facts about me: I'm learning to speak Italian, for my job and because I like the language. I skipped the 1st grade. My dad was a Porsche mechanic and told me if I ended up like him he would kick my a$$. (Technically I'm not a mechanic but I do often spend weekends working on my Porsche. Don't worry, he's cool with it.) I will never have a Facebook profile (I know, I'm horrible). I think the Nebbiolo grape is proof that Mother Nature loves us, and wants us to be happy. I know what iambic pentameter is. I never write down the confirmation number when I pay a bill with my credit card, but I'll let them read it off to me anyway. When I was six, my brother and I were running through the house and I knocked a wood clock off the wall and it fell on my head, cutting it in two places across my hairline and requiring stitches. When people asked what happened, my dad got a big kick out of telling people, "I had his horns removed".
I prefer meeting in person, even if just for a coffee or a dog walk, as opposed to hiding behind a computer. So if you think we may click or just want to kick it, give me a shout.

Meet someone special from United States. Either we will get along and enjoy each other's presence or we won't. We will get along if you are honest and looking to be told the truth. We won't get along if you're more into looks than the who one truly is. If you're superficial, shallow, and surface, please click the right arrow.