Date women from United States / Arkansas / Bentonville, 62 year old

Date a woman from United States. Christian,sense of humor,caring. i have grandchildren and great-grandchildren. enjoy camping,traveling, flea markets. want a man who is a Christian, enjoys life. romantic, a motorcycle would be nice. friendship, marriage. some one to share my life with. enjoy being with my grand-children and i enjoy his grandchildren. family is very important.he is to be very caring about people. a soul mate.

Meet someone special from United States. I have just returned from the beach during the winter months.
I think in two years searching for a last love, I have written three somewhat different profiles thinking that I am trying to respond to winks and mails honestly,but the rewrite just doesn't seem to communicate or attract who I am looking for.I am going to try to write again.
Before a description of who I was/am....this is who I am now.My pictures are current and dated.I really hope that a man does not post outdated photos or ones that do not offer a "real" vision.I hope that a man would not generalize about am a girl who is far from perfect but clearly state that the local gym is a regular part of my day....this is not a reference to simply looks but health as well.I think the other repeated misunderstanding is my capability and passion for travel...not just to the lake or US shores but international trips as well.I do those now...alone or with girlfriends.Financially I can travel..would never "look" for a man for money.I am not wealthy but comfortable enough to travel extensively in and out of country 3,4 times a year.I did not inherit money or take from a marriage...I have been lucky to do independent contracting outside my job of thirty eight years.I am well aware that I may never find a love who wants or could go to Africa...or others on my "list".I have waited years for my present life.,a certain level of dedication to physical exercise,love for travel and adventure.....along with all those traits commonly expressed in these profiles....honesty,loyalty,laughter,willingness to learn,a love or appreciation for the arts(trade for sports-smiles).....a real desire to work at being the best you can be with an inspiring partner.
I am retired from a thirty eight year career and have moved to a new community to start a new life for now.I am volunteering in a library,a horse therapy program for handicapped children,and guide training for a new art museum.My 1940 cottage and yard keep me outside and creative.Joining a local gym offers me an ongoing exercise opportunity with classes I thoroughly need and enjoy.Being physically active and looking for that in a relationship is important to me.I am loving a "new freedom" and intend to be flexible about where life might take me .I intend to be flexible about where I might want to live next!
I would love to find someone to share the rest of my life with who enjoys the freedom of travel,adventure,music,museums,concerts,cities,cou
ntrysides, and a love for families.I have traveled through Europe but would love to return and have been to Mexico,Central America,and islands in the Carribean.Africa,New Zealand,Australia,and Alaska would be on my wish list.In a partner honesty and integrity are a must and a willingness to communicate...a loyal and dependable best friend for life.I would offer no less.I do not carry anger or bitterness about my past.I have a wonderful life and would love to find someone to share my happiness with.It would be nice to have a partner who would be willing to learn to do things together and hold faith and loyalty as a precious gift.
Please know that I respect and wish all of us good luck

Date a soulmate from United States. Babies,human and baby cats and dogs make me smile.
Also,I really appreciate people who do good for other people and don't expect anything in return
except for those people to do good to others also.
I am grateful for the Son of God,God himself,the sun,beautiful green grass,FAMILY,LOVE,FUN,MUSIC

Meet a woman from Bentonville, United States. I have not dated in many years. I have only been married once and my ex husband is a dear friend. At this time I haven't given much thought of being in a relationship, but my friends don't understand why I haven't looked for one. I haven't had much of a social life and still remain friends with many people from the past. I attend church regularly and still looking for the right church here in this state. I have found lately that I am rather shy, where I once was very outgoing. I enjoy people of all ages.

Date someone special from Bentonville, United States. I love hanging out with friends specially when I'm cooking but I value the most my family and spent time with them most of the time. I'm a people person loving, affectionate, caring honest and I value the most respect individual.