Date men from United States / Arkansas / Little Rock, 42 year old

Date a soulmate from United States. I am looking for a woman who is confident and easy going. I am happy and secure in my life and want to share my time with someone special. I believe in trust and open communication. I love traveling and eating well. I like to go slow in the beginning then as comfort levels get where they need to be, as fast as we would both want.

Meet a man from United States. Cannot believe I am online dating. I guess that is what we are down to now. I am a surgeon, basically I put eye sockets and cheek bones back together after a pugilistic battle that typically involves ethanol, drugs and anger. I have had many years of training and have a bunch of diplomas to show for it. But really I am just a blue collar worker like a master auto mechanic, but for the human face.
I grew up in Arizona, and after high school joined the military which sent me all around the world and the US. I've lived in England, Iraq, Kuwait, Japan as far as world living goes. In the US I have lived in L.A., Long Beach, San Francisco, Austin, San Antonio, Ft. Hood TX, Miami, West Virginia, Manhattan, Kansas, and have finally settled in Little Rock, Arkansas. Hopefully I can set roots here. Tired of moving around.
I am looking for people to hang out with and get to know. I am in no rush to get into a marriage right off the bat. I have been on several online dates that have been subpar. If you still harbour ill feelings toward your last significant other, have 6 kids, 10 dogs, 15 cats, and a zoo of birds, I probably will not be interested. If you have done jail time I also am not interested. If you say you are athletic and toned, this doesn't mean you just started a weight watcher program last week to shed 150 lbs. Also if you show up looking nothing like your photos, I will just get up and leave. No bait and switch....please. Also, for those foreigners who post transiently on this site from Europe and Russia, trying to scam money, guess what........I am not interested. Go figure. I mention these because these are some of the things I am told on the first date or have experience thus far in the past few months since joining this site. I guess I am a good listener. I am sure that this paragraph will get longer as I am continue the online dating journey. lol.
I hope to find someone who is confident, stable, sexy, interesting, self-motivated, and positive, who would like to meet a person who likes to have a good time, some laughs, yummy food and enjoys conversation and cherishes friendship. This would be a start and could segue into a more committed relationship.

Date someone special from United States. I enjoy life and would like to find someone that enjoys life as much as me. I need someone that has a sense of humor and likes who laughs. I am very spontaneous. Sometimes I'll just decide to hop on a plane and not even bother packing. I'll wait until I get to my destination to purchase my clothes and other essentials. Plus it saves me on packing and unpacking.

Meet single man from United States. OK... the screen name... "Woodface" is the name of a really good album by the band "Crowded House"... I have gone by "woodface" online for years.. it was taken when I joined match so I added my birth year... which was 1969. There is no deep mystery.
Who am I looking for?
ULTIMATELY, I must admit, I am looking for a partner in crime... someone with whom life can be a big epic love story of the type they write songs about AND an ongoing romantic comedy with occasional slapstick elements AND an intellectual study on what it means to be alive AND a thrilling adventure at times AND a deep spiritual connection that ultimately transcends death... et cetera.
Yup... ULTIMATELY I would love to find that. ALLLLLL of that. lol
But until that lady comes galloping over the rainbow bridge on her winged unicorn, I would settle for a cup of coffee and an interesting conversation.
I was on Match a couple of years ago. Then I got tired of the whole dating thing and went on to other projects. I traveled the world. (No really)... but now I am tired of the whole NOT dating thing... so I figured I would do this again for a bit. Who knows?
I have tried talking in depth about myself on sites like this before, and to be honest, Im not very good at it.
There isnt anything wrong with the product, mind you... its just a matter of salesmanship...
I'm a sweet guy, (though not sweet enough to be uninteresting), a smart guy, a decent looking guy, and I have no debt. I manage to pay my bills just fine. I am a touch offbeat and artsy-ish... but nothing too weird.
There is plenty more, but those are the basics.

Date a soulmate from Little Rock, United States. Outdoorsman to the tee. Love being outside, exploring, walking around, seeing what is around.
Tall, Handsome, Rugged outdoorsman, type! " lumberjack" in flannel and jeans! Could take off and " Walk about" , or go " off the grid" if needed, or just wanted.. fiercely loyal to one only. and Gentleman manners from old school Grandma, Grannie, and my MOM...! respectful in all ways. I am passionate, and intensely affectionate. Tend to fall hard once sparks fly!.
Fiercely loyal, and will tell another woman in a minute" No thank you" i've got better waiting at home! Love to make other women jealous of you! Flowers at your work, showing up in a Tux to whisk you away for a Long lunch, already worked out w your mgmt! LOL... Just a few of the surprises i am capable of ...
Women who are confident, independent and accomplished. naturally attractive are who I am drawn to; AND know how to accentuate the positive! Be able to hold a conversation, or discussion on topics without emotionally spiraling away. Ability to talk About an issue, without taking sides sometimes; Purely for discussion about something.. Honesty and directness are Most important! NO horse hockey, or games for me! Women are Sensual, Passionate, Demure, Witty,Down to Earth, too. certainly Women are the most interesting of the two!
A woman who can accept a man as he is, faults,flaws, faith, dreams,love, family, smiles, and love deeply is who i would like to meet, for talk, meal, and light conversation. been 20 yrs since my last first date... and I am certainly ready to surprise that someone new with my offbeat, Quirky nature, and infectious smile! I would like to meet with someone, and be truly entertaining, and fun; like friends! FIRST.
Future finds a way, and if our styles mingle, we could not stop it if we tried! I believe in that... I believe that GOD is in control , so i don't need to ask where we are going! HE doesn't need my help to drive! LOL . Hope to hear from you soon and meet someone who likes honest, loyal folks, like i do.... pic is coming! didn't have anything recent, i am generally the one behind the camera! :) .

Meet a man from Little Rock, United States. A true gentleman , who treats his woman like a queen, a nice guy always with a smile, always polite. very respectful.
a people person , an bend in any crowd. i love fast cars an pretty woman an i respect my dollar.

Date someone special from Little Rock, United States. I am an easy going person who doesn't let much get to him. I am looking for someone who is of mild temperament as well. I am shy at first but once I get to know someone, I am a good conversationalist and listener. I am a caring person and she should be as well. I am looking for a woman who is confident in who she is and knows what she wants out of life. I like to travel on occasion and so should she.

Meet single man from Little Rock, United States. I am a very refined gentlemen and still a kid at heart. I like to laugh and have fun.
Postive thinking, has been the key to my happiness. I am divorced and have one son.
I love the beach and anything thats outdoors. My best qualities, honest, loyal, kind, polite,
self confident and well-mannered.
My ideal match.......would be honest, intelligent, kind, and likes to have fun and laugh.
Im looking for someone with a true (heart of gold). Thats something you cant buy or fake !
Someone that shares the same interests.
After reading the guide lines, i have revised some parts. It is not appropriate to use
abbreviations or humor. LOL I break the rules sometimes. Personality, is hard to broadcast
on a computer screen. Very important part of a persons character. After reading alot of different
profiles i noticed most have one thing in common..... honesty. Perhaps they dont understand the definition
of the word. Second thing i noticed the most......they want to have fun. Have you ever, had a day of fun
in your life ? Amazing all the fake profiles you can find, advertising other websites. And the fake winks
this website sends you daily. Perhaps, i will write a book on internet dating someday. lol

Date a soulmate from Arkansas, United States. UPDATED:
Ladies, PLEASE read carefully....
I've been asked a couple of times "Why are you on a dating site" and frankly, I work a lot more then I go out so it's pretty hard for me to meet anyone.
NOW, here's the scoop, I'm 41yrs old, I work out regularly, non-smoker, non-drinker. Since I don't drink I'm not big into bars, clubs, or anything like that but I do have my moments. I'm not a hunter but I do collect guns. I'm not a hog fan, or a fan of anyone for that matter, That's probably why its hard for me to find a decent date. Apparently if your not a razorback fan around here, you're basically a social outcast.
I'm a certified personal fitness trainer, I enjoy bike riding, hiking Pinnacle Mountain and Petit Jean, going to the climbing center here in Little Rock, running and basically, anything that sounds fun at the time and I'm looking for a lady who can accompany me in these activities. I also have a good sense of humor, I like to say that I'm CHILDLIKE not CHILDISH. I HATE to argue and fight but I LOVE a good debate.
I also like to cook and I'm pretty much a neat freak. I'm also a workaholic. I have 2 jobs and very limited time off, but I'll make time for the right woman. What makes me unique? Only you can answer that.
Now, about the woman I would like to meet, let me just say that MY IDEAL WOMAN WILL HAVE TO BE IN SHAPE. I'm an active guy and I require a pretty active gal. I don't want to have to carry you half way up pinnacle mountain because you have a lust affair with gummi bears and chocolate milk. I tend to be attracted to women a little YOUNGER then me. She's also going to have to be selfless, TRUSTWORTHY, intelligent, attractive, funny, sincere, affectionate, she shouldn't mind tasteful public displays of affection and the occasional back rub and foot massage for no reason. Oh, and I'd prefer someone within my own city but if not, please be within a reasonable driving range, less then an hour.
I'd prefer a woman who doesn't smoke but the occasional drink is ok, as long as she doesn't get sloppy drunk and makes an a$$ out of herself.

Meet a man from Arkansas, United States. This should be easy. I am looking for someone that smiles. Someone that knows a bad day will get better. Someone that wants to be treated well and someone that treats others well. I believe experiences are what makes life fun..whether that is trying a new food or traveling to a new destination. I want to find that person to share those experiences and in doing so, share a life.
The great thing about this world is that there are a million and one things to do. Everything from fine dining and wine to sitting on a couch and reading a book. The bad thing about that same world is that those million and one things are not nearly as fun if you do not have someone to share them with

Date someone special from Arkansas, United States. I have high regard for loyalty , honesty, respect , and integrity. Family is extremely important to me as is loyalty and being a Christian...i have always been told my heart is as big as Texas... i am extremely selfless, caring , and affectionate, grounded, ambitious, understanding, and do NOT play is too, short and complicated to add games... I place my challenges elsewhere. i am looking for my best friend and my Princess! Someone I will always have their back no matter what .. and I know without a doubt they will have mine! and also hoping to find that honest soul!I need to belong to one woman in the deep blue sea of love I am loving and caring. Somebody was saying, that an ideal man should be "like a chef in the kitchen, a lady in the society, and loving in bed". I agree. I try that my glamor and femininity should reflect around my home in the street in the society. My life is happy, but the missing ingredient is the sharing of love with a true life is partner...
If you like to talk you will write me on my e mal lordblesstony Y HO, I can send you more my pics. If not, that is ok.
Im easy to please and down to earth.I love to be happy all the time and make people around me happy as well.I'm passionate,romantic and fun loving young man, who knows what he wants in Life. Whats important to me in a relationship is communication,trust,loyalty,and praying together. I'm very faithful, and committed to only one person. I love myself and I have alot of love to give to someone who will appreciate me and my affection.
I will like to meet an honest and faithful woman,a woman that is not here for games and i want a Real woman because i am for Real.

Meet single man from Arkansas, United States. I am a christian man thats looking for a special woman. She is true and real to herself and GOD fearing. I love family and cook outs. I like indoors and outdoor activities. l love to be close to my woman but we both should respect having me time. I enjoy attending church together a dinner and a movie. She would be my queen and i would be her king. I am romantic and need a woman who can make me look up to heaven and say LORD you have sent me a Angel.