Date men from United States / Arkansas / Little Rock, 25 year old

Date a boy from Arkansas, United States. Am a People person, enjoy eating an going out an of course making money, love to laugh an jst enjoy life, an to be able to share it with someone, an has the best sense of humor. I live in west little rock.

Meet a soulmate from Arkansas, United States. I wud describe myself as a laidback man tha lookn 4 a real woman and got thing goin 4 her self my ideal match wud b a sweet n caring woman tha not bout gamez n lookn 2 hav thing n life i just want a woman who goin b ther wit me thw thick n thin n goin b my backbone

Date single boy from Arkansas, United States. Hello, and thank you for stopping by to learn more about me! I am a recent transplant from California’s Central Valley (March of 2012). I have two additional notes on that: (1) I actually arrived in Little Rock on the morning of my 25th birthday, and (2) many Californians do not live anywhere near Hollywood or within 100 miles of the Pacific Ocean (as I did not, and now definitely do not).
I am generally a reserved and quiet person who prefers the company of few good friends over a packed room, am cool-headed in crises, reasonable in conflict, and annoyed that my face tends to go flush when I'm frustrated or embarrassed. Those who get my dry, often deadpan, sense of humor tend to really appreciate it; those who miss the pun or reference just tend to end up a little on the confused side.
Before I go further, there is something that would be prudent to spell out, especially here in the Mid-South: I am a former Evangelical Christian. Former. If you are looking for someone “grounded in God” or “seeking Christ”, I am sorry to disappoint. I enjoy Bible trivia and wisdom literature in doses, but I do not foresee myself ever returning to the church. Please simply respect my belief or unbelief, for it is mine.
I graduated from UC Davis with a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering, and after an interesting few years in the working world, I have found myself in Little Rock, overseeing the design, construction, and installation of an insulated metal panel manufacturing plant. I am here to stay for the near future (1-2 years?), but I see myself eventually moving back to Northern CA or the Pacific Northwest.
I am a foodie, so I enjoy trying new restaurants and dishes. I adore tea (in all of its wondrous manifestations) and craft beer, and I am trying to learn to appreciate coffee and wine. I am inclined toward manual skills and crafts and would be interested in taking a community college course on anything from cooking to precious metalsmithing. On a similar note, I am a fan of visual and performing arts, so I would also fancy a trip to a museum or the latest stage production.
If you have not gathered it so far, I am a nerd – but hopefully in the best sense. Yes, I love science fiction and hopelessly complicated board games, but I was also excellent at sports in my day and am a decent guitarist and pianist.
I listen to NPR for a few hours every day, so I am somewhat apprised of world events and knowledgeable on rather eclectic topics.
My ideal match would be a calm, rational, intelligent, and emotionally mature woman who enjoys learning, has a witty sense of humor, and has an aptitude or appreciation for music. I am mature for my age, but that does not mean that I am past making a fool of myself or playing practical jokes on occasion. I prefer authenticity over appearance, and am looking for someone with a little life experience who can hold a conversation without dominating it. I would prefer someone who is self-supported and has made a start in a career, but I do understand that life can sometimes decide to take the scenic route.
If you think that we would enjoy each other’s company, please send me an email, for I will do the same.
-All the best

Meet a guy from Arkansas, United States. I'm 25 years old, low miles, no previous owner, no rust...that I know of..kinda shiny after a good showering. I enjoy being outdoors whenever possible..especially the I can look like a fool on the wakeboard or tube. I hang out with friends often, cause without friends life would be boring. Recently I have started to like cooking, now that the food isn't burnt. I enjoy working out..sometimes its a good stress reliever..others its cause my love handles are trying to expand from my love of WingStop. I am a nerd (shhh dont tell anyone) but not over the edge. Since my profession is Engineering, I have learned to deal with my great skills in the unattractive field of Math, and also learned through the years that I can not spel ;). But f i put a :) at the end it of a sentence that might contain a misspelled work..then its okay. I really like all sports, especially Razorback Football. If I don't lose my voice calling the Hogs during the game..then there is something wrong. This is my first time trying this internet dating business so I'm just seeing how this will turn out. In a female i seek a great personality (that can put up with me), and someone who is honest. I think this pretty much sums up me, for now.

Date someone special from Arkansas, United States. I'm not one to talk about themselves. Basically I'm just a laid-back southern gent. with a sarcastic side and a competitive side "but I still know how to be a good sport." Family & friends would say that I don't know how to lead sedentary lifestyle & I always have to be be doing something, but I've been known to just sitting on the front porch with a drink watching the world turn. I enjoy life and for what it has to offer, that's why I live by a simple quote "Life's short, you only got one chance at it so make the most out of it." Unlike most my friends, I don't have a "Bucket List" so if I want try something new I do, b/c let's face it there's so much that this world has to offer, why limit yourself.
I guess you could call me an outdoors person. I hunt, I fish. In the summer I can be found on the water from the lake to the ocean. In the winter it's "OU" football season to bonfires. I Read "yes there are some educated southern men out here," whenever I'm not working I like to spend time with the family "wish I could spend more time with them but always a pleasure when I can." Wanna know more just ask.
As for a partner the major attractor someone who can carry on a conversation. With that being said it's pretty simple form there, enjoys the outdoors, willing to step out of their comfort zone and try something new, enjoys what life has to offer the rest we can make it up as we go.

Meet a boy from Little Rock, United States. I'm very open minded and very easy going. I'm a busy law student and Realtor but love having fun and going out when I'm finished with work. I enjoy being on the water or near the water whenever possible, lake, beach, river, I love them all. I love listening to music and playing music. I'm looking for someone who has a passion for life, an open mind, a warm heart, and loves to smile!

Date a soulmate from Little Rock, United States. Handsome nice guy just like to me new interesting people for fun, hang out, anything... Don't like drama or people who kiss and tell. I get along with all kinds of people. Just like to laugh and enjoy life.

Meet single boy from Little Rock, United States. I am completely knew to this whole online dating thing but Is figure hey what's the worse that could happen. My closest friends would always describe me as a laid back, easy to get along, and honest to a fault kind of guy. I'm a guy. I used to work construction so I know how to fix things and use tools. I know how to cook anything that goes on a grill. I own as many shoes as I need. I have terrible sense in fashion and always will. I don't bring people down, there's no point to that. I'm extremely competitive, I guess that's why I got in sales. I like a challenge and you only fail when you stop trying. I keep my feelings to myself, because there my feelings. I'm not saying I don't open up but come on you know that guy. People say I'm funny, I say I just see things differently. When other people are happy I'm happy, if there not I'll be happy till the rest of them are happy. I most grateful for my family. I known a lot of people who didn't have the best family life, and I couldn't ask for a better family than my own. My life normally consist of hanging out with my friends and just staying active. I'm working out again, apparently construction is not the same as hitting the gym. The girl I would like to meet is fun, easy going, and someone I can who always talk too, because lets be honest after people discover the awesome things about the other one what keeps it going is can I hang around this person. The thing I'm looking for in a relationship is someone who likes to stay active and who can be independent. I am not trying to sound mean on that one but I just started my career at a great company and there piling work on to see how I can handle it. Also I just moved here and would like to get to know the area. So if I do ask you out and and we go to a terrible place its probably my first time there too. I have made friends where I work at, but they are all married and I'm classified as that "single guy". I'm also a big sports fan if there is a ball, points to scored, and cold beer served I'm there no problem. I love my Saints and no I'm not a band wagon fan, I was born with a paper bag over my head.

Date a guy from Little Rock, United States. well first off i beleaive in love but i'm also at an age now where as i know that love hurts .and i've heard the old saying that it's better to have love and lost than to have not loved at all..but i for one beleaive that it's the journey to love that captures us,you know what i mean?like that fresh feeling when you first meet someone and your trying to impress them or when you actually want that person around all the time but see i dont beleaive that that lasts forever...or i should say that it has'nt for me.

Meet someone special from Little Rock, United States. very handsome, outspoken, & determined. Im just blessed to be young, smart , healthy. Im really looking for a very eduated woman with a good heart, some strong morals, & always truthful. Im young but im always will to learn

Date a boy from United States. i am a simple person who always has lived a simple life. i am governed by the principles of the "Think and grow Rich" book, where i always want to treat others the same way i want them to treat me. i am always straight in ma ways and always want to tell the abusolute truth, always want to share any opportunities in life, and want to always tourch people`s lives.

Meet a soulmate from United States. I have a great job, great family & friends, and love the city here. Just looking for a great girl to share life with. Hopefully I can edit this later, because I'm not in the mood to write about myself for over 200 characters at the moment..