Date men from United States / Arkansas / Benton, 42 year old

Date single man from Benton, United States. Im an outgoing person trying to start a new life im single of course i love to do outdoor stuff and i spend most of my time with my family cuz i love them they have been there for me since the day i was born im fantastic with kids sometimes i think like one lol.

Meet someone special from Benton, United States. Nothing unique here, just an average looking gentleman that like the company of a great lady to spend as much time as I can. Love to travel when I can, tropical scene with a beautiful woman by my side.

Date a soulmate from Benton, United States. I'm pretty much just like everyone else!....... Only much different!! I love to learn anything about everything. & everything about anything!! I love being in the public and meeting. New people.i can interact with anyone. Actually..." I've never
Met a stranger!" I'm very outgoing and I love to see people smile!..=).mostly;.kids,old people & pretty girls!!(not necessarily in that order).i do believe I'm for the most part..passive! I hate ;hate,anger,sadness,paradoxical moments andor situations....I love peaceful tranquil moments(laying in the grass staring into space),deep conversations about very deep subjects,discovery,laughing,music& art!...I hope to one day meet a girl who is colorful,fun,outgoing,not afraid of new adventures!. But mostly I want to meet a girl who is willing to be and remain a "TRUE FRIEND!" before all else from beginning to end!!in other words..;I want someone that I would love to get old with and know that know....:-(in short I guess the things I'm most passionate about have been ever changing throughout my life!..(by no choice of my own.i can assure you!)Afterall CHANGE is and always will be th primary manifestation of TIME! I believe that life is way too important to bee taken too seriously!....I've been single. Ow for nearly 9 months the longest increment of time since jr.high school!...I've kinda enjoyed the past few months.....who am I kidding!.IVE HAD A BLAST!.... But,I'm ready to meet the one I shall weave the fabric of the. Cosmos with! The one that I will live to LOVE!! And love to LIVE WITH!

Meet a man from Benton, United States. I'm focused on being the best father I can be today and learning to be a better father tomorrow. I enjoy coaching my children's ball teams. Being a mentor to the kids I coach. Family is #1. I try to become a better man every day and try to understand why I may have failed whether I "get it" or not. II'm recently divorced and am primarily working on "finding me" again-Getting back in shape(almost there-lost about 20lbs since the profile pic). Getting back to my "artistic side". Finally finishing my degree. Spending more time with my kids at my cabin fishing, hunting or doing whatever we feel like doing. I love spending time there and look forward to finally having the time to get the llast few things checked off of the list for it to be completely done. It's my "Walden Pond" and where I truly feel like myself and at home. There's another reason why it's so close to my heart, but that's a story for another time.
****My Bio is a work in progress so don't give up on me yet. Chaos reigns right now, so all I can say is, "Stay tuned".*****

Date single man from Arkansas, United States. i'm a simple down to earth man, not looking for head games or any other kind of games feel me. keep it real and i will do the same.i'm at a point in life where i want peace in my life and no drama or b.s feel me!

Meet someone special from Arkansas, United States. I live in Benton and have 3 children that live with me . I think I'm a nice and funny guy (so I've been told). I've been told I'm attractive. I like to be outdoors and have fun. I enjoy having fun with my kids. I think I'm adventurous and am willing to try new things. I'm looking for a woman who enjoys similiar things, and loves kids. I'm looking to get to know someone to have fun and hang out with. If this is you please contact me. I look forward to hearing from you.

Date a soulmate from Arkansas, United States. Hey there to everyone. I'm just an average guy trying to decide which road to take in life. My best friend is my 7yr old son but I'm looking for that special woman to occupy my time otherwise. I need a woman that's a girly girl that smells sexy all the time, yet likes wearing cut-offs and my t-shirts too. I hope to find somebody that likes cooking, I love to stay home and cook myself, camping, and most anything outdoors. I need a woman that likes to be in the middle of whatever I'm doing, and a wild side to her wouldn't hurt one bit either, just try me!
The way I see it, life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well-preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, thoroughly used up, totally worn out and loudly proclaiming, " Wow, what a ride! "

Meet a man from Arkansas, United States. What am I looking for?
Someone who is looking to move beyond dating and wanting more of a lover and partner. My Mr Right order form isn't completely filled out- but areas checked include having the capacity to love and be loved, having life and professional goals, recognizing you are a work in progress, and the ability to find joy in life. Qualities I am drawn to: funny, excited, quirky, outgoing, nurturing, sarcastic, thoughtful, articulate, active, passionate, and caring.
About Me:
I have many facets-some say like a jewel, but really a disco ball is more accurate!
Humor- I have a need to find the humor in every situation. My humor is most like the smart ass in the back of the class or Staler and Waldorf from the Muppet Show. It gets me into trouble almost as often as it brings me new fans. Could never do my own stand up show, but great with the one liners.
Excited- I am able to connect with my inner child. I get excited and find happiness and joy in the simplest things. Whether at sing-a-long Little Mermaid or jumping in a bouncy castle, this side of me is bound to come out.
Caring- I have a big heart, and I use it with all my friends, family, and acquaintances. Often you will find me with a friend listening to them as they vent their trials and tribulations. It has also been know to cause me to shed a tear or two during sad movies.
Passionate- I am moved by the world around me- and aware of the injustices and inequities that exist. I am one of those people that believes that one person can change the world- and the best way to do that is to start with your own community. Like Nike says- Just do it!
Sort of a big softie in this arena- I love the magic that romance brings. Candlelight, flowers, a walk on the beach, or cuddling up on the couch with a pint of ice cream and watching one of our favorite movies are all great ways to get to my heart. Expect me to hold your hand in public, and to cuddle with you whenever I get the chance. I believe that kissing is it's own art form- and in that arena, I am an accomplished artist.
I am driven by my work and am nourished by knowing that there are amazing people in the world willing to mentor a child and by watching youth achieve more than they ever thought possible. I am still working on that balance though between work-life and personal-life.
Past Relationship History:
My last relationships is 7 years, and looking to break my record on the next one!
Big Picture:
I promise that I don't have the u-haul reserved, I will take my time getting to know you before that step! But with the right person, these are some of the things I would like to look forward to:
-Creating a home together- a place filled with friends, family, love and life.
-Wedding- I can think of nothing more romantic and beautiful than marrying the woman of my dreams in front of our family and friends.
-Kids? when I was younger I was sure that children were going to be a part of my life. As I am getting older, I wonder if kids are a real possibility.
-Growing Old Together- I have an image of the two of us in our 80s, sitting on our porch in matching rocking chairs and happily rocking away.

Date single man from United States. I am 45yrs old, 5.9ft tall, I'm originally from United State Arkansas, but I was born and raised in New York (Long Island City) , but I'm currently working as a project manager G-Kappa Construction company

Meet someone special from United States. I am a single professional looking for someone to share my life with. I enjoy laughter and feel that humor is essential in a great realtionship.
Movies (especially comedies) reading and photography are things I like to do in my spare time. I love to travel. Some of my favorite places to go are the Oregon Coast and the desert southwest (great photo ops!)
Family is important to me. I am blessed to have incredible parents who always show love and support and my brothers and sister are like my best friends.
My ideal match would be ambitious and goal oriented in her work life, love to laugh and looking for someone to be a part of their life.

Date a soulmate from United States. I am loyal , love to have fun and am very laid back . I'm all so very independant and expect the same caracters in a woman . She all so has to love children and family , they are very important to me . i am 32 not 42.