Date men from United States / Arkansas / Little Rock, 66 year old

Date a man from Little Rock, United States. I'm a old school type of guy who respect all Ladies! I'm also a people person who enjoys meeting and socializing with others. I love doing things in the outdoor. Music is a big part of my life as i manage a few Blues bands so i'm looking for someone that loves music also. I love to dance so she must be light on her feet and dance all night. .....I Love to cook for my Lady and my friends. There's more i can say so if you want to her more; let me know and i will answer you back.

Meet someone special from Little Rock, United States. I am a happy, sociable man that enjoys life. I am totally dedicated to that special person in my life.
I have had a successful professional career and now I want to travel and see those places I have dreamed about.
My match should enjoy going out to dinner, movies, dancing and just staying at home together. She should also like travelling to those special places we would both enjoy.

Date a soulmate from Little Rock, United States. I lost my lovely wife of 43 years about 2 1/2 years ago. I have been granted the blessing of acceptance and understanding.... that it would be dishonor to my family and even my wife to not make the most of my good health and many blessings. I'm not sure what kind of relationship that I am seeking... I am sure that I will again find happiness.....I am sure that I will end up with more than a companion or a best friend or a partner, my match will become an important part of what my life is about day to day.