Date men from United States / Arkansas / Little Rock, 19 year old

Date a soulmate from Little Rock, United States. a girl who wont cheat and be a backstabber and show love and mean it. Also a girl who does not fool or joke around. A girl who will comment to a relationship and be a respectful and honest truthful girl.

Meet single boy from Little Rock, United States. I am a guy that enjoys adventure, music, and just about anything spontaneous. Would love to find a girl that shares the same interests. I am actually taking a trip to montreal next summer and could use someone to go along with me. :D

Date a boy from Little Rock, United States. jus like music,hanging out and doin sports.i have less experience in ***** and lookin forward to dancing i can't get easy with it!
i wouldnt to mess up with relationships coz i value them most in life.

Meet a guy from Little Rock, United States. im 5'2 i'm a cool person to be around i like help people out thing as long as i'm not mad everything would be ok i like going out have fun & doing new thing person say im a sweet person but i can be mean at time i can say some thing smart to people i like to work on music & i do rap & sing

Date someone special from Little Rock, United States. I am currently attending University of Arkansas at Little Rock. I am a fun loving person and i like to do things that seem fun. I like to have fun by hanging out with friends. I like to just sit back and watch some tv in my down time.

Meet a soulmate from United States. I am a friendly person looking for some new friends or maybe more. I am big on sports, and music is a major part of my life. I need someone who enjoys the same things I do. Anything else you want to know just ask me.

Date single boy from United States. I thimk that one of my favorite things to do is to laugh and have fun. I can work hard for things that i want. Someday ill own a house and be able to relax. I am a laid back guy and i have a sarcastic/dry humor. I enjoy making people that i like to spend time with, laugh. I am cynical on the surface but underneath i have some romantic tendincies. I read books and really enjoy random fun outings. Hiking and out doors things are fun. I like to be active and have some athletic skills, but sometimes i really just enjoy laying around and doing a whole lot of nothing. As for what i would like to find in a girl.. I want someone who is okay with being teased and has a good humor, enough to make me laugh. A laid back attitude would be a super plus but i dont really mind a little snap. I guess im looking for someone i can understand and who can relate to me.

Meet a boy from United States. I'm in college my 2nd year, I run track so u can say I am fit. I'm looking for women not little girls please, I like all races and all sizes so don't be afraid to talk to me. I intern in a lawyer's office, have my own car and place so yes I'm very independent.

Date a guy from United States. So i'm new to the area i guess you could say. To tell ya the truth my parents have two homes.. one in Indianapolis where I've lived most my life and one in Little Rock. So i'm staying in Little Rock taking math classes in order to be able to take and pass the ACT to get into college this fall or early next year. I'm 19 and kinda have been partying the last four years of my life so i kinda blame that for being this age and not being in college. Now i'm trying to get serious and focus on school and everything, that's one of the reasons i came down here and left my entire social life because it would be less distracting so I can focus on school and work. Not super serious about anything in the relationship aspect of life right now, obviously i'm only 19.. if something happens then great but it would be cool to meet new people in the area u know? And i guess this is one way of doing it. Don't mind getting in a relationship right now either. Just kinda feeling chill about life right now.. if that makes any sense. That's pretty much it.

Meet someone special from United States. I'm Brandon I'm 18 fun funny out going faithful trustworthy respectful like to have fun go out hang with friends family my girlfriend if I had one I'm 5'6 wit hazel brown eyes I'm a big freak anything else just hit me up

Date a soulmate from Arkansas, United States. Well my name is Damien, I'm athletic, out going, funny. I was born in Memphis, TN but now I'm attending University of Arkansas at Little Rock. I love to go out, party, and have a good time. To know more just hit me up!

Meet single boy from Arkansas, United States. I'm a somewhat goofy person who likes telling jokes and I'm very outgoing. I like women who are more mature than me but has a sense of humor. I'm very good at keeping a conversation going and I like meeting new people, but I'm shy.