Date men from United States / Arkansas / Little Rock, 69 year old

Date a man from Little Rock, United States. my closest friends describe me as funny as a person of quotes. Iam hoping to attract a friend that could possibly lead to a strong romance. i like dinners at a quiet place. Hoping to attract and open minded person. Love to play golf and and travel.

Meet someone special from Little Rock, United States. I want the perfect 10 so I can grow jealous over her. Just as you might like the perfect man that you too might grow jealous. So lets compromise and check each other out. We will both come with baggage it's just a matter of determining if we can live with the others baggage. THE TRICK IS TO FIND SOMEONE WHO LOVES YOU ENOUGH TO HELP YOU UNPACK!

Date single man from Little Rock, United States. My friends would describe me as very friendly and
easy to get along with. The thing that makes me
smile the most is my family; 2 daughters and 3
grandchildren. I am grateful that God gave me
42 years with my wife and the joy we had
together. The person I meet would not be compared to my previous wife. But I do want
someone that I could love as much as her.

Meet a soulmate from Little Rock, United States. Anything goes for me at this stage in my life, since I am 68 years old and figure I am in the eighth inning of life on this planet. I would enjoy getting to know someone who has the same slightly gloomy view of the future and has no expectations of an afterlife in heaven or anywhere else. Without such an illusion, we can both chuckle and cavort.

Date a man from United States. i like people, i get along well with others, have been to 26 different countries,retired usaf photographer and computer programer.also ret from the to try different foods but fav is la. cajun.