Date men from United States / Arkansas / Palestine, 42 year old

Date a man from Palestine, United States. am a competitive person an i'll debate just about anything as long as the conversation is stimulation and engaging i'm perceptive and good at reading body language which helps me communicate with other i believe that in order to have a friend, you must be a friend
am looking for a simple things a woman who love herself without being self absorbed a woman who can compromise is very important nether party should have their way all times its give and take. am looking for someone who is equally in tune with themself in truth i'm look for someone that can make me laugh and easy to talk too i'm a common sense guy looking for common sense girl

Meet someone special from Palestine, United States. i am a single man looking for someone that love kids and life it self. A lady that i can call mine one that can support me in bad. and good times. as i can do the same most of all one that not try to judge me on their past just the future