Date men from United States / Arkansas / Little Rock, 43 year old

Date a man from Little Rock, United States. I am a pretty down to earth guy and can get along with just about anyone. I am originally from Houston, Texas and have lived here in Little Rock, Arkansas for 15 years now. I do truly enjoy living here, however I do visit my family that still live in Houston. I prefer to live in the smaller nicer city of LR.

Meet single man from Little Rock, United States. Recently retired from the US Navy and want to come home to AR and enjoy all the wonderful experiences my Home State has to offer. I have only lived here in Little Rock since June 2012 and would really like to meet a good friend that would help me get adjusted to a new town and Who Knows? Would be nice to turn my GPS off!
I would like someone who will help me enjoy my life without complications and drama. Obviously this can only be accomplished best by a woman living in the Little Rock Area.
If you don't like yourself well enough to put a pix of yourself - please don't expect me to respond. Looks aren't everything but it's just courteous to allow someone to know to whom their talking.
I put Heavy Set because I'm a pretty big guy - not fat, just worked out a time or two on the weights. I didn't put tone because my last year in Afghanistan before I came home, there wasn't a lot of opportunity to work out...and coming back to my home in W Little Rock has required too much work to get back into a routine...I will get there!

Date someone special from Little Rock, United States. my ideal person would be a woman that loves music, like guitar and bass and piano because i play all 3 ( not at the same time)ha'ha but she must love it and love God !!! because if it wasnt for God I wouldnt be here today!!!

Meet a soulmate from Little Rock, United States. I am proud of my career and my volunteer work. I love my kids. I have just traveled the Valley of Death (LOL) and am ready to start living life again! I believe that I am a kind, generous person who is slow to anger and judge, and I think I am pretty responsible and dependable. So, if you are looking for a bad boy, I am certainly not your type - and you are probably not mine either! Check out my interests and stuff below and let me know if you are interested in meeting for coffee or lunch. I am old fashioned in that I want to get to know someone face to face rather than by emails and texts. I am open to all types of women from all walks of life.

Date a man from Arkansas, United States. Im looking for a lil grown up time lol Tired of the drama everyone seems to be caught up in... work hard n play hard!!!!!! anyone out there???? just wanting to meet a down home lady! Not asking for alot......

Meet single man from Arkansas, United States. It's always been hard to talk about myself. I'm a hard worker with a quirky wit.
I have a lot of different interest and am open to new ones.
I am legally blind, but that's never been what defines me.

Date someone special from Arkansas, United States. First and foremost I am grateful for my family because at the end of the day, this is all you have and GOD because without him, I would be nothing. I am a very social person and I am confortable around strangers and I have a very outgoing personality. Some people even say I have a sense of humor but you will have to see that for yourself. I am very loyal and honest and expect the same from my partner. I am attracted to mentally strong women that are independent and carying, who are humble yet confident. I believe that a partner should help you bring out your strengths and help you realize your full potential and vice versa. I believe in treating everyone equally and also with respect and I am looking for the same qualities in my partner. Life is way to short so I try to see the good in everyday and I enjoy life and I am thankful for what I have been blessed with. I am looking for a woman that I can share my life with and experiencing new things together. I continue to grow as a person, a father, a son and as a man. I want someone that is willing to grow with me.
I am old fashion kind of guy raised by a single mother who taught me to repect women and treat them as you want to be treated so basically live the Golden Rule. Who knew?
I have many interests, too many to list, so I will save that for conversation but I love to play golf and anything outdoors. During the summer I spend alot of time on Greers Ferry Lake on my boat and I like to hike sometimes as well. I am well traveled and enjoy going to new places and experiencing different cultures.
If you think we have some things in common, then I look forward to hearing from you. I wish you all the success in everything you do.

Meet a soulmate from Arkansas, United States. Father of two ,I love My Children.I like watching mixed marshal arts, Doing outdoor stuff and playing My guitar. I am a Master Plumber and do new construction. I like Football and Basketball. My daughter is 14 and My son is 8.

Date a man from United States. laid,back love life to the fullest love my job and friends and faimly and my to find person that love liveing free and happy like me. what i looking for in arelation is friend and something more

Meet single man from United States. Its been a while since I revamped this profile. Its now time to do that. Everyone has different expectations of what they are looking for here. I am looking for someone to spend time with and get to know. If I end up finding the person to build a life wtih here, then we will both be very happy. My ultimate goal is to find that person here. I chose a wide variety in age because as long as you enjoy being around that person, age difference dosen't matter. On a sidenote, I might consider someone within a year of two outside the realm, depends on the person. Sometimes you have to go outside the box to really find what you are looking for. This is a decision that I make very seriously. I want us to both be happy. Who knows we may even take a trip down Tin Can Alley.

Date someone special from United States. I have to admit, I have felt a bit like an airplane with no airport to land at. I do not need much, just honesty, affirmation, and a woman not scared to love. I love to laugh and have fun. My heart is a bit fragile, because in the past I have put it out there and it was trampled on, but I am not scared to take a chance when I feel it is right. Extremely passionate man who is a bit emotional, have to be honest. Just really desiring to wrap my arms around someone and never let go.
I feel compelled to clearly inform whomever decides to read my profile, that I am a father of 4 beautiful children. My 2 boys who are 11 and 12 years old, and my 2 girls who are 7 and 9 years old. That is right, you read correctly. I have 4 kids. I mean no offense, however, if me having 4 kids is a problem, then please, move on and I hope you find your match. My kids do not live with me, unfortunately, they live with thier mother who is remarried. But, I love my kids more than anything. They are my life. I am fully capable of taking care of my kids. I am looking for a mother, I am just looking for a special lady with the capacity to love me and love my kids. I am fully capable of loving a special lady in my life and making her a priority, and loving my kids with them being a priority all at the same time. Hope this paragraph makes sense.

Meet a soulmate from United States. As a person I like to think of myself as confident but not cocky. I'm a very humble man. I understand that there's a time to give and be loving and understanding. I also believe in standing up for what I believe and not being walked on. I'm always there for my friends and loved ones. I don't run from adversity. I care what people think of me because I believe in being the best man I can be. I want people who come across me to think "hey what a cool guy". It's not about attention for me. It's about the importance of ones own honor and respect for those around him.