Date men from United States / Arkansas / Conway, 62 year old

Date a man from Conway, United States. DISCLAIMER: Be serious about looking, because If we meet, you just may like me. Nice guy, retired, laid back, very easy and comfortable to talk to - get to know, kind, upbeat, great sense of humor - like to joke, understanding, intelligent, passionate, some college - mostly self-educated, responsible, a romantic, financially stable, 6' 2", 185, toned swimmers body, searching for a permanent relationship. I am a member here. I am not a player, but I play well. Whew, LOL!
Around the house, I can cook, fix, wire, build things, discuss stock picks, write a fair business letter, be literate on variable topics of conversation, and make nice homemade wines. I come from a family of educators, and appreciate teachers and the arts some.
I'm often found outdoors, staying in shape by hiking, cycling, kayaking, geocaching, shooting hoops, etc. But, I mostly enjoy just hanging out, and spending romantic evenings with that special someone, watching TV (perhaps while massaging your feet), and it never has to be raining to put me in the mood. I once hunted, fished, enjoyed woodworking, photographed wildlife, shot skeet, bowled, and could enjoy those hobbies again. And maybe it's about time to take that Caribbean cruise, and get pampered for a week.
My companion should be height/weight proportionate, a non-smoker, both young and good at heart, financially stable, working or retired, enjoy the simple things in life, and ready for plenty of love and affection, including lots of hand holding, hugs, and long kisses. Hey, if we are together, we WILL have chemistry...chain reaction...can't stay away type! In time, we should easily "feel" each other's emotions and moods, and strive to be positive and supportive in each others lives. She should also like getting outdoors regularly, and taking me out for a little exercise, occasional travel, and visiting family some. While I would want a lot of your spare time, I'd respect your family obligations, hobbies, and your need for some personal time and space. My only daughter and 2 baby grandchildren live out of town, and we visit several times a year. On children, I would prefer to spend the majority of my time now together with you, rather than raising another young child. But, I would certainly not rule out someone with a high school age child. Heck, me and him/her may just sneak off and go to a movie, bowling, play disc golf, or something.
Evenings at home... open a bottle of wine and cook a meal together, perhaps with some music and conversation. Afterwards a little hot tub time, then cuddling up for a good TV show or movie, with the lava lamp, candles, or fireplace going. Or we could retire to the patio and make up a few smores in the chiminea, watching the stars, a good deep conversation, just enjoying each other's company. We've had a lot of years apart, and I bet we have many good stories to share.
Weekends. we could just kick back and relax. Or, work on a project around the house/yard, spend time on our hobbies, hit the lake or water park, drive over to Petite Jean and hike some trails, rent a mountain or lake cabin somewhere, do a little shopping/flea-marketing, bike riding at the Big Dam Bridge and along the Arkansas River trails, dine out, take in a movie, or go dancing. Maybe you'd wanna try some whitewater kayaking with me, or just float down the Buffalo or Spring River. If we lived near a river or lake, perhaps we'd go sailing, powerboating, or just paddle our kayaks across the water for a picnic.
Relocation. I have a nice place here in a great town. But offhand I like Hot Springs, Greers Ferry, any beach, along any river or lake. I'm flexible. Perhaps we could both sell our homes and move to a location we prefer.
Life should not be spent why would we waste another day? Let's meet now, get aquainted, and see if we can have a future together!
Those without pictures.. acceptable, but you'll have to contact me first.

Meet single man from Conway, United States. I am just your run of the mill guy not paul newman but not bozo the clown eather. I like cooking and love fishing when i can lets talk futher I am donduck1950.. I do alot with the DAV disabled veterans lets talk and see if we get along and want to talk futher just send a message I am looking for a women from AGE 55 TO AGE 75.. I sure wish thay taught the twenty year old women to read I am not into dating women that are younger then my children and if your under 50 you will never here back from me

Date someone special from Conway, United States. Friends would say I am honest, fun-loving, full of bs, and love to laugh and make people laugh. Proud of my boys and the fact we have a great relationship, proud GOD gave me a decent amount of"common sense". grateful GOD saved me years ago, in spite of myself, my health, living in America, living in Woo pig Arkansas, and my Mother is still alive at 89. Looking to attract a person who truly is fun loving, likes who she is,(fits good in her skin), would be conservative in her politics. My social life I would say is active, and with the right person, would be even more so.
People make me laugh,sometimes, I even laugh at myself! I am looking for a person to laugh with, to cry with when needed, to have fun with, to share with, to enjoy life with. I am passionate about who GOD is, my country, at a Razorback game, watching a horse race, things like that.

Meet a soulmate from Conway, United States. I have just returned to Arkansas after retiring from the Army. I am divorced and new at dating so I really don't know what to say. I am 52 and still very active in my life and would like to be active in yours. I have two children both grown and do not whish to have more. My grandchildren take up a lot of my time, but will make time for that special woman.Must have a good personility and be easy to get alone with. Not a push over someone who speaks her own mind, but is willing to listen to other perople before making a serious decission