Date men from United States / Arkansas / Benton, 65 year old

Date single man from Benton, United States. pretty girls, fast motor cycles and good sounden hotrods that look good,familey that lives in az. sis lives in az,sis lives in va, and one sis that lives in ncalif and one that lives in tucson and one that lives inphoenix. i like flying and long trips on da bike across country. i like colorado mtns and colorado air. looken for someone to hang out with greatful for everything god has done for me in m life and things he does every day forme and the ones i care about.looken for someone who likes what i like and things i like to do

Meet a soulmate from Benton, United States. I am a fun, caring, and sincere individual. My friends tell me I have a very kind heart. I like to think I have a good sense of humor and I'm young at heart. I've been fortunate in that I have been able to live in several different places around the country. I grew up on a farm in Michigan, have lived in Illinois, Tennessee, Washington State and Arkansas. It's always fun to travel and experenice new areas. I like history and geography and I can't hardly stand to drive by a historical marker. I really enjoy road trips. I'm searching for someone who is kind, has a good sense of humor, and who is open to try new things. Someone special to share experiences with, hopefully some travel and just living life.