Date men from United States / Arkansas / Benton, 24 year old

Date a guy from United States. My name is Matthew and I have 2 kids that are my world. They live with their mom who Im on good terms with presently, no drama. With that said, I want a girl who also hates drama and no smokers please. My daughter was born with asthma so I absolutely cant have my dates smoking. I spend every other weekend with my kids and the weekends that Im not with them I hang out with friends at local bars watching UFC fights, go dancing and go to the lake to tan and relax.
I was born and raised in Arkansas so if you want that southern gentleman, here I am.
Im a very laid back guy who rarely gets mad or nervous about anything. I love to travel and im very spontaneous with it. I live life to the fullest everyday with no regrets. I want to find a woman who loves going out but is fine with just staying in every once in a while. Im a caring,sensitive, and intelligent man looking for someone to give all my love and affection to. I've never had anyone in my life that hasnt hurt me so I am well guarded and definately know what I am looking for. I've always and WILL always be a long term relationship kind of guy. I dont do one night stands, multiple partners, or paid services. Im loyal and respectful to my woman.
Lastly, I want a woman who can speak her mind and isnt afraid to just be herself around me. I always speak what I feel and I want the same in a woman. Communication and honesty is a must for any relationship to survive. Im not dependent on someone else to support me nor am I looking for someone to be my kids momma. I am currently living on my own so it would just be nice to enjoy life with someone else.
Message me if your interested :)

Meet a boy from United States. I am a compassionate guy who likes to go all out on special occasions and make them memoriable. I believe a relationship is equal and I'm not much for arguements. I am a Christian but I dont judge others for their beliefs. I graduated high school and college with high GPA's. I'm known for being responsible but I still like to have fun. I like to go out to eat but I love to cook. I also enjoy music and can play the drums. I am looking for somebody who is fun, sweet, and is open minded. Somebody who has a big heart. Doesn't have to be a college graduate. I would like a girl for their personality, looks aren't everything.

Date single boy from United States. I am open to all types of women. However my ideal type is some one that I'm a better man for being with. I know thats corney but for me its true I want that connection that I cant live with out, deeper than just physical, I want a spiritual connection.

Meet a soulmate from United States. I'm 24 I have a son who is my world. I'm a music artist and producer I stay very busy my.son comes first in every aspect. I'm a cool down to earth Guy who is wanting to find that 1 he can hold at night.

Date someone special from United States. I am a very outdoor oriented individual try and spend as much time outdoors as possible playing sports, hunting, fishing, and camping. I also love watching movies and hanging out with friends. Family is very important to me and I don't know what I would do without mine. Enjoy going out every once and a while but don't go out a lot. I come from a very small town of about 180 people I'm just a laid back country boy. I have a bachelors degree in fisheries and wildife biology from Arkansas Tech university I graduated in the spring of 2010. I currently work for the Arkansas Geological Survey in little rock and hope to one day get a job with the forest service. I love to joke and am always in a good mood. I'm looking for someone who I can hang out with and be myself and have fun who also loves sports and the outdoors. If you want to know anything else just hit me up and ask.

Meet a guy from Benton, United States. Artistic but extreme. Optimistic but demanding. Shrewd but overbearing. Harmonious but subservient. Unconventional but unstable. Ambitious but stubborn. Brilliant but obsessive. Thoughtful but slow. Inspiring but melodramatic. Glamorous but snobby. Talented but unmotivated.

Date a boy from Benton, United States. I am very easy to get along with. I can be quiet at first, but I'm a fun person to be around once you get to know me better. I look for a girl who is both beautiful on the inside and outside, someone who is not too mature but can loosen up and have fun, someone with a sence of humor, someone who plans to make a good living, someone who is a good Christian person, and someone who can be my best friend and is always there for me.