Date men from United States / Arkansas / Benton, 18 year old

Date single boy from Arkansas, United States. I enjoy watching movies, hanging with friends, and just plain goofing off for no apparent reason. I spend most of my day sitting back at home and relaxing or shooting some hoops with some friends or neighbors.

Meet a guy from Arkansas, United States. One that loves the lord and would love to just hang out and watch a movie together and take care of my needs while i take care of hers. I would love to go out in the great outdoors and just spend time together

Date someone special from Arkansas, United States. I am sporty, caring, fun, active and determined in everything I do. I love life and I live it to the fullest. I am looking for a women that likes to have fun and cares about me and for who I am. I hope to here from somebody and build a relationship.

Meet a boy from Arkansas, United States. Looking for some one fun and amazing someone who isn't scared to do new thingws some one who will treat me right or to try new things or to have fun. Who likes to travel and everything and who would like to play around