Date men from United States / Arkansas / Benton, 55 year old

Date someone special from Benton, United States. First wife I supported us an put her thru school. Then built us a new house.Within six months,she told me to pack my stuff and get out. So I've been gun shy for last twenty yrs. we were married 14 and half yrs. Have felt like i had sucker tattooed on my forehead!!!!!!!!!!!so have been alone. I'm sick of being alone.

Meet a soulmate from Benton, United States. I'm going on my 9th month in the Little Rock area, met some nice people and hope to continue the trend. That being said I am looking for a relationship. A motto of mine is: I like to take my time, but not waste my time. I'm sure it's not original... But shouldn't everyone's goal be to get off this web-site?
So here's a little more about me to see if I at least "look good on paper". Chemistry, spark, and the multitude of cliche's that will just have to wait till we meet...
I like my coffee in the morning and wine in the evening, all in an effort to keep chemically balanced of course.
About now you might realize that I think humor is important. I'm sure whatever you do on a daily basis has enough serious in it already. I know mine does. And that's one of the benefits of a good relationship. to help the other through whatever the day had to offer. After listening and taking part in making the other person feel better, then and only then you make fun of their shoes. That should explain my divorce...
And in the Interests and Sports section one can see all the things that I do or have done (well, not quite). As you can see, I'm more the participant than the spectator. I'll watch a football game, but not much of a "tailgater". I understand that might be a deal breaker around here. Sorry... Perhaps as, or even more important, are the day to day things that make up life. I think going to the store should be fun. Those with kids might have a different opinion. And I might lean in the direction of Home Depot as being more fun than Wal-Mart, but not the Saturday Farmers Market, that's really cool.
One final note (or two). If I don't respond to every note, wink, or nod from Tibet please don't take offense. I wish everyone the best of luck in enhancing their happiness.

Date a man from Benton, United States. I am a very simple person. Family is very important to me. I do not care about what the Jones own or do. I have a since of humor, and like my partner in crime to have one also. I prefer to grab a sandwitch and go to a park more than I do a resturante,however good seafood and steak when out every time. A good cup of coffee and good conversation is a really cool night out. I love the outdoors and all sorts of animals. I believe we are the intruders in there world and must respect that. I am extermly honest, faithful, and when I give my word it can be written in stone. I am retired from the US Coast Guard and have traveled all over the country over main roads. I would like to take all the secondary roads now. I have come to AR to give my Mother and Strep Father a break from taking care of my 96 year Grandmother.
I may be getting older but I refuse to grow up. I still like to play in the rain, swing on swings, and play on the water. I am at home on the water.
I can talk to anyone on any subject however my main thing is History, Oceans, ships, boats and John Wayne. If I dont no I will say so.
As for my ideal match. Simple, dont be fake, dont try to be somthing you are not. Like me for me and I will do the same. I do not set requirements on a person. I am mainly looking for a friend to share time with, and then see what happens. You have to be a little crazy also.

Meet single man from Benton, United States. I would love to meet someone that is fun-loving, honest, good morals, attractive, someone that people think highly of not because of what they have, because of who they are. I am honest, fun every chance I get, I have a good sense of humor, never meet a stranger. I am kind of competitive ask my biking buddy's,I love the outdoors, hiking, the ocean, sporting events, movies, playing sports, working out, mountain biking is my main thing. Church and family are very important to me. One place I would like to go I have never been is the Grand Canyon. Did I mention I love the ocean.

Date someone special from Arkansas, United States. I feel that I a a really good person, funny, loyal,and dedicated to the things in life that are important to me. My family, job, freinds, and "oh yea", my woman. I'am really not lookng to get married, but I am looking for someone to spend time with having fun, and who knows, it could really turn into a relationship that could be very special.