Date men from United States / Arkansas / Jonesboro, 18 year old

Date a guy from Jonesboro, United States. Well.. Im Courtney. But ive been going by Trip since middle school. Im outgoing. Always looking foward to what's next. I make music, but only on spare time. I like to meet new people and im a sarcastic person sometimes.

Meet a soulmate from Jonesboro, United States. just here looking to meet new people....i just moved here to jonesboro i thinking of going to college 6'4 and basketball my fav sport you catch me playing basketball most of my time anything else u would like to know ask me

Date a boy from Jonesboro, United States. I love girls who love sports,hunting,fishing,and just walking to be together and habing fun. I go by what's in ur heart and if i find love than we can see where it leads but girls who love themselves can find love and be happy now it's time to search for my dream

Meet single boy from Jonesboro, United States. Great guy, wants a girl to just hang out and have fun with. He loves to be outdoors and loves to work on his truck. He's very interested in the police academy. He wants a girl who wants to go riding around town and watch movies with him.

Date someone special from Jonesboro, United States. i enjoy the little thigns in life, walks in parks, spending time with someone special, and i want to make a difference in the world. i like a person who is strong willed and cares for peopel and animals. i love computers and computer games, and i feel like i have a few awesome hobbies. such as throwing weapons and the love for asian culture and science that i have. i am a very literal thinker but i can also joke around.after i get done with colelge i plan to do something with my life and to start some form of family. i feel like relationships are the bases to how humanity conforms to the struggles in life, to have someone to talk to about there day and to help them out when in trouble. someone to cuddle with or have fun with to keep there mind off of the bad thigns going on or the stressful situations present. i hate rumors and drama is a big dissagreement with me. i still have a partial kid in me, such as the love for simple things, and the ability to play with legos from time to time. i prefer fairly clean things and my personal hygene is a must. there is plenty more to know about me, so get to know me. im open for fun.

Meet a guy from Arkansas, United States. I am a guy who likes to have fun and go out with friends . I enjoy going out on the boat and hitting the water . I'm just lookin for some one who wants to have a good time. I just moved here and don't know any body

Date a soulmate from Arkansas, United States. Hi I'm Alex I live in bono. I'm a nice guy I love too have fun and I'm just lookin for Sum one too be with i enjoy huntin fishin horse back riden muddin and any thing too do with being outside. Im easy too get along with and i love meeting new people Any qustions just ask

Meet a boy from Arkansas, United States. IMy name is Thomas. I'm not gona lie I dropped out of school but I'm a great person. Easy to get along wit I love fishing and being out doors I love music and I love kidsI love going out to eat and going to the movies and going to the club. Uhm I like laying outside and looking at the stars at night and watching the sunset or sun rise