Date men from United States / Arkansas / Arkadelphia, 18 year old

Date single boy from Arkadelphia, United States. well im loooking for a christian girl that loves God and is willing to go to church and shes got a pretty smile good sense of humor loves pets wants kids dosent belive in premeridial sex and loves to eat cos i can cook

Meet a guy from Arkadelphia, United States. well im tall, 6'3 to be exact and still growing, i have blue eyes that change from green and gray depending on my mood. im not the most social, i perfer small groups of people. i am a pagan which is pretty much a person who believes in the earth. i have blonde hair but i have been told it is more of a light brown so thats what i go with. im not the most built but i am physically fit. im in the National Guard as a combat medic. i like anything thats fun and im always up for new things and im deffinately a risk taker. i look for a girl that is fun, up for new things, likes nature, and isnt afraid to learn of new religions. im not much for looks, i pay more attention to personality then anything, however, it doesnt hurt if she looks good.

Date a boy from Arkadelphia, United States. I'm a country boy.ill be in college next year playing baseball my major will be phiscal therapy. I love to hunt and fish and play sports. I'm very funny I like to have a good time. If you want to know anything els let me know