Date men from United States / Arizona / Tempe, 30 year old

Date a man from Arizona, United States. Hi there and thanks for checking out my profile! My view on life is that it is meant to live to the fullest, and try to keep as active as possible. I do, however, enjoy an occasional lazy Saturday or a quiet movie at home. I am extremely busy and working on a second masters in Nonprofit Management.
I also try and hike "A" mountain every morning and would like to get back into working out at least twice a week. I am an extremely motivated and persistent person who always gives 200% to everything that I pursue. My family is extremely important to me, and it would be nice to have a partner who values her family as well.
I also am a very adventurous person that will try any thing once from a different cuisine to a new activity. I also love traveling. Although I have not been outside of the country besides Mexico and Canada, I do plan to visit Europe and other parts of the world. I want a partner to explore other parts of the world with.
My ideal match.
She must have the same family values as me since I am pretty close with mine. She also must have a good sense of humor. I have found that life is not life without laughter and humor. I also try to not take life too seriously. You will find me laughing at the clumsy things I do frequently. It would also be nice if she liked animals. I grew up around them and they will always be an important part of my life. Patience and a good communicator are some other qualities that I am looking for in my match.
If you're still reading, you must think that we have something in common. Drop me a wink/email. I double dare ya!

Meet single man from Arizona, United States. I travel alot Im always getting out of town no matter if its just a day trip out of the city or a flight to new adventures. I fly for free becuase I work for the airlines. I like camping shooting fishing boating hiking just anything outdoors. Im on her to meet a nice lady to enjoy life with:-)

Date someone special from Arizona, United States. I realize this is a "dating" site and if I find someone I click with on that level that would be fantastic. However, I am simply here to meet new people and expand my social network because I do not know too many people in Tempe or the surrounding areas. I grew up with four sisters and I'm very easy to get along with and seem to understand women better than most men. I love to be adventurous and try new things, go to new places and travel. I am not here to say I need someone who knows what they want out of life or anything along those lines, because to be honest, I'm still exploring that myself. I am just looking for someone who is not superficial but wants to get to know me as a person and allow me to get to know them. A sports lover would be great, but someone who just loves life as much as I do would be awesome as well! I always try to find the positives in everyone so don't worry if you come to me and you have things others have judged you for because I tend to look past things. I don't judge someone for their past relationships, experiences or living situations. I realize things happen, especially in this tough economy and would love to be there for someone who might need someone just to talk to. Look forward to meeting you!!

Meet a soulmate from Arizona, United States. may be talking about your self is not charming thing but some times it nessecary to jump over .... anyway, im a happy person , hardworking , even thaw i like sleeping . i love travilling .... i live in syria damascus .
i have a perfect twin and that is amazing ...........

Date a man from United States. My favorite thing in life is travel. I spent the last year and a half in Europe as part of an MBA program and I had the time of my life. I have had the pleasure of going to 40 countries and want to try to go to at least one new country a year. I now work for US Airways and intend to take full advantage of my flight benefits!
My time abroad helped me figure out who I am and what I really want out of life. I am comfortable with myself and with being alone, but I also discovered just how much I would truly like a companion to share my adventures being the biggest adventure of all. :-)
In terms of my characteristics, I have been told that my best trait is my tenderness, but not too many people get to see that becuase that part of me opens itself up to being hurt. In my time abroad, however, I realized that it is a big part of who I am and that I have to not be afraid to let that facet of my personality shine.
I think that my best trait is my sense of humor. I have a somewhat sarcastric demeanor and I love to laugh. It is hard for something like that to come across in "meeting" someone this way but, hopefully, when we get to meet you will agree with me. :-p
As for what I am looking for in a companion, the most important thing to me is that I am with someone who is willing to be open to just being herself. I tend to find myself attracted to nerdy girls with quirky sensibilities, but I am open to all types. Basically, I just want you to be who you are. :-)
In terms of interests, I definitely have to be with someone who likes to travel because, as I mentioned before, it is a big part of my life. I would also like to meet someone who is equally comfortable going to the symphony or watching a bad movie. I understand that I have diverse interests, but all that I ask for is a willingness to try and I will offer the same. :-)
I am not entirely sure what my long-term plans are at this point, so I guess I am mostly flexible. I have lived in Vienna and Paris and, one day, hope to move back to Europe...if only for a few months. I am always open to other suggestions, though...that's all part of the adventure. :-)

Meet single man from United States. Hi, my name is Mike. I have lived most of my life in AZ, and I consider myself a native. I have many interests that span many different things, so I am always anxious to learn or do something new. In my spare time I like to enjoy Arizona and what its outdoors has to offer. More specifically hiking, biking and rock climbing. Even though I like to be active, I do enjoy non-outdoorsy/active things like watching a movie in the theater. It's a weekend morning tradition for me. Movies at home on the couch are great too. Especially when you have someone to cuddle up to. Hanging out with friends for happy hour or a little pool. Watching UFC, basketball, football, baseball, tennis, hockey...Pretty much any sport. It's also nice to just relax and sit at home to a good movie or book. A favorite spot of mine to read or just sit and relax is down by Tempe Town Lake. One spot in particular is nice and peaceful to just sit and lose yourself.
I am looking to meet someone who can share my interests, as well as I can share in theirs. Someone who can be comfortable in any situation. Someone who isn't afraid of being themselves. Someone to share all life's experiences and adventures, who will bring out the best in me, tolerate the worst in me, and always be supportive of me is what I am looking for. Someone makes me want to come home to early or never want to leave home at all. Someone I can be with romantic and caring with and do all the little things that make them happy. Is it you? Let's find out together!

Date someone special from United States. Hi, my name is Jaki. I'm looking for someone interesting to spend time with. I am a nice and intelligent guy. I am probably not like most american guys you've met. One of my female friends described me as unconventional and interested in the fantastical. I never accepted the version and definition of reality that mainstream media and society feeds us. I am fascinated by ki and I believe in magic. I spend a lot of time learning how to change my own consciousness without taking drugs. There is a hidden gold mine in our bodies that most people don't know about.
I am also somewhat feminist. I believe women are the superior sex by far and girls are the most magical and fantastic thing in the universe. The good thing about being a guy is that I will have a woman as a lover one day. I am not an alpha-male by any means, I think it is wrong to live your life trying to be better than others. I am a very fierce competitor though, and you might be surprised if you ever saw me play sports, I am a lot more athletic than I look at first glance. The drive to be the best I can be at what I do fuels me everyday.
Music is my life, my talent, and what I am supposed to do with my life. I don't care about money beyond living comfortably, happiness is the real gold. I don't take myself too seriously either, I am a very silly and jovial person. Life is either a comedy or a tragedy, and there is enough bad in the world to drag you down if you let it. I choose to laugh and be happy daily.
If you think I seem like an interesting person, I would be happy to meet or chat with you. Online dating is a strange place, but I would be happy to make some new friends before my subscription expires. I would be happy to answer questions if you would like to know anything else about me. Submit this please, there is nothing wrong with it, censors.

Meet a soulmate from United States. The first memory I have of Arizona involves deep-fried rattlesnake and gun-fighting cowboys. My father was considering moving from Montana to Arizona for a career opportunity. In order to get me on board he took the family to Rawhide. Anyone living here for a while may be familiar with the place. It was a dusty theme park of sorts, designed to simulate the Wild West. (Perhaps not the Wild West that actually existed back in the 1800s, but the one that exists in the myths that have been passed down about it since then.) Old, weather-worn wooden buildings, lined a dusty street. People milled about dressed in cowboy hats, chaps, boots complete with spurs. The “Sheriff” chased troublemakers through the streets. Inside the buildings were gift shops, restaurants, and family photo booths. There was even somewhere to pan for “gold.” After our visit to Rawhide I found that rattlesnake tasted enough like chicken when deep-fried for a little kid to enjoy and the thought of living somewhere where outlandish characters engaged in all manner of drama and action in the streets convinced me I would be fine with moving. And there I was, a kid who enjoyed playing outdoors wanting to move to a desert. This wouldn’t be the first time life took an unexpected turn.
At certain points in my life I’ve taken a step back, looked at my life and wondered “How did I get here?” The answer to that question usually reveals something about who I am as a person that I wasn’t aware of before. I’m surprised to find myself back in school working on another degree. After I finished my undergrad I didn’t think I would ever willing go back. I liked it well enough, I just figured I had had enough education to last me a lifetime. (I didn’t quite finish in the standard 4 years.) Also making money just feels so much better than not. I like the place in which I am living, but I feel that it would suit me better if it were in a different location. The building is nice and the furnishings are nice, but I like the idea of living somewhere which is oriented more towards walking than driving. It would be nice to live somewhere which had life’s amenities within walking distance, like a farmer’s market, some places to see live music, and good places to eat.

Date a man from Tempe, United States. I am not on here to play games, I want to meet someone that I can share my life with. I am a simple guy, I am caring and enjoy helping people. I am honest and know how to treat a woman with respect. I am the nicest guy you will ever meet. I know how to cook, do laundry, vacuum, you know all the things a woman looks for in a man :)
I have a "little brother" through the Big Brothers Big Sisters organization, so he has become a part of my life. I enjoy taking day trips up north or just spending time out and about here in the valley. I am a native to Arizona and have lived in the Phoenix area pretty much my entire life. I love music, the iPod is always on and I especially enjoy hearing live music. I am a big Elton John fan. I have a passion for flying although have not been able to in recent years.
I love my family, they have helped me through some hard times over the past year.

Meet single man from Tempe, United States. Growing up in India and Dubai has given me a great appreciation for other cultures and beautiful places. I've traveled to UK, Austria, Switzerland and Lebanon as well as throughout the United States. I dream of visiting South America and exploring Eastern Europe with someone special. The best part about going to so many places is that I tend to make friends there and love to go back to visit them.
I can be spontaneous and I appreciate that quality in a partner. She should be willing to just get in the car with me and drive until we reach somewhere new.Once, I flew to Minneapolis at the last minute to catch a U2 360 tour during the summer. At any given time, I've got a ticket booked for somewhere new and exciting.
Being and eating healthy needs to be important to my partner and I want someone who can share in my activities. A dreamer, I'm always working on a new idea and am open to trying anything. Because I tend to think and act quickly, she needs to have patience with me.
The woman I'm looking for will be a good listener and interested in things I'm passionate about. I want someone who can hold a meaningful conversation with me and who will give her opinions freely. I love a little spice in a relationship and someone who's maybe a little feisty and confident in who she is.

Date someone special from Tempe, United States. It's hard to meet someone (outside of a bar) that is, when work is a constant taker of my time. Ironically enough, it's equally as hard to maintain a relationship for the same reason.
Except for certain occasions, I choose not to do the whole bar scene. I'm not rich and I don't see it happening anytime soon ;)
I have my moments when it comes to quick wit and comedy...but who doesn't?
I love photography and film. I have a BA in film and HD television which has allowed me to work with some amazing actors and actresses. I enjoy my profession when I'm able to pursue it, yet lately I have been detoured in another direction. I still have a destination...the journey continues.
I don't have a match membership as of yet, although I look forward to doing so.
I'm looking for a woman who knows what she headgames. I'm looking for a woman...not a girl. Someone who knows how to communicate and keeps an open mind.
That's all for now...don't be offended by a wink...that's all I can send you at the moment.

Meet a soulmate from Tempe, United States. vvvvA headline is a short introductory phrase for your profile. Think of it as a personal motto or even as a statement reflection of your personality.A headline is a short introductory phrase for your profile. Think of it as a personal motto or even as a statement reflection of your personality.A headline is a short introductory phrase for your profile. Think of it as a personal motto or even as a statement reflection of your personality.A headline is a short introductory phrase for your profile. Think of it as a personal motto or even as a statement reflection of your personality.A headline is a short introductory phrase for your profile. Think of it as a personal motto or even as a statement reflection of your personality.