Date men from United States / Arizona / Tempe, 60 year old

Date a soulmate from United States. A lovely lady inside an out. That takes care of herself an Is not moody, adventurous , spontanious, resonabale, can take a joke,sexy, has good communication skills.Hiking an country dancing are a plus.

Meet a man from United States. I am a busy professional. I work hard...but I also like to play hard. I love sports and have partial season seats to D-Backs, 'Yotes, and Suns. So taking in a game is something that I like to do from time to time...but no sports junkie or couch potato here. I also scuba dive quite often, ski, play racquetball 2-3 times a week, play some sand volleyball, play basketball once a week or so, a round of golf from time to time, and just try to have a good time every matter what I'm doing. And travel...let's not forget that. I love to travel and do so whenever possible...around the block or around the world. But movies and dinner are also good. Live concerts can also be big fun...or dancing, or moonlight walks...or grilling my famous chicken, sipping a glass of wine. I am actually very open to just about anything...risky or not. Speaking of risk, I seem to be a risk taker by the more risky or dangerous, the better. I'm in decent shape, like to keep current in dress and attitude, and have all of my hair and teeth. I'm told that I don't look my age, and don't act my age either. I love to laugh (especially at myself) and love to hear laughter around me (even if it's at my expense). I'm a jazz/blues/rock fan, and generally get out to listen to live music (and dance) whenever possible. Concerts? Sure...nothing better than live music...either at the concert or club level. And you'd better like to dance!! I'm not religious, except in airplanes. I'll try to make you laugh at least hourly. I love (and have) dogs but also love all animals...big and small.My match is, very simply, somebody who loves life and appreciates what it can offer. Life is wonderful...regardless of your circumstances, and you've got that concept down cold. You'll be kind, caring and outgoing. Strong when you need to be. Silly when you want to be. And be willing to receive a snuggle, backrub, or kiss anytime or anywhere (PDAs are mandatory). You'll be active and fit, and will choose to participate rather than watch. You'd rather giggle than snarl or complain. You'll enjoy sports (doing and watching), and will hopefully want to join me in my SCUBA adventures worldwide. You'll laugh easily, and not take things too seriously...including yourself. You'll be sweet, kind, a lover of nature and animals and somebody that goes through life with a smile on your face.

Date single man from United States. I am a great guy that have decided that it is time for me to meet a special woman.I enjoy my life and all the things I do,but something have been missing for a while.
I am hoping to attract a mature woman that know what she is looking for and is ready to explore what a relationshion should be.

Meet someone special from United States. ABOUT ME:
Everyone appreciates a good listener. I pride myself on being able to listen with an open heart; you will always deserve my full attention and presence of mind, body, and spirit. The first and most important aspect of being in a good relationship is treating each other with the same respect and kindness with which you wish to be treated. If we can stay clear about what we want and what we need in a partnership, while staying grounded, we can create a caring and loving partnership that supports and enhances the best of who we are. I'm completely reliable. If I say I'll do something or be somewhere at a certain time, you can count on it. I won't disappoint you. If you're looking for a man who's easy to be around, who will be supportive of your goals and dreams, is affectionate, trustworthy and patient then that’s what I have to offer always.
I pursue love with honesty in big and small ways.
I am frequently taking personal development classes/lectures. The pursuit of developing, refining and learning the skills that help me become the best that I can be. When you have the proper tools and strategies at your disposal, you have more control over your life and are therefore happier and more productive. It is a very important part in my life, to attain personal satisfaction and fulfillment.
Another characteristic of mine is I like to tell jokes and have a good sense of humor. One cannot be serious about life all the time. It’s important to be able to laugh and joke and have fun. It helps us remain calm and not get worked up or over excited when faced with life's challenges and issues. I just might make you laugh! Example joke: A teddy bear goes to some people's house and has dinner, when all are done, the people say to the teddy bear,--------------would you like desert?------------the teddy bear says-------------------------no thanks, I'm stuffed.
I would like to find a woman who is kind, has a good heart as well as a good sense of humor. You can laugh at yourself and I won't mind if you laugh at me! (You probably will from time to time!) We will laugh together and enjoy spending time with our friends and families.
Two people are intimate when they are able to share with each other the innermost and most essential parts of themselves. A true relationship will consist of both partners who need to equally contribute.
We will work every day together to create a happy life together. I will work every day to enhance the happiness you have, as you will do for me. I am hoping to find the love of my life who would like to create something lasting; someone who appreciates the little things I will do for her as well as the big ones. Affection is very big to me and is to you as well.
I'm looking for a gal who will contribute these compassionate attributes; gratitude, appreciation in what I offer to this relationship, considerate, creative, participating planner, imagining good.
Together we are stronger because our personal power is multiplied by two. Through partnership we experience the joys of working, living, and loving together.
First Date
Let’s meet at a quiet place so we can learn more about each other. We’ll talk about our dreams, goals and plan our future fun and creative times. Hopefully there is a rapid exchange of personable, maybe funny talk so we’ll want the conversation and fun to go on and on.

Date a soulmate from Tempe, United States. I adore hanging out with my family so much.
I surround myself with nice people, with good wine.
I looking for someone be poised and polity, and who to treat like a lady.
I'am kind man when it comes to dating.

Meet a man from Tempe, United States. Looking to meet those with Interests in truth, beauty and goodness. A deep knowledge of incredible forces beyond and within us fostering our growth and progress is a wonderful, essential thing to share between partners.
I enjoy composing, arrainging, teaching and performing classical and jazz piano, and music theory. I performed original works on the university campuses at Boulder, CO and Salt Lake, UT, Summer 2011.

Date single man from Tempe, United States. I seem to expect a lot out of life and most often get it. It may not be the things I want but who gets everything they want out of life. I look at life in a moody sort of way. Water seems to waver mostly above the halfway mark, best as I can describe myself. Easy to smile and give a compliment and open doors. Being an old fashioned gent. I enjoy traveling and being with people and I can keep up in most conversations. I like to go out an partying as well as staying home watching a movies in front of a fireplace.
I love my family very much as they are a big part of my life. They are not close by right now and I do miss them. I have the absolutely the most beautiful grandchildren in the world, I guess that is subjective. I do have pictures and I will show then to you even if you don't want to see them:)
I am very much of a romantic and enjoy touching and hugs. I love to kiss and enjoy looking into the eyes of whom I am with. I try to stay in touch with both myself and my friends emotions. Being a libra that I am. Not really sure about all of the Zodiac and the mythology, but I sure act like a libra!
I enjoy photography, reading, music, the moon and the stars under a clear night. I believe the heart of the earth is in the mountains and our planets soul lives in the ocean.
I would like to meet a woman that is kind, smart, kind of sassy, and really loves to kiss. She would like the out of doors like myself and could teach me to ride a horse. I enjoy a good argument but making up is the best part. I don't talk about politics or religion unless you really have an open mind about life and people.

Meet someone special from Tempe, United States. Looking for an attractive feminine lady who is honest, kind, loyal,touching, spontaneous, healthy, is a practicing christian, uninhibited in the bedroom, needy, caring and sensitive. A woman who is looking for a 1 on 1 relationship with a man, with the possibility of developing it into a meaningful long term relationship & eventually marriage. I am considered easy going, attractive, sense of humor, good health, open, loyal, affectionate, passionate and kind. I will enjoy traveling and sharing new things and places with her. I am a romantic person and I hope she is to! I need her to be a congenial companion, friendly, with a sense of humor and easy to get along with as I will be to her.

Date a soulmate from Arizona, United States. Looking for someone who measures life, not by the breaths they take, buy by the events that take your breath away. Has to have an active outlook look on life, physically fit and loves to eat healthy. Conversation is not muted, but examines the world around and is facinated by what they see. Loves to hold hands and walk arm in arm. Is the couple others see and how they interact together, and makes them jealous. Love to look in each others eyes and see excitement. Physical connection is an absolute must, can't keep your hands off of each other.

Meet a man from Arizona, United States. I may be able to help. I am an attorney who is a partner in a Phoenix, Arizona based law firm. I have two children; a son who graduated from the Honor's College at ASU; and a 22 year old daughter who also graduated from ASU and is married. My son and his wife have 3 little ones, ages 4, 3 and 1 (they are the lights of my life). I am a committed Christian and enjoy teaching a class at my church. In addition, I enjoy reading, musicals, movies, driving my sports car and, my newest challenge, learning to play the piano (so far, I've mastered the electronic Piano Disc player that I bought along with the piano. It sounds much better than my personal assaults on the keyboard). After 10 1/2 years of "singleness," the time has come to "balance" my life a little with another adult woman. In addition to the children described above, I have two "perfect" children: cats who were adopted a few years ago from one of the animal shelters. They keep me warm - and awake - at night. However, they will not befriend you until they are certain you do not intend to pick them up. I'd love to meet a mature woman who is looking for a monogamous relationship. Someone who loves the Lord and is very loyal to the man in her life. A woman who enjoys giving to and helping other people. Someone who stays fit and enjoys long walks. Someone who is open and honest, but not too demanding. Someone who appreciates the blessings in life and want to share them with others. OK, let's be honest: she should be pretty as well.

Date single man from Arizona, United States. I would like to meet YOU! I'm an easy-going, low-key, laid-back kind of a guy. I dress casually, but also dress for the occasion. I'm self-confident, but not arrogant. I know my limitations. I'm not necessarily a leader, but I'm not a follower either. I'm a polite gentleman and I have manners. I have respect for others and believe when someone gives their word they should keep it.
I like to go to dinner and movies, sporting events and do things my partner enjoys. Travel is fun, but not alone. I also enjoy spending time at home and doing those "stay at home things" with my partner.
I am looking for a good woman to get to know and have her get to know me. A woman who is spiritual and understanding. One who is sweet, sensitive and sincere. She should be warm, loving, romantic, passionate, faithful and honest. (I don't want too much, do I?) We should make time for each other and do things together, while still giving each other their space. We should always be able to communicate.
So if you think you might be interested, please keep me in mind and let's get together and talk. Who knows where it might go! I have much more to say about me and would like, very much, to know more about you, but right now I want to go searching for YOU.

Meet someone special from Arizona, United States. I'm a down-to-earth guy who's tired of being alone. Divorced a couple of years ago after 20 years of marriage.
I'm financially stable with a job that I love. I've been traveling quite a bit for work lately and looks like that will continue for another year or so.
I have one daughter in college at ASU who lives with me, and another graduating high school next summer who is here on weekends. (as much as any teenager is home on weekends...)
I'm looking for someone who has a great sense of humor, who is financially independent and with little baggage - not looking for drama. I'd like to find a real friend - someone to share my life with.