Date women from United States / Arizona / Sedona, 57 year old

Date someone special from Sedona, United States. 9 days remaining on Match. I am letting the universe decide whether someone will come into my life at this point in time. I am content with being alone, and sometimes even lonely, yet it is preferable to the loneliness I endured during my recent marriage to a non-communicative man. I have one need to which all other needs pale in comparison...make me laugh.
While it's nice to get far away winks, if you don't live within a half hour to an hour away, realistically we don't have a chance. And why do so many men wink, and then hide their profile??? What's up with that? Like I'm going to know who you are?
And for those men in distant far off places, I can only speak for myself here, but I have no intention of moving again, any time soon. I have moved twice in the past 2 months, one being a long-distance move from Portland, OR, and the other just weeks after I got here, to fine-tune my home location. I won't say "never" however, because that's asking for trouble. I am giving Sedona a chance for awhile, and then who knows?
I also am taking it s...l...o...w...l...y in terms of a possible new relationship. After my last whirlwind dating fiasco which produced a 17 month marriage which ended recently in divorce, I am in no hurry to make any new commitments. So the more you push, the quicker I'll run the other way. Just saying... And yes, we met on
I think the idea is to let things unfold naturally as they should. It's pretty much my philosophy on life.

Meet a woman from Sedona, United States. I am an adventurous woman with lots of energy who also likes quiet times of conversation. I am retired and have been everything from an artist to a horse whisperer. I like travel, dancing, horseback riding, scuba and snorkeling, learning, meeting new people and having a few good friends. My friends say that I am a happy person with a positive outlook on life. kind, compassionate, trustworthy, reliable and can laugh at life's bumps.
I have lived in France, traveled to Spain, Italy,Germany, Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Caribbean Islands, China, India, Hawaii, Morrea, Bora Bora, many US National Parks above and under water. I travel well and don't freak when the trains go on strike. I like to visit cities for the culture but my love of nature keeps me living in the country.
I am looking for a man who is active, upbeat and likes exploring new ideas and places. I value integrity, compassion and being best friends as well as loving. A sense of humor is a must. The man I would like to meet has the time and desire to play, hike, relax, and travel for pleasure. An extra plus would be if he horseback rides or is interested in learning. His life style keeps his body in good shape.
He is interested in getting to know who I am and what my values are and is a good listener as well as talker.
He is personally and financially secure and would not expect me to diminish my life style. I look for a man who is as passionate about life as I am and who delights in physical closeness between two loving people. I enjoy pampering my partner with his favorite foods or a massage. If you lead a sedentary life style or are overweight please consider this before you email me, it usually doesn't work out as active as I am.
What are you passionate about? What are your favorite things to do each week?

Date a soulmate from Sedona, United States. Happy... healthy... playful... independent... sparkling... optimistic... honest... big-hearted... intelligent... kind... compassionate... creative... easy-going... open... insightful... and imperfect... - that's me!
I seek a partnership that values both people's needs equally, and where we treat ourselves and each other with tenderness, care, and compassion. A balance of independence and interdependence, and communicating in a way that brings us closer, even when we have differing opinions. Sound appealing? - I discovered the practice of compassionate communication (also known as non-violent communication) a few years ago, and I have found the tools to create the joy, peace and harmony that I want in my life. I feel excited to enter into a relationship again, knowing that it can be a place of nurturing and care, even in difficult times.
I am looking to find an evolved man who is also interested in creating such a relationship... if it resonates for you, drop me a line!
And, as my youngest son has gone off to college, I am following my heart on a grand adventure! - I have just moved to Sedona, AZ - a place that makes my heart sing. I love the sunshine and the natural beauty of the fabulous red rocks. Daily hikes and new friends confirm that this was a good move!

Meet someone special from United States. I love to hike with my dog, go to movies, go out for dinner and I especially love to travel. That gets me very excited. I do 2 big trips per year for my business and love to do 1 or 2 for myself. I'm fun and very direct and looking for someone who is also fun and easy to get along with. Love to go out to dinner. By the way, the pictures are all recent, except for the one of my puppy, she now weighs 97 pounds! The one where I'm standing in the red rocks was taken last October.

Date a woman from United States. I am a passionate, adventurous and playful lady. My friends enjoy my humor, creativity, music, cooking, creative gatherings, artwork, and my unwavering loyalty.
I had 25 years of great fun designing toys and animated cartoons. For 18 years since I have been a professional channel. I am re-exploring and enjoying my artwork in a new way now. I am also a singer/recording artist.
Nature feeds my soul whether it be hiking, biking, kayaking, snorkeling, or meditating on a vortex in Sedona. I love participating in comedy improvisation, making music, dancing, dinner parties, cooking, listening to music, visiting museums, and traveling.
I am looking for a lovely man to share relationship with deep spiritual connection; yet has ease, grace and joy about it. We generate more consciousness, light and power by being together. We are adventurous yet homey. We share lots of laughter, and sensuality. Being creative together, as in music, dance, art, etc, is a definite plus. Traveling together would be great fun.
Are you the special being that makes both our lives light up in celebration? I hope so, and I look forward to hearing from you.

Meet a soulmate from United States. come and play with me, stimulate my sense of fun and nature and let me fall into comfortable harmony with a good guy. i never know what i will like till i see/feel it. honesty is a must. basic values assumed. be yourself. i can't help it. i like big cities and little country towns, high society and low brow, elegant and funky, anything authentic. not adverse to new ideas. sophisticated and simple. life is big. and small. me too.

Date someone special from Arizona, United States. I am a soulful woman who loves to laugh and sing. I'm told I'm a very giving person... I'm learning to receive and allow more into my life. I was born and grew up in Japan, so am bi-lingual and bi-cultural and have "a Japanese heart." I attended Japanese public schools for 10 years. I have a deep spirituality and am passionate about all things body-mind-spirit, especially as they relate to healing. I love exploring the outdoors and being in the beauty of nature. I also love children and animals; they're so open-hearted and playful, and true to themselves!
I consider myself a people-person, have a open heart, and enjoy meeting new people and going to new places. I consider myself a "world citizen" and love to try new things. I recently moved to the desert of the Southwest after many years in the "rain forest" of Puget Sound. And just now I've moved to Sedona and get to work and play amongst the Red Rock here! How does it get any better than that?!?
I would love to meet a gentleman who'd like to explore the beautiful places of Arizona with me... or perhaps you're new here, too, and would like a friend to Adventure with?
In the midst of my transformational process I'm now working on what I want to really focus on during the remainder of my life. I have many varied interests and "irons in the fire." I'd like to meet a friend -- and eventually a life partner -- who would like to learn and grow with me, perhaps a man on his own transformational journey ... a man who's getting to know himself better, who's on his own spiritual path, one who honors and respects himself, too. I'm seeking a man to laugh with, cry with, share long walks and talks with. I'm seeking a soul partner with whom I can share my hopes and dreams. I'd like him to be a compassionate person, also generous. It'd be fun to go out on the town and eat sushi or gyros, and enjoy walking the parks and hiking the desert and mountains with you, too.
Would be delighted to hear from you if this resonates with you~~~