Date women from United States / Arizona / Sedona, 34 year old

Date a soulmate from Arizona, United States. I am Italian by birth passionate by choice.I believe you are supposed to meet the people you meet when you are supposed to meet them. timing is everything. I am adventerous and love to try new things. I am pretty social but definitly love to have my own space. I am not out searching for "the one" but if I stumble upon that, thats even better. Mostly I love people that can just be in the moment and have a great time. I love to travel and yes everyone says that but I know my true happiness comes from being other places and seeing the way other people live.
I just moved to Arizona from southern California. Originally from Portland, Oregon. I am going through quite the culture shock but things are going good.
A little about what I am looking for...I am looking for someone who is smart and has a great sense of humor and of course there has to be chemistry and mutual attraction. I believe life should be fun and especially in a relationship. I understand that life is always going to throw you curve balls but when its more work than good than it probably just wasnt meant to be. I have a great relationship with my father and am not looking for a father figures so please just overlook my profile if you are closer to my dads age than mine.