Date women from United States / Arizona / Glendale, 34 year old

Date someone special from Glendale, United States. OK, this is totally uncharted territory for me but I have decided to go ahead and give it a whirl (so wish me luck) I am a single mom (there, that's said) but no worries, I'm not looking for someone to be a dad to my kids. I have just reached a place where I want a partner to laugh and love with. I am loving, honest, and loyal, especially to those that are closest to my heart. My friends would say that I am honest and loyal (sometimes to a fault). I know the value of a positive outlook and can find the funny side of just about anything. I put my whole heart and soul into everything I do. I am looking for someone that is willing to love, live, and laugh with passionate abondon (I know it sounds cheesy). I am a total sucker for a man with an accent or a military uniform. I want a partner who is kind and caring, strong and gentle, open and honest, and overall a true gentleman (at least most of the time).

Meet a soulmate from Glendale, United States. I might be quiet at first..but watch out! Once I get the lay of the land, I have a pretty wicked, sometimes inappropriate, sense of humor. Short and feisty, that's me! I grew up a bit of a tom boy but I love to get dressed up and go out dancing! I love to be spontaneous and I love surprises. I enjoy traveling and seeing new things, and I can't wait to see more..I love quiet time too, hanging out by the pool or camping in the mountains are some of my favorite relaxing moments. I am a divorced mom of 2 great kids ages 12 and 5; I have a split custody arrangement with my ex. Just a reminder though, they are a HUGE part of my life. If you aren't open to the possibility of a relationship with a woman that has kids, I am not the one for you. But, that being said, I have a great deal to offer!
Things that I require from a man:
Chemistry! I believe that chemistry is what holds a couple together. Yes, of course love too, but if you don't have that to fall back on during the hard times, what else can pull you back?
Chivalry! It's not dead and I love it!
Respect for me, my kids and yourself
Confidence..not cockiness
Surprises..yep, I love 'em
Honesty. Enough said there
What I am willing to give in a committed relationship:
My whole self..more details later

Date a woman from Glendale, United States. What to say about me hmmm... First off I'm a woman that loves her kids & likes family time. Family is very important to me. I also am into health & fitness. I love to workout & do outdoor activities such as hiking. I am easy going & just like to be open to anything. You only live once.

Meet someone special from Arizona, United States. Well my closest friends would say im a dependable, strong caring person that no matter the situation im in i always keep my head up with a smile.
Ive been a single mom for a few years not much of a social life. but im hoping to meet someone that can make me laugh and that i can hang out with..

Date a soulmate from Arizona, United States. About me: I'm originally from the Midwest and moved to Phoenix to be closer to my family. I love my job: I work at a business school, which is a very diverse, global environment. That's good for me because I've always been fascinated with other cultures. I love to travel, even got the chance to sail across the Pacific a few years ago. I love yoga and have been teaching it for the past ten years. I intend to keep practicing for the rest of my life. It's great stress-relief, keeps me fit, and helps with my other hobbies like surfing and wake boarding.
Who I'm looking for: someone with lots of positive energy who enjoys doing cool stuff. Kayaking in Moab, camping in Yosemite, surfing in Maui, I don't care about status or money, but I do want someone with aspirations and the ability to make things happen.
Turn-ons: nature-lovers, artists, entrepreneurs, pet owners, travelers, seekers
Turn-offs: addicts, hot-heads, cheaters, super conservatives, way out of my age range

Meet a woman from Arizona, United States. I am a kind hearted person who loves her family and friends very much. My kids are the most important people in my life. I am easy to talk to and get along with. I am not interested in men who have huge egos and are jealous. So if you have pictures with your shirts off posing in front of the mirror or at a gym, please pass me by because you're wasting my time. I am looking for a nice, honest, caring, and loving man who will be good to me and both of my children. I am very independent. I have a full time job in Accounting that I love going to every morning. I have a lot of friends and I spend time with them when I can. I am very strong minded and not a game player at all. Once a man lies to me, I will check out of the relationship immetiately and never look back. I will not date a man who does not support their children financially or emotionally. If you bash your ex to me, I will not be interested as I am an ex and there are always two sides to every story. I am looking to share my life with someone. I am not looking to remarry. I do not want anymore children. I will not date anyone who does not have children.

Date someone special from United States. im fun and outgoing. i like playing softball on spare time. i would like to meet a fun and out going person. i like to watch movies, kareoke, and play pool. im looking to meet friends. i have two beutiful boys that i love. im in school to become a nurse.

Meet a soulmate from United States. I am a witty, spontaneous, and happy person that wants to explore new things! I am hoping to find a friend....possibly romance....but no expectations! I LUV to laugh and want to find someone to share those times (whatever they may be) with! Plain and simple....just moved here, looking for a friend and WHAtEVER else may may be :0)

Date a woman from United States. I'm family oriented, outgoing, chill, independent, honest caring, very affectionate(he has to b too). I'm hoping to find someone that I can connect with and see what happens.
I have been single for over a year, I have been enjoying it but it can get a lil lonely sometimes.
Mayb I'll come back and add more...

. Im a single, Christian woman & mother looking for a Christian, man to get to know as friends first & then date with the intention of LTR.
I'm a Kindergarten teacher & do community outreach part time! I LOVE my job!
I'm looking for someone who works hard, and will be a partner or team with me. Whether that's volunteering & doing community outreach or fixing a door or sink here at home.
Its hard to capture everything a person is & what they want here in a little bio....Ultimately I'm looking for companionship & someone who feels they have a purpose whether its to homeless, low income families, children, etc... I have a heart for people & want to serve God by helping others.
I'm also looking for someone who goes to church & has a personal relationship with Jesus!
On another note... I recently started running & doing 5k's. I have a goal to complete 12 races in 2012! Kinda cheesy? Well... it keeps me motivated. Anything else you'd like to know just ask! I'm open & honest & love getting to know new people!

. Hi everyone, I'm on here to meet people outside my circle of friends. At this time I'm open to making new friends and if we click seeing where it goes from there. I am a caring woman, believe in respecting others and treating people how you want to be treated. Just simple common courtesy. I am confident but yet can be a little shy at times, strong minded, independent, responsible, classy, crazy, joke around alot, outgoing, friendly, chill, laid back. Guess I'm not THAT boring. Lol Kinda have a fun side to me. I work hard and at times play harder. If this catches your curiosity let me know..

. I am a single mom, currently in school for the dental field. I am doing amazingly well having not been in school since 95'. I have a had my fair share of good and bad times in my adult life trying now to do whats best for my daughter and myself .The last few yrs. I have been a stay at home mom and wife, i lost site of myself and what i wanted out of life and a good relationship. now that i am single again I have gained focus on of who i am and what i want. I am Looking for a mann who will make me laugh,must be respectful,trustworthy,honest,strong willed and motivated. Knows how to work hard and play hard. Likes to give and receive affection. Must have patients and like children. I have always enjoyed the outdoors and watersports. I love camping, boating, hiking and most family outings. I prefer redbox over theaters. I love to cook if you enjoy an at home meal. I believe i am extremely outgoing with a lil wild streak of flare, loyal, honest, and definately trustworthy. Kind of loud at times but that just shows how enthusiastic i am about whatever i am doing. I take pride in whatever i do(if you believe inastrology i am a Total leo). theaters.