Date women from United States / Arizona / Payson, 34 year old

Date someone special from Payson, United States. I have lived in and visited many places around the globe, being a military brat and veteran. Since leaving a good paying job to become a poor student, funds are tight now. But I still have a keen interest in visiting the places I haven't been yet, and going back to Europe to romp around there again.
I love animals, and often wish I had a job where I could work in close proximity to them. I like to read. I like to watch movies. My taste in music has mellowed out with age, so nothing heavy metal or too angry. I also got all my clubbing out when I was in my early 20's. Not saying a rare night out to the clubs might not be fun, but if its something you want to do often, we're probably not a match.
I am a fledgling writer. Currently working on a blog and a sci-fi novel, and toying with other non-fiction book ideas. While it would of course be ideal to make a living solely from writing and never having to punch in or deal with an annoying boss again, not all of us are Stephen King. So I chose Registered Dietician as a career to support my writing career..No! hobby.... No! career. Yes, that's it.
It takes me a while to trust people, but I do that by getting to know you and having experiences with you.
I'm looking for a man that is trustworthy and has his act together. Hopefully he will be interested in wholesome foods, books, travel, and intelligent conversation. And just because I saw it on some one else's profile and it made sense: If you require medication to cope with life, it's not going to work between us.
Go easy on me, guys. I haven't dated in many years, and am not sure I had any real "game" before, either. Lol. So if you're into women that will just be real with you, I'm your girl.
You don't have to be a male model. Cuddly-size is good, too!
PS- I recently cut my hair short. But as you can see, I look good both ways!
PPS- I don't bother with profiles that don't have pics. Call me shallow, but I gave men the benefit of the doubt before, and got taken advantage of. No pic = no date.