Date men from United States / Arizona / Scottsdale, 40 year old - page 2

Date someone special from Scottsdale, United States. I tend to see the positive side of life rather than the negative. I am very physically fit and would like the person I am with to be very fit as well.
I enjoy being active and outside. Some of my favorite things to do are practice yoga, run, hike, cycle, snow board, wake board, paddle board, and fly. It would be great if you enjoyed some of these things too.
I work hard at those things that I invest my time and energy. This includes my profession. I would like some who is financially independent to share my life with.
I have two daughters who are the lights of my life. They are with me every other week so we are a package deal. They are a ton of fun and comprise a lot of my entertainment--they rock climb, water ski, snow ski, ride bikes, practice yoga, hike and go to ball games with me.
I am Christian and attend regularly. My faith is the keystone to the person I am and how I live my life. I would like someone who I spend my life with to have a comparable faith.

Meet a man from Scottsdale, United States. Looking for a caring, honest, genuine, attractive woman to spend some quality time, get to know, and hopefully build a beautiful relationship.
I'm looking for someone intelligent, knows what she wants, independent, fun, and athletic.
I'm a successful entrepreneur that knows how to take care of a woman. I'm loyal, honest, and giving. I want the woman in my life to share these qualities as well. I want to travel the world with her, learn from her, laugh with her, be passionate with her, but most of all love and take care of her.
A relationship is a two way street and communication is a must!

Date single man from Scottsdale, United States. I am a very openminded person that loves to laugh and have fun. I'm a big time outdoorsman that lives that lifestyle. To me the outdoors is not my hobby but it's part of who I am. I'm very loving and passionate about everything I do. I'm a sucker for beautiful eyes. I am motivated and I ask you be too. You must enjoy kids as my 2 boys are part of me and come as a package deal. Ok so that's just a small part of me so now it's up to you to find out the rest.

Meet a soulmate from Scottsdale, United States. Here goes...
I recently retired from the Army after 20 years. It would be safe to say that I keep my house in order. lol! I have a strong personality/character. I have few friends, but the friends I do have are for life. (I don't want to go around falling on swords for everyone!) :)
I like to ride my mountain bike (25 miles every morning), workout, watch sports, golf, travel, hang out with friends, bbq, and hike. I believe in the "golden rule", and chivalry. I'm not going to throw out quirky one-liners with fake intentions. I'm as honest as it gets. I cannot stand flakey, dishonest, lazy people. I believe in the old adage of work hard, play hard. I'm a full-time student with a lot of free time on my hands. (yes, even with studying) :)
I'm ready to find someone who wants to get out and explore new places and try new things. Don't be surprised if you do contact me and I have plans in the works. I don't like to sit around and be lazy.

What I'm looking for:
Mentally/financially stable
Goal Orientated
Does not mind some PDA
Likes to travel
Great sense of humor
Please, know what you want, if and when you contact me. I'm not opposed to meeting someone with children, I've raised two that were not my own.
Olny 55% of Pepole can raed tihs I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh?yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! fi yuo cna raed tihs, palce it in yuor porfiel...

Date someone special from United States. Hi ladies!
I'm originally from Montreal and fluent in English / French. I moved to AZ seven years ago to try something new and get away from the cold.
I'm self-employed and work my own hours, this means I can meet you whenever works best for you :)
I believe in chemistry and that sometimes opposites can attract strongly. You never know until you look into a person's eye and see their smile if you'll feel it.
Some things I like:
- Cats and dogs, and they like me!
- A great smile
- Loop ear-rings, pony tails, red lipstick, cute toes, its all good.
- The sound of a woman's nails typing on a keyboard.
- Swimming in the rain, cuddling to a good movie.
- If you can cook me something thats a plus. I need a nice change from Subway!
- I'm a tool guy, if its broke I will fix it.
- I'm on the quiet and mellow side.
Must not have:
- No man-hands, no cankles.
- No granny fufu-swimsuits.
- No messy hoarders, I'm clean.
I travel yearly to the Caribbean island of St-Martin to walk the beaches and visit family. I rent a Jeep and explore the island and the culture, who want to come with?
Lets grab a frozen yogurt or ice-tea to start, and see where it goes! Mini golf next?

Meet a man from United States. I'm a nice guy. Easygoing and laid back. I like to try new things and meet people. My friends describe me as sincere, thoughtful and comfortable to be around. I've never tried online dating but thought I would to meet new people. I'm looking for someone who has a good sense of humor, sweet yet kinda sassy and likes to smile and have fun.

Date single man from United States. OK, first let me say not to be fooled by my headline and think that I'm conceited in any way, because I'm just the opposite. All I'm trying to state is that after hearing all the horror stories from many women about all the other guys in AZ, I believe I have quite a bit to offer the right lady. I'm totally unlike the typical AZ player, as I think and lead with my heart, instead of something else like the majority of other guys do. I was born & raised for the first 25 years of my life in CT & NY. I was raised the old school Italian way, where you treat your woman/girl with loyalty, respect, honor, and she comes first in my life. I do know for a fact that 99.9% of the guys in AZ. are all BS'rs/con artists, & players. I know this from hiring, working with, and knowing thousands, if not millions of them. I shouldn't only bash on the guys, as I know first hand that trying to find a loyal/faithful woman on the West coast is like trying to find snow in Hell. I haven't lost hope yet though. I know she's out here somewhere! I put my girl first, and only care about her, not a hop in the sack as I'm sure you know that's soo typical. I also never have/will be into the bar/club thing, nor alcohol/drugs like millions of others you'll find out there!
A little about me: I'm humble, easy going, and down to Earth, although I'm aggressive with the things I want in life. I have a great sense of humor and I try to find things to laugh at even in the worst situations. I try to turn negative energy into something positive. I enjoy the simple things in life and I'm somewhat easy to please. I love tropical destinations, sports cars, motorcycles, great food, a good workout, going to the movies, volleyball on the beach, a drive through Sedona or a drive in a monster truck is OK as well;-) I love listening to all kinds of music from all eras but more so the 80's. I am a deep thinker, and my personality is pretty diverse and somewhat complex. I can be spontaneous at times, although I chalk that up as being exciting. Sometimes people tell me that they stereotype me for the the unintelligent gym meathead due to my looks/appearance, until they actually get to know me and then they realize that I'm quite the opposite.
OK, enough bragging about me, LOL, let's get on to the woman that I'm looking for:
The woman I'm looking for in my life is someone that doesn't play head games and puts forth 110% effort into the relationship just like I do. Someone I can trust and is loyal/faithful, I can rely on, and grow old with. She will stick by my side through the good times and the bad. She's also over her X's, and leaves them in the closet! Has a good sense of humor, along with integrity and honesty, as these are the same qualities that best describe me.
OH, and BTW, I guess this site turned me into a liar like most all the other guys on here, cuz it made me a Picses, and I'm an Aries. Unfortunately it won't let me correct it now:-(

Meet a soulmate from United States. Funny, outgoing, shy at times. I try to find the good things in any situation. I'm easy going and laughter is important. I take my career serious, but I don't let it rule my life. I'm athletic, trying to run another marathon and my first triathlon. Dogs have brought great joy to my life. Travel is a passion, whether it is a quick weekend of hiking, a week of skiing, or a long vacation, new places & experiences are the journey. Sports, movies, & friends are really fun. There is always a new experience or challenge everyday, life is what you do with everyday.
I'm looking for someone who wants fun, passion, and exploring new interests

Date someone special from Arizona, United States. Laid back. Life is too short to get worked up over the little things. Put me on the beach, give me a nice sunset, light breeze, and some waves - all is good.
I love keeping active - gym, hiking, mixed martial arts, swimming. A new adventure is always good especially with the right company. To me, it's the little things that mean the most. Don't need the material, just the substance. Much more interested in solutions, than excuses. The center of my universe is my little girl. She's five years old and amazing. Family has always been and will always be priority one. As far as outings go, I prefer live music, sporting events, good food. I'm not much for the clubs.
I'm looking for someone who is secure with themselves with a sarcastic edge. Someone who is comfortable in jeans and a t-shirt. Someone who wants to try new things and build new memories. Someone who can be silly and sexy. Someone who appreciates and respects (1) our alone time together, (2) our time spent together with friends and family, and (3) our time apart from one another. Finally, I need someone who will constantly challenge me and look for me to return the favor.

Meet a man from Arizona, United States. I have not been an active member for some time, but I'm ready to give this a go again...
I'm originally from Portland, Oregon. The moment I finished school, the U-haul was packed and I traded my windshield wipers for sunglasses. Even though Oregon still feels like home to me, the sun and the lure of the Sonoran Desert is what keeps me here. I've been fortunate enough to have spent time working in both Tucson and Phoenix. The two cities are obviously very different, but both have great things to offer if you know where to look. I currently live and work in Tucson. Location is not important to me for the right person. I'm looking to meet new friends...and who knows from there??? Friends and family would characterize me as trustworthy, intelligent, physically active, and always willing to help the ones I care about. If you think we might be a "match" drop me a note.

Date single man from Arizona, United States. I am originally from Chicago so I try and hold true to my midwest morals...I'm not very good at describing myself but I will give it a try..I am a very outgoing person, I love to try new things....Sports is a big part of my life, whether playing or following my favorite teams..I enjoy working out and any outdoor activity..I love the sun..Traveling is something that I enjoy to do very much, especially road trips..I am very spontaneous..I am very close to my family and friends and they have been my main source for entertainment as of late and a significant other in my life is definitly missing..I would describe myself as a definite giver when it comes to relationships..It makes me happy to see someone else happy and know that I can put a smile on that persons face..I am just hoping to meet someone that I can enjoy spending time with at a romantic level..It's nice to have someone to call at the end of the night and see how their day was and it's even better getting up in the morning with the anticipation of seeing that person later on in the day..Someone who is outgoing and honest. Looks are important to me without sounding shallow but whats most important is to me is that someone be kind, honest, non-judgemental and loyal. I enjoy being around someone who can be themselves, someone who doesn't have to put on an act to impress others. Someone who has a good relationship with friends and family and can hold a good conversation with a total stranger. Someone who takes care of their body. Someone who is spontanious and willing to get in the car on a Saturday morning to take a drive out of town. I am always open to new ideas.

Meet a soulmate from Arizona, United States. good looking, athletic, loyal, spontaneous, family oriented, educated, professional, social, likes to travel. Looking for a best friend, someone who I'm compatible with, a partner in crime, so to speak.