Date men from United States / Arizona / Yuma, 40 year old

Date single man from Yuma, United States. im looking for a beautiful sexy woman that loves kids and would treat me really good and someone that can love and accept me and my son and someone that likes to go for nice long walks on the beach and that likes to go out to dinner and a movie

Meet someone special from Yuma, United States. Not hard to please. Just as long as im laughing and not having to put up with alot of drama. Willing to try new Nothing. I want to meet a person that is. Independent and not self absorbed. I just want to find someone to have a good time withlfr

Date a soulmate from Yuma, United States. First off, I freely admit that I am grammatical nightmare. If you're searching for a well thought out "Match" masterpiece, this isn't the profile. Plus, I'm not going to be able weave some magical words that make me look better. As you can see I'm already pretty hot. What? I'm not? Oh, well. I'm kind of smart then.
I actually am tall, so if you don't like the tall fellas I'm pretty sure I'm not your guy. That's unless of course you're having a lot of problems with getting stuff from the top shelf of your cabinets; in which case you may just hit the jackpot with me. I should note that I don't really dance all that well unless under the influence, in which case both of my left feet have surprising rhythm. Tall guys that can't dance are a bit embarrassing and visually noticable. I will go, but if you're looking for your Dancing with the Stars partner you may want to get liquored up a bit before you witness the moves. A helmet wouldn't hurt either. Oh, and I probably will need to have had a few myself.
I've been known to be nice. Yeah I know you're not supposed to be nice if you're a guy, but screw it, I am. I was in the Navy for four years so I do swear like a sailor every now and then (more now than then) so I guess that means I'm not nice nice (whatever that means). Also, it doesn't mean I'll be dropping the F bombs every 15 seconds when I'm out so don't worry too much. This whole paragraph is a disaster, but I need filler.
I have a son that is the most fantastic boy to ever walk the Earth. He's rotten, spoiled and destined to be tall like me. I completely adore him. When I have him, I hover. Yes, I'm a hoverer when it comes to him. He'll grow to be weirded out by me I'm sure, but for right now, he's too young to notice his pop is in his business non-stop. I've never been a hoverer with anyone or anything in my life, until him.
I suppose that's it for now. I'm falling about 2400 or so characters short of the maximum amount of words I could type, but I blew the minimum out of the water. Not bad if I do say so myself.

Meet a man from Yuma, United States. I'm a genuine guy who is heading into the end of a 20 year military career. I enjoy using my free time to enjoy outdoor hobbies. I'm looking for a woman who is adventurous, willing to try something different and who generally has an open mind. Eventually I would like to have a committed relationship, but I don't feel the need to rush things. I appreciate friendships as well.

Date single man from United States. I like outdoor activities but sometimes just stay in. I enjoy taking day-long trips around Arizona. I like camping, hiking, and fishing. I once went sky diving and loved it. Sometimes I like to go to Laughlin or Vegas for the weekend. I am looking for a cute girl who is fun to be around. Someone who likes to engage in intellectual conservation on current events. I want to find a girl who likes to do outdoor activities as well as stay in and watch a movie or tv. I want a girl with no drama.

Meet someone special from United States. im looking 4 a sexy woman that likes kids and that can love me 4 me and 4 who i am and that loves sex to and someone that is sweet loving caring and gentle and that wont hurt me in anyway and someone that can treat me and my son really good etc

Date a soulmate from United States. New to the dating thing thought I would give this a try! I'm a quiet, easy going kind of guy that can get out and cut up when needed. I enjoy the outdoors, camping, hiking, and traveling. Looking to meet someone who shares my interests.

Meet a man from United States. I am a good man.I need a good built a family.I don't have friends around here.I just move here to Yuma with my mom.img would like to start fresh and have someone to spend some time.I don't know the area so that is a good excuse for someone to make friends with me.I am a very active helpful and with a lot of want to do . I only want to find ths lucky one. are I ready?.

Date single man from Arizona, United States. Beginning a new journey...and, not sure where it will lead. Looking for someone who will take a walk with me...whether it be just a few short steps, or the long road ahead. I love family, friends, and good times. I have a whole lot more to offer, and expect very little in return.

Meet someone special from Arizona, United States. I'm a loyal, honest family man. I like spending time at the Colorado river camping and boating. I also love spending time with family and friends. I'm looking for a woman who has strong family values, enjoys the outdoors. Looking for a woman who enjoys dressing up to go out to a nice romantic dinner and great conversation and next day dress down and enjoy a nice motorcycle ride to the back woods of Julian.

Date a soulmate from Arizona, United States. Hello...I have been divorced for a couple of years and have 2 boys 16 and 11. I am interested in finding a partner that wants to live life to the utmost fullest. I enjoy just about everything and am always willing to try a new thing as long as it brings good times and awesome laughs...feel free to send an email if you wanna get to know me...

Meet a man from Arizona, United States. Willing to be always positive and willing to listen to your ideas and friendly always. I love the outdoors like beaches and vacations anywhere new and old. love to listen to music and dance. I am a great person that loves life and enjoy family around. Have a nice personality that makes lots of friends once they get to know me. I am looking for the woman that can laugh and enjoy life.