Date men from United States / Arizona / Scottsdale, 31 year old - page 2

Date a soulmate from United States. I am a Math guy and not an English guy so please forgive me; I am NOT good at writing. (Who I'm Looking For: someone who is good at writing) Anyway, about me: I am confident and driven but also easy going and fun. I don't take myself too seriously. I like to joke around and spend time with friends. I really appreciate a good laugh, joke, or smile, but I also know when to be, and can be ;), serious. Education is important to me and I love learning and doing new things, such as taking a random class like Arabic or learning to fly.
Things that I enjoy the most are traveling, site seeing and trying new foods. Some of my favorite places that I have been to are Germany and Australia and I really hope I can go back. Trying to go to Oktoberfest this year!
A long time ago I served in the military and I love and support anything that has to do with our military, especially the Marine Corps.
Who I'm Looking For: I am looking for anybody and everybody; I am happy to just meet new people. If along the way I meet someone that is driven but also adventurous, fun, etc., someone with similar interests, and someone that likes to laugh I would be very happy!
If you want to know anything more just ask. Happy hunting right?!

Meet a man from United States. 31 years old, funny, outgoing, extroverted, loyal, family-oriented, motivated, physician, persian....words that define me... Enjoy hanging out with good friends/family and considerate people. Really into sports and medicine/science stuff as dorky as it seems. Always positive and in search of having fun. Smile people think I'm fun to be around...but it's really just gas ( I just moved out here to scottsdale from the east coast as I work as a doctor at the children's hospital and have had a hard time finding a woman with similar morals and values as myself and think this is probably the best way to meet a girl with similar traits. If you have a strong head on your shoulders and can laugh at yourself...I would love to hear from you...

Date single man from United States. I was born in L.A. and moved out to AZ in 95. I currently work as an in house FA at a local financial institution. My favorite hobby is pushing weight as I love the high I get, plus it helps keep me feeling tip-top! My other hobbies include football, baseball, soccer (EPL/ Serie A), wine tasting, and traveling (experiencing other cultures). I am looking for someone who has a sense of fashion, enjoys the occasional nightlife, and can take on my dry sarcastic sense of humor...
And if you haven't guessed it already, i'm Italian :)
Other hobbies/ interests include the financial industry, I enjoy keeping up with the economy. Gambeling is also a way I like to escape (dont try giving me the help line- I dont have a prob:) and LOVE going to Vegas! Lately i've been taking some wine tasting classes and familiarizing myself with all the varieties around the world.
I want a women who is confident and sexy, but not too over the top. I want to get that sensation each time I see her ;) I would love to spend time with her being lazy inside (cooking and watching movies), fine wine and dined on the weekends (with occasionional clubbing), and being spontaneous as far as vacations. So...

Meet someone special from United States. I love pretty much anything that will get me out of the house.
I love watching sports, but like playing sports even better.
I try to play golf once a week.
Most Friday nights you will find me on a sand volleyball court.
I love to travel, and fortunately, my current job is a great balance of travel and being home!
I will do almost anything for a smile.
Similar interests? Let's grab a drink, meet for coffee, or go for dinner

Date a soulmate from Scottsdale, United States. Random... When I was 4 I wanted to be a Billy Goat when I grew up (a goal I never quite achieved); I am almost always in a good mood, and if I’m not… just give me about 3 seconds; I love the way cut grass smells but I hate cutting the grass; I like to eat leftovers cold; I shop when I’m bored; I am the worst speller in the history of the English language; I can’t stand it when people touch my belly button (so strange I know); I will eat anything that comes out of the ocean; I play with my hair when I am thinking really hard (my coworkers love to pick on me for this); I love energy drinks… I think it could be a problem; I don’t like sweets or fruit; I love veggies; I have to sleep with a fan on; I can be very competitive (bring it!); I am good a lightening the mood (there are a few people that even think i am funny); I hate negativity; I love winter and miss the snow, but I would never move back to Ohio; I love to ski; the smell and feel of cool night air makes me happy; I love to travel; i must eat raw oysters when i visit a costal city, I watch the food network often (I have a thing for Giada), I have a little 15 lb fufu dog that I love to death, I have a wonderful life and feel blessed each day.
The basics... I moved to AZ from Cincinnati about 8 years ago and I love it here! I have an awesome group of friends and a good job that I enjoy (most of the time at least). I love sports, movies, being active, going to the gym, eating out, cooking (I am pretty good at this), happy hour, lounging by the pool... I have a very wide range of interests and I am always up to trying new things.
I guess I came to match because I am looking for someone that is interested in a long term relationship. Casual dating is fun, but I am at a place in my life where I am ready to settle down with someone special. I am very thoughtful and love to surprise my significant. My ideal partner would feel the same way. I am also interested in meeting someone who has a good balance in their life. I feel that work, family, and play are all important. My ideal match would know how to make time for all three.
My match: I hate to make this longer than it already is but oh well! I have a sarcastic and slightly inappropriate sense of humor. If you take yourself really seriously or are easily offended… unfortunately, I don’t think you are going to like me too much. My type is feminine but can also “hang” with the boys.
Hope to hear from you.

Meet a man from Scottsdale, United States. I am a very driven Individual with a good sense of humor and positive outlook on life. I am originally from the pacific northwest and love the outdoors. I have an amazing family and friends and try to spend as much time as I can with them. I'm new to this online dating scene and look forward to meeting new people. My ideal date would be someone who loves to laugh, is smart, driven, loyal, and beautiful...

Date single man from Scottsdale, United States. So a little bit about me.
I'm not perfect, but I TRY. I would rather Try something and fail then to never even tried.
Ive heard that my passion is one of my best qualities. I lived at the beach most of my life and look forward to returning there in the near future. I love to travel and see life as it happens.
I'm a Chef and amature painter.
I love being able to create something from nothing..
I'm very understanding of how the world works.
I'm an old school kind of guy. Being from Virginia I was taught at a young age to respect women.
I continue the dying art of civaliry, opening doors, pulling out chairs..
I'm looking for a women who wants to become my best friend, my moon and eventually the one.
I love kids but don't have any of my own.
I've never been married and continue to grow, waiting for the one.
I hope we can find each other so that the true meaning of life will be shown...
True happiness through Love

Meet someone special from Scottsdale, United States. **lil update on current events, I did just have surgery on my shoulder (actually about a week ago) so I've got a little less get up and go than usual so I'm probably going to ask for a raincheck on all the crazy skydiving/kayaking events for later and focus on QT time now. Hopefully that works for you.**
What you should know about me - I'd like for something to develop organically and take my time in getting to know someone so I'm not in a rush to trying making something fit. I have a great job that challenges me and wears me out almost every day and I've also started my own company but I absolutely work to live and not the other way around. I smile almost 24/7 and will wear my future crows feet with pride as a marker of the great life I've had.
I'm looking for someone relatively mature in their career and financially responsible. Someone who's strong, independent, challenges me and doesn't have a problem telling me what she wants instead of always just going along with the plan. Passionate and outgoing. Most of all can click with my friends while we're out and handle herself if I walk away for a few minutes. Confidence is sexy, what can I say.
I think you can learn more about someone in the first 5 minutes of meeting them than you can in weeks of emails/texts, if this sounds like you drop a line and I'll get in touch.

Date a soulmate from Arizona, United States. I'm me, and trust me, there's only one like me. I am not saying that in an arrogant way. But I am definitely cognizant that I am what some may call a "unique individual." I speak my mind; I ask questions; I don’t follow the norm just because it’s what is expected. There is nothing wrong with being unique, an individual; who wants to be the carbon-copy of another person? I am looking for someone to have a great time with and hopefully have that last for a long time. I've made some positive changes the past few years and I think it's time to find that certain someone that I can share my days with.
I decided to re-enroll in university and currently seeking degrees in both Physics and Secondary Education. I also teach physics classes at ASU as well serve as a special liason for the U.S. Dept of Education and the White House in regards to recruiting and retention initiatives for science teachers
My free time can be limited, but I make the most out of it. I love to travel and can do so at the drop of a hat. I love trees and mountains and streams. But I also love the rugged beauty of the city. I love photography. I play music (drums and guitar mostly). I once high-fived Vanilla Ice and gave Mr. Belding a hug. I volunteer at the AZ Science Center and at PBS studios. I'm a retired skateboarder. The last thing I ate was a salad. The last thing I listened to was Toto (and NPR). I don't wax my chest nor do I have pictures of me shirtless and flexing. I care deeply for the environment and conservation thereof. I do two impressions: One is the bad guy from Crocodile Dundee II, the other is Shredder from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie. I love playing in the rain and climbing trees. Want to know more, just ask.
What am I looking for? How about honesty, someone that knows how to return a phone call instead of just texting back, understands the rigors of my current schedule, witty, smart, great smile, loves a board game or two, someone to sing bad (or good) karaoke with, someone that likes beards...I always have one, loves to travel, dress up and hit the town or go camping in the middle of nowhere for a week without the convenience of modern facilities, knows a little something about punctuation, has tattoos or likes mine, willing to move to different parts of the country or the world. Um, yeah, that is a good start haha.

Meet a man from Arizona, United States. Hi there! My name is Brian, i have been here in AZ for about 5 years. Originally from Boston and went to school in New Hampshire. I have lived in North Carolina, Virginia and California while i was in the Marines. I work for Pepsi and love my job. Beleive or not selling soda keeps me very busy and you would not beleive how competitive we are (if you drink coke this might not work). I would love to find someone who would be up for hiking, skiing (i can teach you if you havent been!), running and biking. I also like to cook, hang out by the pool, travel, watch movies and go check out new restaurants.
I work hard because i love the people i work with and I am thankful to have a steady job. I work out just as hard because i enjoy the challenge and want to live a healthy lifestyle....i also love to have fun because life is short. I am looking for the same in a woman!
I love meeting new people but since being single I have found that there are a lot of women out there who do not want a relationship and would rather be single and have fun. I don't have a problem with that but I have reached that stage where I am ready for the next stage in life. I know i will make a great husband and a great dad that is what i am ready for..(not immediately of course, dont want to sound too intense). So let's give this match thing a shot, hope to here from you...

Date single man from Arizona, United States. Although I spent most of my life in Tennessee, I consider myself an Arizonian since I was born and currently live here. I'm fairly shy and reserved, but I'm told that I'm a great guy once people get to know me. I also consider myself to be a man of my word. If I promise something and it's within my power to do it, I'll do whatever it takes to follow through. It's taken me a very long time for me to reach this point in my life and I've had to work hard to get here, but I always try to remember where I came from and what I've learned from it.

Meet someone special from Arizona, United States. "Two roads diverged in a wood, and I, I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference." - Robert Frost
I recently moved to AZ from Chicago after completing medical school. I am single and looking to meet new people and look forward to the new experiences ahead!
I am a driven career oriented person that works very hard at what I do. I love every aspect of success and it drives me to become a better person each and every day. I absolutely cherish the time I spend with my family and friends. I am always open to trying new things and picking up new hobbies. I'm an avid sports fan and follow the Chicago professional sports teams very close.
I'm hoping to find someone who is goal oriented, has a positive attitude and likes to live life to the fullest. I love meeting new people and learning about their lives. I believe everyone has a past for which they build a path to their future and I look forward to getting to know where YOUR path is heading!