Date men from United States / Arizona / Miami, 31 year old

Date a man from Arizona, United States. I like a girl that can be her self and not pretend or promise things if she never intended to live up to them. Also will allow me to be myself and accept me for who i am.... I don't wanna start anything serious for a while but I would like to see how many girls are out there that don't like drama and don't sweet the small things. A big plus for me is P.D.A love it

Meet someone special from Arizona, United States. I can get along with most people but it takes a special kind for me to want to hang out with ya. I take care of myself and expect it out of my woman. I love my family and friends. If I am going to be with someone they have to have a sense of humor. I'm looking for someone who is sweet, emotionally mature, kind, giving, caring, not a drama queen, appreciates the small things in life, and someone who doesn't do drugs. I'm looking for a relationship or something casual but I am really open to all relationship posibilites. I live in a small town and there aren't really many dating opportunities. If you model yourself after anything off of the Jersey Shore....don't stop here.
I know my tag line sounds arrogant but honestly I'm very humble and down to earth....being anything else is just of waste of my time. I'm a true geniune man so in that since that tag line has some truth. I love deeply and I live my life with a smile, I want someone who can enjoy tagging along when I go to beautiful destinations to fly fish....I guess cause that's so special to me and I want someone to share those little seemingly silly moments with me. At the same time I want a woman who'll up and drag me along as she enjoys whatever it is she is passionate about, I love to learn and to watch you do what you love.....that's special. I'm looking to find that woman who I can share that look across the crowded room with and you both know that no matter what you two are in it together. Cheesy right? I love to laugh...and I'm usually my own hilarious subject LOL! She's got to make me weak in the knees