Date women from United States / Arizona / Chandler, 42 year old - page 3

Date someone special from Chandler, United States. Been divorced a few years now. I am really hoping to find someone to share the daily stuff with. I have learned to do a lot of stuff on my own though... yardwork, climbing tall ladders to change the battery in the fire alarms (without having to call the fire dept), cleaning the garage, killing scorpions.. well you get the point. But I would much rather do these things with someone! and have someone to do things FOR! I can cook. My kids refuse to eat any of the good stuff and I hate cooking for just myself.. but I do like to try new recipes or make stuff up. Sometimes it is awesome.. sometimes ... not so much. I would love to find a grill master... I love steak but for the life of me can't grill. I have tried... and tried.. my poor children have had to learn to eat charcoal coated raw meat that started out as burgers...
The only thing I dont like about this online dating is it seems very rushed.. I am hoping to find just a normal guy who wants to just take time and get to know each other. NO games or liars or weirdos..yes, gentlemen.. guys play games too!! . If you are significantly younger and looking for a cougar... just STOP! Its Wierd!! I prefer men my own age.. If you are significantly older I appreciate the interest, but I just don't see us having a lot in common. This time around I want to find someone I want to spend time doing the mundane things in life like groc shopping as well as getting away for little day trips just the 2 of us. I want to have common interests!
I am not a huge sports fanatic but my kids and I are hoping one of these years Steve Nash and the Suns get their championship.. yes I am still hopeful! Cant be positive without being hopeful. I also enjoy watching football and Hockey. Baseball and golf are probably my least favorite, but maybe there is someone out there who can point out what I have been missing!
I spend a lot of time being "mom". My kids are with me full time, but i do have time without them on a regular basis. I try to make the most of those times!! I want someone to help me find new ways to enjoy life. I tend to think if you have kids you may relate with me more... but I am open to anyone with or without kids. :) I have 8 and 12 yr old boys. I am not looking for a new daddy for them. But, I need someone who is understanding of the time I do spend with them and can relate to them as well. I do like to keep busy. I do not do well with a great deal of down time, but quiet nights at home are good too!
I love getting out of the valley and camping out in the wilderness. I grew up camping and taking vacations across most of the west and midwest. I think just hanging out in the mountains is sooo relaxing.. But camping out at the lakes is fun too! Anything to get out of the heat right? One of these days I would love to buy some new toys.. maybe an RV of some kind? quads? I am not a huge fan of driving a trailer so if you know how to drive a trailer you will earn bonus points. :)
Overall if you are looking for a relatively normal woman(I do have my wacky moments) , who likes to enjoy life, socialize, and still manages to be responsible (maybe sometimes to a fault) then send me an email or a wink or whatever.. If you live more than 50 miles outside of phoenix with no plans to relocate please do not respond. While I appreciate hearing from people on the East coast.. or my favorite...another country!!! what do you hope to get??? Finally.. Married??? Do NOT respond. Get a divorce already.. if you are on here you really are done.. as someone who has been there.. Divorce sucks but you live through it! :) Hmmm maybe I should change my username to sarcastic but realistic! :)

Meet a soulmate from Chandler, United States. I am looking for a guy who is laid back and has a great sense of humor. If you can make me laugh AND are tall enough (6'1) that I have to look up to kiss you when I am wearing heels you are on the right track! Chemistry is important to me. I want a guy who can make my heart race! That having been said, I am not looking for a one night hook up. I am hoping to find good conversation and great chemistry with a hope that it could possibly lead to something more in the future.
I am a professional by trade but an artist at heart. I grew up in the Pacific Northwest and developed a respect for the simple things in life such as good company, good food, and hard work. I love being outside in nature and open spaces. But I also enjoy happy hour and dinner parties with friends. My favorite part of the day is early morning/sunrise before most of the rest of the world is awake. I can be found every morning out on a long walk with my dogs. I like to laugh and to make others laugh. I am admittedly addicted to trashy reality TV. I have pretty varied taste in music but my favorite is probably good old fashioned rock and roll.

Date a woman from Chandler, United States. ... ..... pleased with the person i've become, never regretting where i've been~I am perceptive and trust my instincts and decisions. I am an extrovert by nature and enjoy being around really cool people! I consider myself to be pretty independent & value me time often but loveeeee cuddle time as well;) I'm Very open, non judgmental, and honest O ;-)
Currently, I pretty much spend my free time going to the gym, cooking yummy food, drinking good wine & taking long drives listening to good music.
The first thing people notice about me is My Smile; I love to laugh =)) I'm a good listener and truly would do anything for my good friends and family.

Meet someone special from Arizona, United States. My name is Cheryl!, and I am intelligent, whimsical, outgoing and spontaneous. I can have fun kicking it with a good movie and conversation as well as a night on the town. I get along with just about everyone and most people say that I am a good conversationalist. Due to my career and lifestyle, I tend to be quite a geek when it comes to technology and being "connected". However, when it comes to going out with friends or hiking, camping, etc., I am able to disconnect.
I am at a pretty good place in my life and make a good living have grown very centered over the years and enjoy myself.
I am fairly picky about what I want in a potential partner, with confidence and straight-up honesty being the extreme priorities. Once I find someone I connect with and who connects with me, I am devoted, caring and considerate. I enjoy a strong connection and look forward to each new adventure. At this point I am definitely looking for friends first and just take it day by day and see what happens.
My two boys are grown and self-sufficient (19 and 15). Although, I am open to various possibilities, I prefer to meet someone who has no children or older children as I would like to meet someone who is free to be spontaneous and not tied down too much to parental obligations.
I am interested in meeting people who I can chill with, have fantastic adventures with and who are at a good place in life....people who feel confident, outgoing and have a good group of friends and are generally well liked...people who enjoy good food, drinks, dancing, and can stay up late with strong stamina, but also enjoy relaxing with a movie and food...people who are well-rounded, level-headed, mature-minded and not afraid to speak their mind.
I am whimsical, intelligent, and open-minded

Date a soulmate from Arizona, United States. I am looking for a casual relaship. Just loss my spouse. Maybe leading to something serious.
I love the outdoors
I love to travel
I am passionate about family
My friends describe me as dedicated, sincere.

Meet a woman from Arizona, United States. I've been told that I am quite funny, and am a blast to hang out with. I have a wicked sense of humor, and must have someone that has the same, or more than I do.. anyone who can't laugh at themeselves, or laugh at all.. well, there no friend of mine! I love to go out on the town, or just sit at home and watch movies and have a nice quite evening.. love comedy clubs, TV, movies.. I love food.. I like guys who take care of themselves, yet if we want to go for ice cream, thats okay! (my favorite).. I have one daughter that I love, and one cool dog that is the bestest ever.. I have an odd sense of humor, and I sometimes offend people.. not in a mean way.. just in a funny way, well I think its anyway. I workout 3-4 days a week, like to do 5k's and obstacle races, my goal is to do the Spartan race in February...need a training buddy!! Some of my favorite movies include True Romance, Kill Bill, Serenity, Dumb and Dumber, Bridesmaids...anything 80's..goonies.. Breakfast club....Some chick flicks...but not too chicky... Well, maybe some are kinda chicky.. I like TV a little too much, the DVR is the best thing ever invented... Anything Sci Fi, weird, funny when it comes to TV.. I love to read, again, scary, sic Fi, bloody, romance please, only in real life.. ;)
What am I looking for? He has to be funny, he has to have a job(!) someone that will sit and chat with me for hours, or we can sit in silence, and we still feel comfortable. Wants to try new and fun things, and someone who will show me fun and new things...he can't make fun of my quirky love of Buffy the Vampire Slayer... I like him to keep in shape, but not over obsessed with it.. Just someone that will treat me with love and respect..

Date someone special from United States. My ideal match begins with chemistry, honesty, and is family oriented. I grew up in the Midwest so I appreciate being treated like a lady. I love to dress up but I am comfortable in jeans and a t/shirt too! I'm a mom with two teens, my daughter is in college and my son is in high school. I love dogs and have two of my own. A golden retriever and a golden mix. Hiking is a hobby but I just need more time and water when it's over 100. I own my own home and clean my own pool:) I also enjoy relaxing and reading by my pool. Life is better when laughing and sharing with someone!

Meet a soulmate from United States. My children are truly the best thing in my life - they put everything into perspective. I love to live and laugh. Going to and watching football and hockey are some of my passions.
Grew up in ND - one of my favorite things is going back to our family lake cabin each year.
Looking for someone who is confident, knows how to laugh, who is open and not passive aggressive, can roll with what life has to offer and for the most part, has drama free life - though realize we all have our hiccups.

Date a woman from United States. I'm a confident, smart, optimistic woman who knows herself. I enjoy concerts, movies, exploring new restaurants, cooking, and just hanging out at home with a good book or DVD. My music tastes - The Stones to Mozart (not fond of rap or country,) TV – Discovery & PBS to Big Bang Theory to Rules of Engagement. I enjoy the outdoors, like to swim in the summer, and hike in the winter.
I'm searching for someone who's kind and respects others, has a sense of humor, shares a few of my interests and traits, doesn't take life too seriously.... at least most of the time. If you'd like to know more about who I am, send me an email. Looking forward to hearing from you.

. I'm unintentionally single and meeting guys in bars just isn't for me this time around so here goes...I really appreciate quiet, simple surroundings where I can just be myself.As for my take on life, I love being organized and getting things done however I thrive under pressure.
My roots are really important to me. I love my family and I hope you'll get to love them too!Other things I'm interested in... I really love to just put my feet up for a couple of hours and catch up with all the gossip in my fave magazines. Pure indulgence!I guess I have a pretty busy life. I
like it that way. But wow, it would be amazing to have a bit more time to totally chill out and unwind. And even better to have someone to share it with.
Romance to me would have to be the little things
that make the everyday into the best day.I suppose I like a bit of a no frills date. The kind where it's all about fun and smiles and feeling completely comfortable in each other's company, both knowing that this is the start of something really amazing.For me, love is about having someone to pick you up when you're down and know just how to put a smile on your face. That kind of intimacy is really important to me.If love was a place it would be a picnic in the woods,
natural, relaxing and perfectly memorable.I love the idea of finding someone really special to spend my life with for companionship and support through all life's ups and downs.
Deep down, I'm a realist. I work pretty hard and I want to be able to have a good quality of life.Something I'm particularly good at? That would probably have to be caring for others. Time costs nothing so giving a little of it up to help out other people just makes me feel good about myself.

. I will have to work on adding more to this section. Initially I am looking for a man that is mature (not old) honest, not afraid to say what he things, but not mean or rude. Someone who likes adventure, trying new things and appreciates that spirit in others. A person with minimal baggage and a job that allows some flexibility for travel. If you like good food and wine, even better.

. I am a fun loving, laid back single mom that loves to laugh, joke and have a good time. I love being out with friends but I also enjoy my down time, at home relaxing doing not much of anything. I am looking for someone that is on the same page as me, interested in finding something permanent ..not casual.