Date men from United States / Alaska / Wasilla, 38 year old

Date single man from Alaska, United States. I'm a simple guy, Im into all things outdoors, hunting fishing, camping, hiking. I also like to take time in the garden, go to movies and go out to dinner. I am a talker. I have two daughters, they are my everything. I have a career, I am self sufficient, and not needy.
I'm a sensitive guy, I do enjoy romantic walks, I cuddle, and I know the value of flowers "just because you were on my mind". I enjoy spending time with family and friends. I like to read books and have intelligent conversation, although I can be a goof ball at times. I just want to enjoy life, you only get one, why not surround yourself with the one that makes you happy and enjoy the gift before the ride is done.
What I'm looking for is a simple woman, one who isn't needy. My job requires travel. You should be self sufficient as well, with a career. You should just be fun loving and adventurous. That's it.

Meet a man from Alaska, United States. lemme see..who am I, what day is it? Widowed, Single-Father, Easy Going, Open Minded, Sarcastic humor...the list could go on and on but why bother? Why not ask me a question and find out for yourself?
I've been a single parent for awhile now. I don't mind being alone but from what I remember, its nice to have someone to spend time with doing whatever. I like to take my time, smell the roses, etc..although, I hate being late. I have a sarcastic sense of humor that has gotten me into trouble several times. :) I like to think of myself as a neat freak, but its just not true, a chaotic organizer, maybe. Hey, my desk is a mess, but I know where everything is!
My ideal match? Not sure. Preferably someone, that's comfortable with themselves, can handle off the wall, sometimes crude, humor, can laugh at themselves(I do it just about everyday) and has their stuff together. :)
Other than that, send me an email and let's see what kinda trouble we can get into...

Date someone special from Alaska, United States. I have a very kind and generous heart. I tend to wear it on my sleeve. I own an automotive shop and it requires a lot of my time. I like to relax when I am off or work on my house. I dont drink or hang out in bars. I prefer to spend my time more productively. I love to be outside during the summer. You will usually find me on the river or camping during the summer. I love to fish and catching is optional. I like to hunt although I havent had the time to go for years now. Next year there will be time!! I have a 7 year old daughter who unfortunately lives in Washington so I dont get to see her much. I work very hard to make sure she is taken care of and when I go visit we have the best time!!! I am a very honest and caring person. Some say I have too much compassion for others. It makes me happy to make others happy. I am looking for someone who is beyond the party stage. I am too old and too mature for that anymore. I prefer to have a few friends over for a BBQ and a few drinks. I myself do not drink tho. Im looking for someone who is stable and is secure with who they are. BRUTAL HONESTY is a must! Great sense of humor...maybe a little dirty.. and please have your own car!

Meet a soulmate from Alaska, United States. I would like to meet someone who likes to take care of themselves and are independent, multi-faceted and capable. I like quick witted, dry sarcasm and the ability to be serious without having to BE serious. Like most people, I like having fun and like
things to be exciting. I like riding motorcycles and being outside in the summer hiking, canoeing and camping. I spend a lot of time working on my other hobbies in the winter. Just have fun, keep things light and enjoying the day.

Date single man from United States. Hey so i,am trying it again the sun is out and i want a partner to have fun with ride bikes ,hike ,fish,and all that fun stuff ,i got out of a 20 year relationship,my kids are growen ,my spelling sucks lol,i am a kind man with a big heart my soul is old my body is young i do have seizures there controled so not offten.I own my own bussiness and work 7 months on 5 off .i love to fish and make smoked salmon and jerky for winter .

Meet a man from United States. Must like the outdoors and be very adventurous. Willing to try new things, also appreciate the simple things in life. Most important is honesty and sincarity in all aspects of life. Must be easy going.

Date someone special from United States. i enjoy camping with friends, i love snowmobiling with my buddies, taking my son to hockey, fishing and hunting. i also enjoy the things you get from town, like going out to watch a good movie or having dinner at a nice place or just go get a coffee and chatting. family is very important to me. i have three awesome kids that really keep me busy but i do find time to do things. i really just enjoy spending time with people. i'm not looking to get married just hang out and have fun enjoy each others company.

Meet a soulmate from United States. Well where to begin? I'm definently the outdoors type. I'll take a trip to hills or the ocean over a bar. Not the bar type. I moved here a couple of years ago from Wy. The best decision I ever made. Ak is an amazing place. Now that I have become more stable here I would like to find someone to share my Ak experiences with. Like I said before, I don't like bars. Especially trying to find someone. Never works out. So here I am at the mercy of technology.
I am looking for someone who shares the same passion for the outdoors as I do. I haven't done a lot of world touring but am willing to try with right person. My job allows me to do a lot of traveling.
I'm not gonna go on and on in my profile. If you're interested, email me and ask me a few questions. Gotta start somewhere.

Date single man from Wasilla, United States. i have just moved to Alaska from western kentucky. I am hoping to meet someone to go out with and to show me around. I am not big on going to bars or clubs but am willing go anywhere. I am not wanting to rush into anything serious but would like to date someone exclusively. I am a one woman man.

Meet a man from Wasilla, United States. Life plan is finally working out. Got the Education, got the Job, Got the Life experience, now just looking for the House, Wife and Kids. Of course its taken forever, and didn't go the way I expected but that's life.

Date someone special from Wasilla, United States. I'm looking for friendship, someone to go out with and have a good time. Maybe do some traveling, and see some new places. See where it goes from there :)
I love the outdoors and pretty much anything that takes place outdoors. I especially love Alaska. I've been all over the State, and this is definitely a beautiful place to live!
I grew up in the Midwest, but after being stationed up here in the military, I had to come back!

Meet a soulmate from Wasilla, United States. Is it me or is it a little odd to write about yourself!?!? Anyone out there looking for a normal, non-manipulative, easy going, humorous guy that has his act together? Yes, I'm real ;) I have a healthy sense of adventure and enjoy traveling and discovering new things. I've been fortunate enough to see a lot of North America, Mexico, and the Caribbean.. would love to give my passport a good work out and tackle Europe, Australia/NZ, and Japan over the next few years. Of course it's equally fun finding new things right in your back yard, be it a new restaurant or maybe a new vista with amazing sunsets. I generally believe life is too short to get hung up a bunch of negativity. I'm perfectly content to set out on the road and just see where it takes me, sometimes the best moments are the ones where you just wing it. I also value having goals and working hard to achieve them. My friends find that I'm their go to guy for just about anything. I'm always there for the people that matter in my life... good times and bad times alike. All and all I'm a pretty easy going drama-free sort of guy that is pretty happy with where most things are at in my life. Now if I could only find someone that takes my breath away......