Date men from United States / Alaska / Wasilla, 48 year old

Date someone special from Alaska, United States. Who am I looking for? The same perfect life partner that everyone else is looking for. Do we know who that is I think not. We have ideas of what we are looking for, If that person meets our likes, dislikes of the person that we would like to be with. So this is where I am at with a partner. I know you are out there somewhere I would like to find you so we may move together in the same direction as partner and not keep parraleling each other in our lives. I would like to find that girl (women) that is secure in herself that can me comfortable on the four wheeler pushing snow if i am not home. That will smile at me when i am cooking supper and I ask can if i pour you a glass of wine. The partner that will help outside in the yard during the summer on projects and still be that women of desire because she knows she is beautiful inside and out. I will be the guy that reminds her she is still hot. Alaska we live here for many reason and mind is to fish and hunt explore. Are you that girl (women) that likes fising in the salt, doing a raft trip for a few days at a time just to go somewhere that others don't?
About me; I lean more to the (A) tipical personality I can lead or follow if we have a good direction to go. I am farely tough skined on most thing but I have a tender, romantic side as well. That part sort of scares me sometimes by not wanting to let my guard down. I am pretty healthy by far for my age group and plan to stay that way for awhile. I am pretty active in many thing phisically from boating, snow maching, hiking or just about anything else. If you would like to know more about me hit me a note and say hi we can go from there at the very least we can talk to someone that we did not know yesterday.
Have a great day.

Meet a man from Alaska, United States. Knowing that this is yet another avenue to meet new friends or that special someone, and all my friends are either married or moved away, it is hard to meet new people. A friend told me about this so I thought I would give it a try. It would be best to desribe myself as someone who loves new adventures. I'm originally from the state of Washington. I miss the hot weather and warm summer nights there. Friends would describe me as a fun, down-to-earth, caring individual who is comfortable with myself inside and out. I say what I feel and think which is sometimes a good thing and sometimes a bad thing. I have a great sense of humor and can laugh at myself when the need arises. I enjoy everything that the outdoors has to offer, from fishing, traveling, hiking, hunting, scuba diving, skiing, riding my snowmachine,four-wheeler or motorcycle. I do enjoy those special moments with friends and family, whether it be a backyard barbecue or going out for a night on the town. Spontaneity and new adventures help bring a little spice to everyday life. I THINK THAT NO DISTANCE IS TO GREAT TO TRAVEL TO MEET THE RIGHT PERSON, I might even relocate.
About my match? Well, that special someone would be a partner who enjoys those things as well as someone who is comfortable sharing the things that interest her. I love learning new things, and look for a partner who can be my very best friend, lover, and confidant. You must like the tropics and having fun day or night. HONESTY and VALUES are very important to me. I want somebody that can be laughing one moment and passionate the next. I would want someone that is physically fit and could keep up with me and takes pride in their appearance because that is what physically attracts us to each other. Ideally I see myself in a long term relationship, hopefully leading to more. I am open to just getting to know one another first and having fun. After that we can see where that takes us from there. Ladies, Alaska is not that far away, just a jet ride!!! I'm amazed at how people would let distance stop them from meeting some one that could make their life so much more enjoyable. Some times you just have to be willing to take a chance because you just never know until you try. It's better to try and fail then not try and always wonder "What if". TAKE A CHANCE!!!!

Date single man from Alaska, United States. Looking for a woman that don't go back look but that what is in that person heart and just give it a try .S o if that is you hit me up and lets see where it takes us.I'm not that hard to please i'm just a normal person looking for that right woman.

Meet a soulmate from Alaska, United States. Recently separated so right now I'm just looking for friendship. If everything feel right, well, we can take it from there.
I'm a hard worker have a good sense of humor and I always fight for what's right. I like to work out and enjoy outdoor activities.
At this point in my life I do not want any drama just good friendship. I am not here to play the endless chat room game. if you want to get to know me, lets talk. I can give you my phone number.
Please be strong and independant and realize that I work two jobs and one is an on call responder. That means I may have to "roll" at anytime night or day.
Do not judge me by a few pics. I am much more than that. I hope you are also.

Date someone special from Wasilla, United States. Average man that lives a humble life. Looking for some that is laid back, but likes to have fun. One that isn't afraid to take a risk and is willing to take a chance with things in life. Life is short, and it is even shorter at our age

Meet a man from Wasilla, United States. All about adventure and enjoying the great outdoors, you won’t find me standing still in one place for very long. There’s too much to do, see, explore, discover and experience to watch life unfold on TV or in a book! Not one into the bar scene, I prefer to spend my time more constructively, but you’ll find I’m a gentleman with “old school” values – something you don’t see a lot of anymore. You can expect me to get the door and your coat for you, as well as pulling out your chair. I’ll confess too, that I believe a man should help out with the housework without having to be asked repeatedly. Respectful, faithful, and supportive, I’m not a clingy person and look for those same qualities in the woman special in my life. If this sounds interesting to you, send me an e-mail and we’ll take it from there. Who knows? We both may be about to meet the best friend we can’t see ourselves without! I hope to hear from you soon!

Date single man from Wasilla, United States. I think the best way to describe me is someone who wants to be inspired in life. I find it in everything, and everyone.
I am not considered tall, yet my feet still touch the ground. I am a good man. Not great or extroidinary, but I have been lucky to find great people in my life.
I am simple, yet I can see thru the complexities in others. And I would rather not explain myself, it is just too simple.
I would like to find someone who I can grow with.

Meet a soulmate from Wasilla, United States. Looking for that special someone who enjoys me as much as i enjoy them and likes to do the same or doing things the other likes to do. born and raised in Alaska have live both Hawaii and California also have 3 kids one full grown. Love the outdoor can not get enough of it. Like to spend time alone in the woods for days at a time whether hiking around or spending it on 4 wheeler,
been married 2 times already so I think I got this thing figured out on what my partner wants and what i want in a realtionship but most of all what we would both want from each other in a relationship. Looking for that soulmate that everyone else is looking for, I know your out there and i have been seacrching for you all this time.

Date someone special from United States. I like to travel and explore what the world has to offer. I am quite content entering a burning building as a firefighter and even more so crawling into a wrecked vehicle to establish patient care as a medic. I like endurance sports, mountian biking, triathlons, marathons but can groove on the same in a noncompetitive laid back way. I like to let the world float by me as I relax in my kayak. I am looking for someone that isnt afraid of a little dirt and sweat, someone that doesnt mind a hike up the mountian just to see what is on the other side, someone who is equally at home in a pretty dress or hiking boots. Seeking friendship first that can blossom into a relationship in time, I believe that nurture and nature can make for a strong relationship. It is important to me that there is open communication,trust and honesty with no hidden agendas or head games. If you want a mind reader; aint me. I am a multi faceted person who can appreciate the multitudes of lifes pleasures from many different angles and perspectives, willing to share what I know and always encouraging others to succeed. I am continuing to achieve my lifes goals, striving to learn more (going for my Masters degree in another field) and dedicated to the positive things in life with the belief that all things are possible.

Meet a man from United States. I'm a fairly simple guy. It's the simple things in life that matter: a gentle kiss, a walk by the beach... a beautiful sunset. I'm not out to impress someone. I just like to think that there's more to life than money, fame or worldly possessions. And what is life without a good friend and a companion to share these moments with?
I'm looking for a really good friend. Someone who can grow with me. To grow in love, in faith, in loyalty.
I would really like someone who makes me laugh, who makes me take notice of those that need help... I'm not looking for someone who is all about themselves... but someone who is a giver.
Do you fit this description? If you do, you might want to have a chance at meeting someone that's meant for you.

Date single man from United States. I'm nothing if not contradictory in nature. Love certain aspects of technology but prefer a simple lifestyle free of gadgets. Would never live in a city but love things the city offers- cultural events, performing arts, variety of dining options.....
I try to eat healthy, read labels, grow a garden, but also love sweet stuff and chocolate and the occasional greasy french fry.
I probably fit in with less than 1% of the population given my outlook on life, politics, religion, and society in general. I question everything, am eternally curious, love to learn, and think in practical, logical fashion. Needless to say, salespeople don't care much for my type.
I'm soft hearted, not exactly romantic, but very affectionate. I will do anything for the people close to me. I hate being the center of attention, but am great at behind the scenes support.
I am drawn to people who are physically, emotionally and mentally healthy, and intelligent, which is often very different than 'educated'.
I like to discuss ideas, not what was on tv last night or the latest gossip. I have zero interest in things like fashion or pop culture.
Not sure what else to put here, describing my unconventional self is difficult.

Meet a soulmate from United States. I work a 2and2 rotation in the oil field it would be nice to get back in town and havesome one to enjoy doing outdoor and indoor things with like dinner etc.I"m also a petowner with a 6month old golden so you can see why I'm more out doors so IF interested drop me a line and see where it leads