Date women from United States / Alaska / Anchorage, 65 year old - page 2

Date a soulmate from Alaska, United States. Dates are an adventure, New Friendships are sweet. Buddies are helpful, Romances are Romantic….
Presently Iive in Seattle part time and in Anchorage, ALaska mainly in the warm season. After working 25 years at two jobs and becoming a successful business person………вÐ
 â€šÐ’¦now I Want to enjoy life with a partner who likes to hike, bike, and travel the world . I especially love exploring Europe and Australia in a river boat, on a bicycle or with hiking groups... Being a Gemini I love groups of fun happy interesting people. My favorite activity is hiking and if there is snow it would be cross country skiing.
I am a strong and independent woman , who is semiretired, has home in Seattle as well as Anchorage and now am spending more of the winter in a warmer climate like Arizona, Texas , or California. . I am fond of men who laugh a lot, have a sense of humor and are secure in their own self worth. A real man who can share his feelings , his thoughts and compromise. Really admire patient people as I am working on that. I do not want your money just your love.
Bliss would be a love who is sincere and honest. A guy who loves to cuddle, hug, kiss and who is HAPPY and maybe even charismatic. I want a man I can respect and adore and who feels the same way about me. A man who can afford to travel and has the time to devote to lots of free time playing. A man who likes to dine with wine and dance. Perhaps cruises with snorkeling, like in Hawaii or Belize. A bit of an extrovert is a bonus. Your life is a gift and I hope I can share it.
My perfect mate would have kids and grandkids as I do not…but I do have a fabulous niece who lives in Australia with their new baby girl and I visit them…..I want a guy who is willing to share his kids , grandkids, and family as I miss that in my life.
Some of my favorite quotes are
The Poet HAFIZ “We all exist in Life’s classroom learning lessons”.. “ We are living the manifestation of our thoughts. "
My favorite is Ralph Waldo Emerson…..” Dare to live the life you have dreamed for yourself. Go forward and Make your dreams come True” I have a canoe too.

Meet a woman from Alaska, United States. I am looking looking for a honest, sincere, loyal friend first of all. Friendship is very important. Someone who likes to chat and have coffee or dinner to get to know each other. I love to laugh and have a great time even doing nothing.Love to ride with a special someone on a motorcycle. I mainly am looking for a fun time right now or meet to have coffee and conversation. If you email, and I am interested, I will send a pic to you. But I wont post one. Sorry but not really into sports, but baseball is my fav., however, I'd rather being doing other things. Have to say tho, I think face hair like beards etc. is very sexy.

Date someone special from Alaska, United States. Single, attractive BBW seeks mutually satisfying relationship built on friendship and trust. Intellectual stimulation is as important as physical. Looks aren't at all important but integrity is a must!!!!

Meet a soulmate from United States. I am approaching t his with an open mind. Perhaps knowing a bit more about a man than the laws of physical attraction would be a nice change. Mutual respect, comon interests and willinness to be open to change attracts me. I am interested in men who are not afraid of thier feminie side. Open, honest, realistic dreamers who will go after what they who can laugh at themselves not taking themselves so serious. Men who can enjoy succes without flaunting it.
Chance meetings are just that. Doing the same thing over and over nets the same results. I am assuming you want to avoid drama and total chance for a

Date a woman from United States. I'm at a good time in my life.. I have a very satisfying job....Have a comfy home that makes me smile when I get there..My friends say I have a good sense of humour...I enjoy Alaska...and want to find a friend and share things with..I really like being with a positive person...Who will say take my hand and lets go enjoy this life together....