Date women from United States / Alaska / Anchorage, 38 year old - page 2


Meet a soulmate from Anchorage, United States. family man who loves kids, fishing, camping and alaska life. loyal, sincere, trusting, taller than me. Educated. Love family. no drugs. Happy with staying home if need to. Ready to accept my children 18, 11, 3, 1. Likes to watch kids football games and practice. Would do anything and anytime of the night for yor Mom or Dad.

Date a woman from Anchorage, United States. My friends think of me as one of the Friendiest person. Its easy for me to introduce myself in a new setting.I am easy going fun-loving athletic and considerate person. I see the Beauty of God's Creations and embrace it and feel Blessed to be able to see, feel hear and touch al he has made, like running in the rain, snow covered trees and foliages, what a delight! Am hoping to meet someone who can is Godfearing, Ambitious, has a AWESOME sense of Hunor, considerate, respectful, confident not conceited, loves to RUN (marathons charity runs/walks) .

Meet someone special from Alaska, United States. One of the first things you'll notice about me is that I'm outgoing. I can't help it, I just find people interesting! I love to laugh, and it's my most frequent reaction to almost any situation. I can be really social, but I also love to slow it down and recharge one-on-one.
I'm almost always up for trying new things, from new foods or restaurants, to new sports and activities. You think it's fun? Then I probably will too. I have my favorites, but I like people who get me to branch out and explore new things.
I've lived in a few countries and traveled to many more, and I'm always looking forward to the next great adventure. I'd love to share the adventures with someone special.
It can be hard to meet people when you're always on the go. I'm attracted to men who are confident, intelligent and active. Does that sound like you?

Date a soulmate from Alaska, United States. I'm a 37-year-old girl next door, born and raised in Anchorage, Alaska. I enjoy the outdoors, especially camping, hiking, fishing, and hunting...but I equally enjoy time at home with family & friends. I am a fantastic cook, avid reader, and animal lover. I like getting to know new people even though I have a tendency to be shy until you get to know me. I'm looking for someone who is honest, respectful, and not scared of communication! I want a man that is interested in building a friendship on a solid foundation to see where things will go. If you're looking for the same type of things and you're not afraid of a total relationship, send me a message.

Meet a woman from Alaska, United States. I'm looking for new horizon.
Research and discussion based on it are the most interesting discussion to have around the dinner table, don't easily believe just because other said so, but if it's based on facts or at least theory--it's more dependable--not merely about particular subject but any interesting subject.

Date someone special from United States. There's gonna have to be a way around the email, I'm not paying for this function. Magic is going to have to happen. Think about this...if you looked into a certain kind of ball you would see my's a _____ ball. There's a word much like giggly that allows you to find people on the internet. If you found my first name in your magic ball it would be in between a "Magical Wonderland" that would find me.If you gots mad skills you can solve the puzzle and we will be connected. I am not the average bear. You will love me right off or you won't get me at all. I have been through enough to know not to settle for less than I deserve. I'm witty in an offhanded way, I've opened Pandoras box and survived, when I look in the mirror I know that my self respect and esteem is hard won and I won't give it up for anyone. I need a strong man who can handle a neat freak artist type. I've raked myself over the coals of the bar scene and there is nothing in it for me. If you drink more than very little very occasionally, click yourself off my page. I smoked for fifteen years and I can no longer tolerate smokers. My two children are incredible and they come before everything else. Everything I do is with them in mind. I will never give up on my dreams and for that reason, I will eventually get there...and in the process I will teach my children to never quit doing what you know you are meant to do. If you do what you love, the rest will follow. I've made poor choices in the past. I'm glad it's behind me...slipping away into oblivion as I rebuild and build and build a better life for me and everyone who touches my life. My soulmate knows how to treat a lady, in every room of the house. He is kind, generous, drug free, intelligent, talented, caring, funny, thoughtful, and understands that relationships involve work to stay alive. I will know him at first sight by the energy we feel. I am ready for a mature relationship that is mutually beneficial and supportive. I am so sick of drama. I come with some baggage, but I'm worth it. I love dogs, but I don't really love living with them. Yes, I hope that if we get into a relationship we will eventually live together and share the nuances of life, but right now I'm very comfortable in my own space. I'm looking to expand my horizon on what's possible in a match...I'm trying to be more open-minded about my idiosynchrosies. I want my breath taken away every time we are together. I want to be in the middle of your intense adoration and know that I'm the first thing you think of when you wake up and the last thing you think of before you go to sleep. I am a vegan, but I'm starting to realize I might be alone forever if I am expecting to find a vegan mate...I definitely am not interested in the avid hunter...though I do love the outdoors, I prefer photographing the pretty critters. I'm uber sensitive to energy and empathic. I also do healing work. I'm really not sure what I'm looking for...charm, humor, wit and good looks is gonna be a good start. What do you want to know?

Meet a soulmate from United States. Funny, I spend a lot of time with me, but when asked to describe myself I am somewhat stumped. I called a close friend and got a bunch of synonyms for the word joyful. There are not many days when I leave the house without a smile.....even on my way to work, kid, coffee and bulging bag of graded papers in tow. My life is busy. My family, friends and work keep me motivated and centered. I don't think that I always make lemonade out of the lemons life gives me (I might lob a few back) but I don't dwell on past mistakes, missed opportunities, or poor timing.
I have recently learned to appreciate the true Alaskan wilderness and have for the past few years worked and lived (summers only) in a remote part of Alaska. The community I found there has become my second family. I am hoping that at some point I can share this uniquely Alaskan “town” with someone special.
In addition to having Extra Tuffs and a chain saw, that certain someone should possess a great sense of humor and have the ability to make me want to be a better person. I want to learn from and be inspired by my partner.

Date a woman from United States. i am just looking for a friend to start with then if all goes well move into something more, fun, chatting etc. i like to go for walks, hiking, dirt biking. i work alot so fun time is limited. I don't have nor do I want kids, I like to travel

. I work hard and play hard. I have been happily single for 5 years. I am looking for someone to share some of my spare time with. I want someone honest and who is truthful to themselves and others. I am looking for someone who is confident and enjoys life. Someone with a good sense of humor, but at the same times knows how to be serious. I enjoy the company of my friends and family. I love what I do for a living. At times I enjoy the quiet down time at home, but I spend most of my days enjoying the hustle and bustle of long busy days.

. Very sweet, caring, and generous. Will do or say just about anything to put a smile on someones face. A mother who adores her son and makes that number one priority in her life. Enjoy many things including snow machining, dirt bikes, camping, sports, and many many more.

. I am looking for someone to play with. Be it mountain biking, skiing, snowboarding, hiking, camping, kayaking, ... maybe some light sparring?
I like to laugh and that is the single most important quality I look for in a mate. Too much BS in this world. Humour is our best defense!