Date women from United States / Arkansas / Dierks, 34 year old

Date a soulmate from Arkansas, United States. im 5'2" weight 180 curvy body big busted drink socially very recent divorce have one child daughter she's 10 have joint custody her dad gets her 3 days then me 3 days I've been married twice. never been single going to try and enjoy it although i am more of the wife type. i am a nurse lpn currently working on my rn. i work in a nursing home and love my job. the elderly have a special place in my heart. i haven't explored alot of hobbies or interest so im sure if i like alot of things. i enjoy being outside love working on the yard. can't fish well but i love to go but to be honest i do more reading than fishing but there is something to be said about being on the water in the sunshine. i don't do clubs or bars much never been my thing. go nuts over the ocean. enjoy travel. im a patriots and red sox fan. im a computer geek. im getting a tattoo and im going to a casino. no piercing except ears. im very much in tune with my sexuality. I've been through alot had alot of hurt and im a survivor. i just want to have a good time now. enjoy life its way to short. so if your interested in taking me out and being a gentle man. talk to me. please don't email me unless you respect yourself and women.
Well I got the tattoo i wanted for mothers day .... It say: For these three things endure.... And the first charm is a faith konji then my daughters foot print.... Next is a love konji then my sons foot print with a halo because he passed away at two months old.... And the last is a hope konji..... Perfect mothers day gift to myself. I Corinthians 13:13 For these three things endure Faith, Love , and Hope but the greatest of these is Love...... I am a very blessed women. Thank you god.