Date women from United States / Arkansas / Hindsville, 34 year old

Date a woman from United States. As we all know, it is hard to accurately describe oneself on these things.... BUT I will try!!
My best friends would say (and do say) I have a big heart, big smile and big eyes.
What accomplishments am I most proud of? Having a wonderful son first and foremost. Second, getting my MBA. It was something I always wanted and I finally made it happen.
I am hoping to find someone with a big Christian heart, someone that wants more than just a quick trip to the bedroom, a man that is educated and knows how to treat a lady. I have learned over time that I need someone that challenges me. I need someone with a positive attitude. And most of all I need someone who does not think the world should revolve around them and is willing to put as much into a relationship as he takes or more.
I am very passionate about my love for Christ! I need someone that loves Him too! It will not work if we are unequally yoked!
I am not sure right now what else to include but will add more when I can think of it.