Date women from United States / Arkansas / Little Rock, 34 year old

Date someone special from Little Rock, United States. Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn our lives around. How will you redefine the life you have to make it so much more then what it is?

Meet a woman from Little Rock, United States. I'm a laid back, straight forward person, and I don't pretend to be anyone I'm not. I'm not interested in drama and do my best to avoid it at all costs.
I enjoy getting dressed up for dinner just as much as getting dirty outside. In my free time (or lack of) I like to spend time with friends, hike, be outside, go out for drinks, or chill at home with a movie. I love to travel, and see new places. I'm a very busy person, but when there's down time, I always like to make the most of it.
Ready to meet someone special who I enjoy spending time with, makes me laugh, and brings a smile to my face.
My children are a huge part of my life and have made me the strong woman I am today.

Date a soulmate from Little Rock, United States. LIke a lot of people around my age, I have gotten tired of the club scene. I like to go downtown every now and then with my friends and have some drinks. I am very laid back, and love to try new things. My work prevents me from traveling like I would like to do more. I recently went to Las Vegas with some friends to celebrate my 30th birthday and that was a lot of fun! I love to be outdoors. When it gets warmer, I like to go hiking or just go to a park and run the trails. I enjoy working out, reading a good book, hanging out with friends, or just watching a good movie. I am always up for a new adventure. I learned a little Kung Fu a couple years back and really enjoyed that. I am looking for someone that shares some similar interests such as myself. Someone I can laugh with and share things with.

Meet someone special from United States. I'm pretty outgoing and open minded I guess. Like to be outside, the outdoorsy type, not huntingfishing girl. Love the mountains and travel. Into music.
Would be cool if he was into it.
Man, they have an effing character limit? This might be too involved. K I'm done.

Date a woman from United States. Instead of writing a long introduction about myself, I thought I would just share some words and phrases that describe me and the things I enjoy in life.
Adventure (obviously!), travel, family, God, church, books, music, friends, surprises, dancing, boxing, last minute plans, movies, caves, wine, cooking, open mind, communication, museum, craziness, writing, spontaneity, going out (but also staying in), sharing, simplicity, history, respect, flip flops and converse, down to earth, people, exploring, news, work, sense of humor about yourself, awareness and last but not least laughter and lots of it.

Meet a soulmate from United States. Ok, I'm forced to talk about myself here, which I don't mind doing, but I absolutely love learning about others.
So on with'm a very upbeat & happy person, who enjoys life & creating new experiences for myself. Definitely looking for someone who can expose me to different, exciting activities and places. In addition, traveling is big for me!! I have a good work ethic but I can play just as hard as I work. I am independent person; however, I still expect a gentlemen and believe that chilvary is not dead! Education is a plus! I love hanging out & having a good time, but I also enjoy a nice dinner & sophisticated conversations. Lastly, I have to say I enjoy a good lazy day, every now & again...great movies or tv series, cuddled up in bed or a comfy couch can be an awesome time for me too! Oh yes, and exercise...I unhappily do that would like to meet someone who is attempting or has a healthy lifestyle and willing to keep me motivated!!
On a more serious note, I've recently discovered a love for philathropy & missionary work. I've not been able to do as much as I would like to in those areas, but would enjoy someone who shares the same interests...ok, that's all..bye!!

Date someone special from Arkansas, United States. I am looking to find that one special person that can light up a bad day. Make me glad im alive. Give me a reason to get back home at the end of the day.
I like to be outside in the garage with a man. There is nothing like seeing a man adore his children if he has them. I love the idea of a family. That is something I never had as a child.
I describe a real man as somebody that will open the door, open his eyes to who I am not as to who he has been with in his past, he needs to realize that not every woman is the same, a real man will treat me as the woman he wants me to be. A real man will understand that his actions will reflect my actions.
I cook clean and take care of a home and the man as long as he is not out taking care of somebody else. I believe people get back what they put out. If you don't want kids don't bother. I have 3. And they will come first. Their opinion counts to me as well. If they don't like you I will not force you on them.
If you say something to me I expect it to be true. If you want a real woman then try being a real man.

Meet a woman from Arkansas, United States. I have never done this type of thing and if it is habitual for you, please move on now. I am independent, open minded, have a good sense of humor and rarely take life too seriously. I feel everything happens for a reason so why waste time pissing & moaning....I love sports, being in nature, good music, literature, poetry and a good buzz. I have 3 tattoos (in respectable areas), play the keyboard and am learning to play the guitar. I am a 3rd degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do and am getting into yoga to please my spirit and calm my mind.Must be spontaneous, athletic, intelligent, open minded, honest, confident, mentally stable, and have the ability to make me laugh. Complainers and anal individuals not welcome.

Date a soulmate from Arkansas, United States. Im newly divorced and am just looking for a nice person I can talk to and get to know...if something more should become of this friendship at some point, then that is a nice bonus. I am a very honest (sometimes brutally), caring and loving person. I enjoy making people laugh and love it when a man can do the same for me! Right now, all I want is someone to talk to. A Friend. I wil say this.. I am a tattoo lover and have 9 of my own. If you are a man that doesn't like a woman with tattoos, then I'm not the one for you. I want someone to accept me for who I am.

. "Drop dead gorgeous, hysterically funny and intimidatingly smart!" -- that's the way my best friends better describe me! :) Ok, obviously I have a great sense of humor. But there's more to me than that.
I am a very driven person. I know what I want and I will work hard to get it. Last year I trained for and ran a marathon. It was on my bucket list and the time felt right to do it. I'm not one to back down from a challenge. I guess that's part of the reason I went to law school and now practice as an attorney. (That's probably also why my friends describe me as smart.) I do it because I enjoy the work, but above all, I reap the personal satisfaction of helping those who are down and out. I help them turn their lives around. I average about 3 hugs a week from my clients. Opposing counsel might not know that when I'm in the courtroom, but every one of my clients know that my heart is in the right place.
I'm a country girl at heart, though I live in the big city now. I grew up on a small farm in Southeast Arkansas and I really appreciate that I had a rural raising. "Yes, ma'am. No ma'am. Please, and Thank You" go a long way with me. Actualy, I expect it. Call me old fashioned, but I believe a true gentleman opens doors, walks on the side of the sidewalk nearest the street, pulls a chair out for a lady, and stands when a woman leaves of appraoches the table. Yes, good manners are mandatory if you want to get to know me.
My family still lives in the small town where I grew up and it's always good to get home to see them, though it never seems often enough. Meeting someone who enjoys hunting, fishing, golf, running, biking or other outdoor activities would be a good match for me. It's not that I feel like we would have to do every activity together, I'm not that into hunting and fishing, but I can appreciate a man who is.
I do relish in the convenience of city living, now, though. I like being able to go for groceries in the middle of the night when I decide at the last minute to bake or to catch a movie just because the theatre is so close it seems a waste not to go there. While I am a good cook and I enjoy making dinner for someone who enjoys true Southern fare, I also really like going out to dinner. I like to have a glass of wine, or two or three. I try to be good on "school nights", but might let my hair down a little more on the weekend or for a special occasion. There's absolutely nothing wrong with playing hard if you've been working hard all week.
I am a Christian and I attend a Lutheran church. I'm looking for someone who shares my faith and would eventually want to raise a family with the same values. If you aren't looking for a long-term relationship, please be kind enough not to waste your time or mine.
I LOVE to travel, especially a warm sunny beach. I've spent a great deal of time in Mexico, but would love to get to the Mediterranian and perhaps some of the Asian islands. There is such a great big world out there waiting to be explored.
So, if you like red wine, outdoor activities, you're smart, you like to travel and you're not intimidated by a fiesty little lawyer with a friendly smile, big heart and an abundance of sharp wit, then maybe this match making could work.

. My name is Kristin and like everyone else on I love live music, outdoor activities and cooking at home while drinking red wine. And laughing. One thing that is important to me is being as Eco-friendly as possible. We all make an impact with our choices and I try to be as conscious as possible while making mine. I've heard of people taking this to the extreme and not using toilet paper- I want to make it very clear that I love toilet paper and will always use it. I'm a vegetarian but won't try to make you one, though it would be awesome if you were. I have two dogs named Denver and Rosie that I love. I'm currently training for a half marathon, so running is a big part of my life right now. I'm in grad school working on my masters in gerentology, which means old people. One thing I don't want to compromise on is finding someone that shares my basic Christian values. Two of these values are tolerance and acceptance. I go to church but I have pretty liberal views on a lot of things.
Let's talk about you for a minute. I want to find someone with interests similar to mine but that also has something new to bring to the table. Definitely laid back. I would love to find someone that can have a good time without being at the bar til 4:00 in the morning. I don't have a specific "type", I'm open to meeting all kinds of people. except for truly terrible people like serial killers.

. Sassy,fun, silly, caring,bubbly,friendly,honest,stright-forward.
not afraid to get my hands dirty,but clean pretty well...
I want a best friend, someone to laugh, and enjoy being around each other, and willing to take it slow, and get to know each other on a personal level first, rather-than sexual!!im not a prude.Im a lady in the street's/ a freak in the sheet's!!!!girl next door. I am a single mother of a teenager. no more children on my end. cool if you already have your own. :)