Date women from United States / Arkansas / Little Rock, 76 year old

Date someone special from Little Rock, United States. A kind, caring relationship where both partier care express their views and not be critiged. Would put God first in our lives. Hopefully, our separate families would accept us and each other. Nature would be resperted & appreciate, each day would be seen as gift from God. We would enjoy one another company together look forward to the fulture.

Meet a woman from Little Rock, United States. It would be nice to matter to someone who matters to me; to belong and believe in someone who honors my trust, adoring me as much as I do him; to be happy JUST because he LOVES me! My face and curvacious figure are still admired, but I constantly diet to stay that way. I enjoy wearing lovely, feminine clothes of classic style and quality. My happy childhood was blessed with abundant opportunities of excellent education and experiences that governed my life's choices. Logical, to refine things in terms of beauty and practicality, I'm somewhat inventive, artistic, curious, loving to see a need and meet it, be it a hand up or build something useful. I'm generous, unselfish, cheerful, and accomodating. Deeply interested in how people think and why, I'm a good listener and problem solver. Former experiences: executive's wife, charity benefit hostess, model, teacher, USMC officer's wife, women's club pres, community service and am a great mom. In other words, I can adapt to what most men hope to find. I control my temper, can be persuaded by logic and evidence to change my position which infers I am self-correcting as well as tolerant and forgiving -- for I am still under construction! Bedrock honest and open, I do love to tease with mischief to test if you can catch me at it. Yet, the best joke in the world is on me, that I can die laughing helplessly at being outwitted. I never got the hang of selling anything, investing wisely, spitting, whistling, mechanical/electronical things, throwing nor putting spin on the ball. I finally learned how to say "No" to freeloaders. Occasionally, when exhausted, I snore (softly). My photos were taken 2004-2005. I am devoted to God, America, marriage, family values, friendships, kissing and apple pie!The blessing of this stage in life, is not having to prove anything, anymore. We are what we are, through discipline, sacrifice, costly experience, and now it is time to mellow-out, if possible. I want a man who is ready to enjoy the affection I offer, and wants to adore me. I have no notion of what he should look like, except that I detest facial hair. His smile should make others happy. In fact, he brings happiness to a relationship. (I know that I do.) He is a man who is kind, thoughtful, well-mannered, considerate. I hope he likes me as I am and accepts me simply as me; that he considers me charmingly unique, even in my frailties, goofs and limitations. I'd like him to be confident in himself, yet humble; wise, yet foolish over me -- a man with balance of SPIRIT, MIND, and BODY, to share with me. We'd take loving care of each other in good times and, perhaps, not such good times. It'd be glorious if he'd supply a laugh, hug, and compliment often, to nourish me. The affectionate man will win me over. I presently reside in Little Rock AR, but my ex has a new flame, and I am excluded socially, so clearly I need to relocate. I have scouted for properties for building my next home, but would like to select a place near a neat man whom I hope to date with marriage in mind. In other words, I won't let distance be a problem in a relationship, if the chemistry is that compelling. I probably should explain why I am divorced and what I have learned from what I did wrong. I believe that we both need to be under the same godly Authority that disciplines us. I want a man who realizes he must continually honor and consult God to keep his perspectives true, as well as his heart warm and softened towards me. In my view, we both need our integrities honed in church, considering the other person worthy of love and desiring to love unconditionally, for ever.