Date women from United States / Arkansas / Little Rock, 68 year old

Date a soulmate from Arkansas, United States. hello i am a 68 yearold female -younger looking-- younger acting . i have a good personality -sociable respectful- love flea markets-garage sales- going out for an ice cream -- walking and talking with a decent person------------ i am a cancer survivor and would like to meet and have a companion to talk too. i do not wish for marriage. i am a down to earth person . i feel like i consider the other person .-

Meet someone special from Arkansas, United States. I am a God -loving women who comes first in my life,
then family which means alot too me ,want to meet that man of God who puts GOD first then family too have a loving and blessed home to share what life we have left on earth with each other do the things we enjoy doing with each other i love to give and receive love from my soulmate....too feel loved and secure in his love that he go to church and worship our "Lord and Savior Jesus Christ" together.
age doesn't really matter for its what is in the heart
that counts ,so if you are out their lets not waste anymore time of love and happiness.

Date a woman from Arkansas, United States. Here I am! I'm ready for the rest of my life! Just out of a 40 year marriage that was good some of the time but bad most of the time. I am seeking intimacy, tenderness, closeness, a partnership, someone to share the rest of my life with. I am fun-loving, optimistic, a little old-fashioned according to my grown children. I am told that I am very attractive and sometimes I am told I am beautiful and youthful appearing. Looks in my potential partner don't mean that much to me but cleanliness is next to Godliness in my opinion and you must be a sharp dresser. I take care of myself and I expect my partner to do the same. The things that means the most to me are that my partner be honest, caring, polite, sensual...still interested in a sexual relationship, a gentleman; one who likes to do the same things I enjoy. I'm not a sports fan but I will watch sports with you! Physical, verbal and emotional abuse are deal breakers. I will not tolerate any of that! I enjoy travel but am just as happy being at home. I enjoy my own company but would enjoy yours more! I am not clingy or needy...I like my own space and time just as I am sure you like yours! I don't have a current photo but will post one soon.

Meet a soulmate from Little Rock, United States. i am a reluctant looker. Divorced for 30 years and a consumate workaholic with around 70 hours a week in an executive position in health care, i do feel another person may not take first place in my life. Just thinking about it.
I am kind, compassionate, believe that anger is a reaction not an emotion; i love the universe unconditionally and live this to the fullest.
My life is my work and is almost 100% centered around the people there. i have a wholly dysfunctional family and try to balance their needs with my life outside of their lives.

Date someone special from Little Rock, United States. People describe me as a warm giving person with a quick smile. I consider myself a people person who loves to spend time with family and friends. My children are a very important part of my life and I am grateful to be near enough to spend good quality time with them. However, there is a void in my life and this void needs to be filled by a special guy. I want someone who is warm, affectionate and most of all honest. I truly appreciate a gentleman who opens a door for me, is not afraid to show his feelings, will hold my hand in public, initiate and take charge of a date. Developing a friendship first would tend to lead to a better relationship. A fun date would be what we wanted to do together. I would be satisified having dinner in, watching a good movie or listening to music cuddled up on the sofa watching a warm fire glowing in the fireplace,. I also enjoy the feeling of being held close as we dance, I like going to the theatre, going to a play, or to a musical. I guess you could call me easy to please as long as I have someone special beside me.
I enjoy traveling and hope someday to go on a romantic trip to Italy or a Mediterranean Cruise with someone special. Cruising is one of the things I really enjoy and particularly going out the balcony first thing in the morning with my coffee and watching the waves go by. I find this one of the most relaxing things I can do, puts the mind at ease making you feel there are no worries in the world.
I like to cook and I like it when someone wants to cook for me.
I recently retired as Vice President of a company I had been with over 20 years. The job I presently have is kind of an extension of my last job except on a much much smaller scale . I am a consultant for a company which only requires me to work 3 or 4 days a month so that leaves me plenty of time to spend with someone special.
I truly want to meet someone who wants to build a relationship with me, someone to share my hopes and dreams. Life is too short to not have someone special to share those things with.

Meet a woman from Little Rock, United States. Well educated partner who will enjoy life, has caracter, sense of humor. My hand should fit in his hand as we are walking, has some of the same interest, loves nature, the out doors, is relaxed and positive.

Date a soulmate from United States. I am somewhat shy, but passionate about so many things,honest and sincere and devoted to someone who shares my values and convictions the responsibilities of a household and is responsible for himself. I would love to be loving and passionate and sharing with that special
someone for the time we have left on this earth.