Date women from United States / Arkansas / Benton, 52 year old

Date someone special from Benton, United States. I grew up in the Canadian Rockies and learned to love everything about the outdoors. If I wasnРІР‚в„ўt careening down a mountain slope, I was climbing up it. I spent summers on the lake canoeing, sailing, skiing and lifeguarding. You just canРІР‚в„ўt take the good outdoors out of someone.
However, I have had to put my favorite pastimes on hold for too many years and now I am excited about rediscovering them again. I am looking out for someone to do them with. I try most things put before me and would like to learn some of your passions in life. My son wanted to white water kayak and so I learned to roll a couple of years ago to support him. Now that heРІР‚в„ўs turned pro, I think he can do it without me LOL. I have the greatest kids ever and for years, I was blessed to be apart of all their activities. Now that they are off to college, I have to make my own fun again. For many years, I followed them around the country for their soccer games, but now that I have the time, I am enjoying watching football games again, biking along the river, and working in my yard more. I try to lap swim most days to keep my mind thinking I am still on that high school swim team. I just like to have fun. A warning to some; I have been known to be too cheerful.
Most of all I want someone who wants to love and be loved, who is content with who they are and who they are with, who trusts that they are loved unconditionally and can accept that truth and respect it. I want someone that I think of constantly while we are away and canРІР‚в„ўt wait to come through the door for a hug and kiss. I know that man is still out there. It is just a matter of time.

Meet a soulmate from Benton, United States. I'm honest, genuine, big hearted and looking for someone to share with. I love conversation, social get togethers, dining out, and someone with a sense of humor. I prefer someone with ambition and a zest for life and someone who can make the most of it. Happy, laid back times make me smile.

Date a woman from Benton, United States. I am impressed by a gentleman who treats women as with respect. My friends would say I am Sweet. My grandchildren make me smile. I am grateful for my family and friends. I love to watch football it is my passion.

Meet someone special from Arkansas, United States. I am not sure I am really looking for anything in particular. I am moreso hoping "it" will find me. I have a great sense of humor, I am myself, outspoken, but kind to a fault. I hate BS...I adore realness and the honesty that it affords. We all deserve that, right? My closest friend would decribe me as a lot of fun, funny and a true friend who keeps secrets to the grave. The goodness in people, as well as their imperfections make me smile. My greatest accomplishment are my awesome children. My latest accomplishment has been obtaining my graduate degree at 51 years old! Woo-Hoo! I am grateful for wonderful friends, family, my two awesome children, my 2 dogs and just to be alive and happy at this point in my life! It feels good. I am hoping that I mirror a healthy positive outlook in turn attracting someone with the same outlook. I like "different" if you are a little out of the box, that is cool with me. Just no sociopaths please! And I mean that! My social life right now is work....I just moved, so I have little time to go out, but am hoping that will change in the near future. Over confident people make me laugh out loud, as well as a good If I had to define a "good" relationship, it would include not taking life too seriously, honesty, respect, courtesy, common interests and no BS...I do not have time for some "player crap"...I am too damn old and set in my ways. Life is short and I really love it so I want to live happily! I am most passionate about treating others well and hopefully making a difference in others lives....I also believe in keeping our environment clean (no trashing our rivers and streams) and I am passionate about humane treatment to animals....and NO I am not a vegetarian. Don't mind if you are.....
Anyway, that is not all about me, but it is a start. If u want to know more just ask.

Date a soulmate from Arkansas, United States. my days are full of lots of love for kids . one thing we live by never say can,t you can do anything of you try hard they are great i hope to meet someone who love great kids and loves to have lots of fun

Meet a woman from Arkansas, United States. Altho I am somewhat quite, reliable and poised, I can be fun, energetic and open minded. I enjoy new adventures, meeting people and get togethers. I love Spring, and Summer. Family is important to me and I love being a mother. My perfect match would be someone with similar interests, someone who respects others, intelligent , and a well rounded individual. I love a good sense of humor and my perfect date would be perfect, of course!