Date women from United States / Arkansas / Benton, 36 year old

Date a woman from United States. Hello!
I am here to check out the scene. I either don't get out enough, or I don't get out to the right places at the right times. It seems so hard to find single people my age! Are all the "good ones" taken?
I am a pretty laid-back girl. A little shy, a little aloof! But, not once you get to know me. I am a people watcher and like to try to figure folks out before I let them get to know me. That might be another downfall!
Above all I am looking for that good guy that all us girls say we are looking for. Above all - someone kind-hearted. And, of course, many many other things. :)

Meet someone special from United States. to be honest I am really just bored and decided to look around on!LOL!
well since it is making e complete this, I guess I could say that the number 1 in my life are god and my kids!!!!Work is in there somewhere!LOL!

Date a soulmate from United States. I'm a really laid-back person. I'm always looking for an adventure and absolutely love to explore the world. I'm a dreamer with a foot still in reality. I do just about anything that I set my mind to. I'm a highly creative person through many mediums and always am trying to see the beauty in the world. The person who wants to be with me, will let me be me; as I am an Aquarius (free-spirit). The person that does that, will have my heart. I like my space and I don't mind giving someone theirs. In otherwords, I'm NOT a clingy girl.
I am looking for an emotionally stable, highly intelligent, good-looking, loyal, nice guy. I'm really tired of jerks. So, if you're someone who plays games, keep moving. I don't have time for all that. I want to become friends with someone and then see where it leads to. The person who catches my interest will like to talk about deep subjects sometimes. I'm a thinker. The way to get anywhere with me, is to stimulate my brain (mind).
I LOVE music and this IS something that I seek to have some common ground on. I don't like mainstream, for the most part. My favorite bands include: Dinosaur Jr., Sigur Ros, PJ Harvey, Nirvana, They Promised Us Jetpacks, Afghan Whigs, The Twilight Singers, The Counting Crows, The Cure, Depeche Mode..... starting to get the picture here?
If you are looking for a highly intelligent, confident woman who is laid-back and loves to travel...and you think you fit who I'm looking for, hit me up.You just may be able to find my face if you look for Amy to the Sherman to the Carter.

Meet a woman from Benton, United States. im independent, and has a strong sense of what i want. regardless if he has children or not, we would share what each others positives are and the negetives would always show. being able to talk to someone when you work sometimes over forty hours a week is really hard to do. once this person comes into my life, it wouldnt be hard for him to feel comfortable with me at all.

Date someone special from Benton, United States. The best relationships start as friendships. I'm looking for someone that I can have serious conversations with as well as express my care free, and silly side. I enjoy trying new things and traveling. My closest friends descibe me as a quiet, shy person, that you have to take the time to get to know, and once you do, you will not have any regrets!