Date women from United States / Arkansas / Mountainburg, 52 year old

Date a soulmate from Arkansas, United States. I am a 5'2", full-figured, sexy and independent woman. I am looking for a great friend and relationship...(no smokers please) who I can laugh with, enjoy life and do many things with. I prefer to find someone who is a romantic and sensuous man. Loving to laugh is a prerequisite. If you are looking only for something beneath the sheets, just keep on looking. I am wanting to add something special to the right man's life and desire the same. I will make you laugh, make you feel special, and spoil you as much as I can. I have a passion for communication and knowledge and want a man who can express himself, ask questions, explore and suck in the breath of life often. I am a very passionate, sensitive and kind woman. I never take people for granted, for God has given us each day to live, learn and love.