Date women from United States / Arkansas / Bauxite, 52 year old

Date a woman from United States. I am a fun-loving single mom who lives to give my children a good life. I like nothing better than to laugh---the kind of laughing that affects your whole body. I am very hard working and active. I just need to start making some sort of time for myself. I am a good-hearted woman with a giving soul. I want someone like me that can make me laugh and enjoys laughing with me. I love my kids more than life itself and have found that to be true with all kids, not just mine. There is nothing more rewarding than the love of a child. I want a man who loves children as unconditionally as they love him. I am financially stable, and I am not looking, nor do I need someone to take care of me or my kids, as I have done this very well on my own for a little more than 16 years now. I am a 49 year old woman looking for a man 40 to 55 who has a kind and giving soul, and is capable of giving the love and respect that I would give him. I need someone who has a good enough heart that he could never have enough people around him that love and care about him. I am not in to any type of abuse, nor do I dish any out. Physically, I am not going to win any outboard motors, but you don't have to back up to look at me! LOL :) I am not a "miss bod beautiful" but I do OK. I just don't take time for myself, and have not been looking until now. I don't want to grow old by myself. My kids will be grown and gone soon. I am more interested in what he looks like on the inside than the outside, but I don't want to have to back up to look at him either. LOL :)