Date women from United States / Arkansas / Gosnell, 52 year old

Date a soulmate from Arkansas, United States. I'd like to meet someone who has a zest for life, that's mostly upbeat and happy, and see's the glass half full instead of half empty. Drama free, please?? :-) I'm hoping to meet a man that is independent, outgoing, funloving, good kisser, romantic, and have a good sense of humor. Is that too much to ask for? Can I have fries with that?? he he he he
A relationship that has total honesty, trust, mutual respect, and faithfulness is a must! There's no time that a lie is better than the truth no matter how painful it might be. Honesty is very important in any relationship. I love to laugh and make people laugh. :-) My friends tell me I missed my calling as a comedian!! I have two sons that are the light of my life. Their grown now and and doing their own thing, so time for "Mom" to enjoy her life. Family is also a very important part of who I am. I have very loving and supportive family members. If I have learned one thing in my lifetime, it would be that no one is perfect. I strive to be the best person that I can be, and treat others like I want to be treated. I firmly believe if one does that the rest will fall into place. If you make a mistake it's not horrible, as long as you learn from it and don't let it happen again, right?:-) I am definately a hopeless romantic, so when I'm totally attracted to someone I can't help but be affectionate and very flirty with them. Beauty is only skin deep, but it's very important for the chemistry and physical attraction to be there.